I'd love to have cons give me their definition of conservative

Answer what? It doesn't matter... you left-wingers run with your Huffiness Post narratives; it doesn't matter what anyone says.... your small minds are closed. Wy should I waste time? I'd rather just ridicule you morons.
That is a really lame excuse for not knowing or being too embarrassed to answer a simple question about what the meaning of your ideology is. The normal response should be to proudly explain it, not hide from it.

I don't hide from it pal.... all I am saying is that most liberals are very close minded people.. it doesn't matter what you say, they have their preconceived notions and they will never be swayed. Why waste time on them?

What have you been swayed on lately, Mr. Swayzee Conservative?

Give us a list.

That would be a better question to ask the left. Who has given in more in the past 50 years? Anyone with two eyes can see we are more liberal than ever.

What has the left EVER swayed on? What have they EVER compromised on?

I think that conservatives "went along to get along" with the left. I suppose the reason we are getting more "hard core" is because we see that all these "advances" the left wanted did nothing to improve our lot.

We have had our experiment. We can see that the programs pushed by the left like welfare, Johnson's "Great Society", the marginalization of the family unit, etc., have done nothing to improve our society. To the contrary they have diminished us.

And the topping on the cake is that these "advances", while making us worse off, has brought us to the brink of insolvency.

You know what the nice thing is? When our country finally goes broke, every one of us will be a conservative again. Whether we want to be or not.


Conservatives 'go along' because they lose the battles and don't have much choice.

After awhile, what was once a far left liberal position becomes so mainstream and broadly accepted that even conservatives forget how much their political forerunners fought against it.

To some extent I agree. Doesn't change my question though. You asked what conservatives "swayed" on. I say a bunch. I ask again, what has the left swayed on?

What is it to be conservative? What is it that cons conserve?
There is social conservatism, and there is fiscal conservatism.
That's like saying the Titanic could float just fine after hitting the iceberg, because there were only holes on the right side of the hull, but the left side was still intact.

Conservatism is the belief (and practice) of government having nothing to do with most of people's lives, only protecting their rights but otherwise staying out of the way.

You can't be conservative in some things and big-govt in others. That simply means you are a big-govt liberal.

So you can't be conservative if you believe we can't spend enough on the big government of the military?
I believe in a strong national defense. I just don't believe we should also be paying for the defense of other countries while they rip into us for not having the social programs they do.

Libertarians, with a capital L, believe our military should not be much bigger than the size of a cub scout troop. I depart from them on this.
Another thing which distinguishes a conservative from a batshit crazy lunatic who has hijacked conservatism: A conservatism doesn't blame Mexicans, or blacks, or Muslims, or gays for their problems.

If you are a loser, it isn't the fault of the Mexicans. Those 9 million jobs that were lost have NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

And your three divorces which have destroyed the institution of marriage are not the gays' fault.

Logic and reality tell a different story.

We had full employment in 2006, with just as many illegals here as now, if not more.

Then there was a big crash in 2008. 9 million jobs were lost. Maybe you heard about it. It was in all the papers.

NOTHING to do with Mexicans.

Bullshit. We are bleeding jobs, and will continue to do so. Automation and mechanization and exporting our jobs overseas is leaving to few jobs for too many people.

Bringing "slaves" in to cut wages on the remaining jobs leaves Americans on the outside looking in. Any rational person should be able to understand economics.

At least, they are giving answers. So far not a single conservative, including you, has even attempted to answer the question. So. is that because conservatives don't know the answer or because they are embarrassed by the answer?

Answer what? It doesn't matter... you left-wingers run with your Huffiness Post narratives; it doesn't matter what anyone says.... your small minds are closed. Wy should I waste time? I'd rather just ridicule you morons.
That is a really lame excuse for not knowing or being too embarrassed to answer a simple question about what the meaning of your ideology is. The normal response should be to proudly explain it, not hide from it.

I don't hide from it pal.... all I am saying is that most liberals are very close minded people.. it doesn't matter what you say, they have their preconceived notions and they will never be swayed. Why waste time on them?

What have you been swayed on lately, Mr. Swayzee Conservative?

Give us a list.

That would be a better question to ask the left. Who has given in more in the past 50 years? Anyone with two eyes can see we are more liberal than ever.

What has the left EVER swayed on? What have they EVER compromised on?

I think that conservatives "went along to get along" with the left. I suppose the reason we are getting more "hard core" is because we see that all these "advances" the left wanted did nothing to improve our lot.

We have had our experiment. We can see that the programs pushed by the left like welfare, Johnson's "Great Society", the marginalization of the family unit, etc., have done nothing to improve our society. To the contrary they have diminished us.

And the topping on the cake is that these "advances", while making us worse off, has brought us to the brink of insolvency.

You know what the sad thing is? When our country finally goes broke, every one of us will be a conservative again. Whether we want to be or not.


Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Liberals "seek to unite"? Lol. Good one. Liberals realize they cannot win if people get along. Its why they constantly pit black against white, rich against poor, men against women, etc.
They don't have to pit those, they already are, by nature. Getting beyond that is the hard thing, that you couldn't care less about.

Wong yet again. Nature doesn't hold a candle to a leftist that needs a vote.
I will let wong know, and playing games to get votes isn't new or partisan.

Thanks for agreeing with me. The liberals do not seek to unite.

Not what I said now is it, Marky...
Actually...you did. It why I bolded it.

Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions. And these people show absolutely no compassion for anyone other than themselves.

It's not about Small/Less Government. Too many so-called 'Conservatives' are focusing too much on forcing their own moral beliefs on others. And they're using Government to do it. But the People don't want that. I don't consider myself a Conservative anymore.
Answer what? It doesn't matter... you left-wingers run with your Huffiness Post narratives; it doesn't matter what anyone says.... your small minds are closed. Wy should I waste time? I'd rather just ridicule you morons.
That is a really lame excuse for not knowing or being too embarrassed to answer a simple question about what the meaning of your ideology is. The normal response should be to proudly explain it, not hide from it.

