I wonder why whites feel under attack?

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Gold Member
Oct 24, 2016
They allow it to happen. Someone should lead a demonstration into what "whitelash" is all about.
There should be a "Conversation on Race" in this country.

I am not talking about the one which the Blacks demand constantly---the ones where the White Boys are supposed to "Shut-up & Listen to our Grievances."

I mean a real conversation...one that omits the obligatory howl of RACISM the first time, and every time, a White Boy from somewhere besides New York and New England dares to open his mouth.

The first topic for me would be:

Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?

Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!
Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!

Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?
Here's the deal in a nut shell.....Hillary was a fucked up candidate, a lot of people didn't vote.. some people knew about Trump., but the majority of the public did not. He won. However, the people that supported Trump, 39% mostly small town meth heads or where big paying jobs have left town, all are on some type of gov. asst and we all know white people want to work, so they voted for Dumb Donald. Donald feeling the loyalty and love, sucks up to these people weekly with his Klan rallies, because he's too mired in narcissistic behavior to see 70% of the country hate his ass!! But because white people love the president, all 39%.......they feel empowered.

The white lash if any is aimed at these fools!!

Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?

They already have long ago. They let white working men do it.
There was a joke running around the work place (everyone was white) "what are all these white people doing here?" By both liberals and conservatives alike. It was a running joke. I just found out that this plant is being closed. That joke isn't funny anymore. We are all disposable.
There was a joke running around the work place (everyone was white) "what are all these white people doing here?" By both liberals and conservatives alike. It was a running joke. I just found out that this plant is being closed. That joke isn't funny anymore. We are all disposable.
After 5 or so years on this board, I have to say that never have I encountered such a whiny group of snowflakes as white conservatives. Everything is SO UNFAIR.

You won the White House, the Congress and the Senate and you're still pissed off because your no one respects your President. Like any of you respected Obama.

Trump is your perfect President because he whines more than anybody else. He lost the popular vote. Boo fucking hoo. W never whined about losing the popular vote. He didn't call for a commission to look into voter fraud.

Trump is such a delicate snowflake he has staff prepare a file of positive news stories about him to put him in a better mood. Poor dear. Negative press upsets him so. Staff does this in the hope they won't be the one he turns on or fires this week.

White guys have it so tough. Despite white privilege, legacy college admissions, the "old boys" network, and being everyone's first pick for the highest paying jobs, life is so unfair. So they march chanting "Jews will not replace us". How very odd. Are there enough Jews to replace all the white men in America? Why are they worried about Jews replacing them?

White guys are so butt hurt that they spend time scouring the obscure corners of the internet to find all those headlines in the OP. I've never seen anything like them in the MSM so they had to look into obscure websites to come up with all that shit. Imagine wanting to wallow in self pity enough to go looking for things to be offended about.

Of course that's what Trump does so I guess he's leading by example. Trump gets outraged because the MSM does its job. He looks for things to get pissed off about.

You poor downtrodden white guys. What would happen to you if you had real problems to deal with?
Yanno................I'm white, 53 yrs. old, and have never felt under attack for being white. If anything else, I was kinda grateful that I am, because I don't have near as much hassles as my Mexican and African American friends.

My cousin is married to a Mexican, and I have seen him get hassled for no reason other than he was Mexican.

I also remember back in '82 when I was in Meridian MS for Navy A school to learn my rate. I had an African American friend who was also my room mate, and on one weekend, we would go to a rock and roll bar that I'd found, and on the other weekends, we would go to a disco or rap club.

Well, one Friday, we were headed out to a place called "Potts' Place" in Meridian MS, because they were going to have a good band that weekend. Both LA (his nickname) and I were wearing our Navy uniforms because we were still new recruits. Well, they allowed me to walk in, but then they placed an axe handle in front of LA and told him that no "n*****s" were allowed in the bar. I asked the dude why, because both of us were wearing military uniforms and defending his freedom. He said nope, no "n****s" allowed and that if I wanted in, I had to leave him at the door.

We ended up at a rap club that night. Less racism among the African Americans. At least they accepted military people, no matter what color.
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Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.
Are Black men ever going to learn how to help raise their own children?


Statements like these is why people are hostile towards white people. Then people like you don't understand why they get called a racist.

"There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating." --- Jesse Jackson.

You must really be hostile toward that guy...

Or, because he is a POC, he gets a pass when he is honest...
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