I don't hide from it pal.... all I am saying is that most liberals are very close minded people.. it doesn't matter what you say, they have their preconceived notions and they will never be swayed. Why waste time on them?

What have you been swayed on lately, Mr. Swayzee Conservative?

Give us a list.

That would be a better question to ask the left. Who has given in more in the past 50 years? Anyone with two eyes can see we are more liberal than ever.

What has the left EVER swayed on? What have they EVER compromised on?

I think that conservatives "went along to get along" with the left. I suppose the reason we are getting more "hard core" is because we see that all these "advances" the left wanted did nothing to improve our lot.

We have had our experiment. We can see that the programs pushed by the left like welfare, Johnson's "Great Society", the marginalization of the family unit, etc., have done nothing to improve our society. To the contrary they have diminished us.

And the topping on the cake is that these "advances", while making us worse off, has brought us to the brink of insolvency.

You know what the sad thing is? When our country finally goes broke, every one of us will be a conservative again. Whether we want to be or not.


Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.

No, the political will won't solve a monetary problem so large as to be unmanageable. Our unfunded future liabilities are project to be anywhere from 70 trillion to 200 trillion dollars.

Simply put, there is no free lunch. Never was.

In other words, you couldn't form your own thoughts. You must be a liberal.
I certainly can define CON$ervatism, but you would probably reject it out of hand.

CON$ervatism is a HATE religion, nothing else.
Are you happy now?

"Conservatives thrive on a world filled with mysterious evil and unfathomable hatreds, where good is always on the defensive and time is a precious commodity in the cosmic race against corruption and decline."
- Corey Robin 'The Reactionary Mind'

The stupid runs deep in this one.
"All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through luxury of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

So? Who cares what he thinks? He's been dead for 130+ years.

Who you gonna quote next, Yoda?

No, John Kenneth Galbraith:

The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Read more at John Kenneth Galbraith Quotes at BrainyQuote.com

That isn't conservatism at all.... FAIL.

Oh, and here's another great liberal mind:

Watching both the health care and climate/energy debates in Congress, it is hard not to draw the following conclusion: There is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today. One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. - Thomas Friedman.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions. It's not about Small/Less Government. Too many so-called 'Conservatives' are focusing too much on forcing their own moral beliefs on others. And they're using Government to do it. But the People don't want that. I don't consider myself a Conservative anymore.

Everyone forces their moral beliefs on everyone else. A law against murder is nothing more than a "moral belief". Every law we have is a social construct based upon the morals of the community.

The only reason that a person would want to "force" their moral beliefs unto others is the belief that their moral code is beneficial to society as a whole.

There is nothing wrong with that. We do it everyday.(Psst, and you do it as well)

I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Unfortunately, that is what a lot of them, not all, do. They go to Mother Jones or Huffington Post, read the latest rant against conservatism and then regurgitate it as original thought and then proceed to scream from the rooftops how enlightened they are... it's quite pathetic.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives', routinely use Government to force your idea of morals on others. That isn't 'Small/Less Government.' And you guys do seem to only care about yourselves. That's why i can't call myself a Conservative anymore.
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I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions. It's not about Small/Less Government. Too many so-called 'Conservatives' are focusing too much on forcing their own moral beliefs on others. And they're using Government to do it. But the People don't want that. I don't consider myself a Conservative anymore.

Everyone forces their moral beliefs on everyone else. A law against murder is nothing more than a "moral belief". Every law we have is a social construct based upon the morals of the community.

The only reason that a person would want to "force" their moral beliefs unto others is the belief that their moral code is beneficial to society as a whole.

There is nothing wrong with that. We do it everyday.(Psst, and you do it as well)


Yeah but Conservatives seem to do it much more aggressively. They have no problem with Big Government intervention in Citizens' personal lives. So they're not about 'Small/Less Government.' That only seems to be a matter of convenience for them.
Well, social security and medicare and even universal health insurance do make us better off. We lack the political will to require politicians to solve the deficits, but they are not unsolvable. If you ask who isn't compromising to enable us to keep programs that benefit us, I don't think you'd like the honest answer.
Government's job isn't to give us things that benefit us.

It's to keep other people from interfering while we work to give ourselves things that benefit us.
Nonsense. Govt has every responsibility to step in and allow society to meet some need that private markets cannot. Universal care is the poster child. Back in the 50s and 60s and even 70s, health insurance was common job benefit. With globalization, employers find it difficult to keep offering it. I don't like the way obamacare did it, but the fact is the way it was originally set up, it did basically do so without more deficit spending.

Jefferson and Madison both helped establish tax supported higher education. Try finding education as an enumerated govt function in the 1776 Virginia constitution.
conservative ..

Be afraid, crap yer drawers ...
This is probably the thing which pisses me off the most about what has happened to the conservative movement. It has gone from a movement of intelligent solutions and optimism to a bowel movement in the pants.

Conservatives are totally fear-driven these days, and the propaganda outlets of the Gnu Right exploit their fears to the max.
I think 'Conservatism' is about people forcing 'morals' on others based on their own personal religious beliefs and convictions.
Why do you describe that as "thinking"? When all you are doing is quoting liberal talking points?

Most of you calling yourselves 'Conservatives', routinely use Government to force your idea of morals on others. And that isn't 'Small/Less Government.' And you guys do seem to only care about yourselves. That's why i can't call myself a Conservative anymore.

Lol. You do realize that whoever "wins" is forcing their morals on others? If gay marriage is made legal, it is forced upon the rest of us.


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