I was at a party with a bunch of Doctors last night....

83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.


The Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Scary bleak. Among other dismal figures, Doctors' Attitudes on the Future of Medicine: What’s Wrong, Who’s to Blame, and What Will Fix It found that 83% of respondents are contemplating leaving the industry if Obamacare is fully implemented, owing to its disastrous projected consequences. Indeed, they openly blame the healthcare law for their industry's woes:


90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
61% say the system challenges their ETHICS
85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care
49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE
57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit - Kate Hicks

I apologize.

The negative nannies of the right are a sad bunch, thankfully some people have moved out of the cave. All you negative nannies go back in the cave and hug your rock.

Due to the widespread prevalence of Dunning-Kruger effect among conservatives and republicans, a healthcare proviso has been amended to the original bill. Conservative thought will be banned under the new Healthcare reform act as so much negativity, greed, and self centered narcissism only leads to depression and grouchy, lined faces, and furthermore is contrary to the general welfare clause of the constitution. If there were a ban on whining, the right wing would be speechless, slippery slopes, oh, slippery slope - oh wait - let's go back to the days of great depression type crashes, pollution, lead paint, witch doctors, and toxic air for if we ban them the slippery slope begins and who knows where that might lead. mc5

What!?! Why do THEY get a rock to hug?? I don't have a rock to hug! I WANT A ROCK TO HUG!!!!111eleventy11!!!!!11!
No kidding. It's almost comical to see administrators (in any field) work so hard to justify their existence.

YOU think it is FUNNY????
JUSTIFY existence? What the..f...k do you do? PUsh a broom? Buy pencils?
Come on... you obviously have NEVER dealt in how businesses work, finances, etc..
you are evidently just a totally ignoramous!

What is comical is how ignorant people are of how things like health care works!
IDIOT... know what costs HEALTH care administrators the most??? HIPAA the LAST effort to manage health CARE!
YOU idiots laugh but you have to stand on a line at your pharmacy painted just to keep you from (DUE to HIPAA!!!) from hearing something!
IDIOTS like you have NO idea what an INNOCENT" let's help the poor" bill passed in 1986 called EMTALA has exploded into a total $100 billion a year in WASTE at Medicare!
IDIOTS like you laugh monkey boys but again the last laugh will be on yOU!

I'm an engineer. You know, one of the people who actually does produce things. I've dealt with various levels of tangential personel and middlemen (as geauxtohell so eloquently put it) in three separate large corporations. I'm not saying that people like you are a complete waste of space but we need about 90% fewer of you.

I own my business that I started based on my knowledge that probably less then 20 people in USA have the combined knowledge set that I have... i.e. EDI transactions, Netwok connectivity and how Medicare connects.
Many people have EDI knowledge but don't know how to get documents from the desktop to the data centers. Some know how but don't know how to get to Medicare.
As I said this unique knowledge set allows my company to collect thousands of dollars from Medicare providers to help them.

So I have a little more unique perspective then what you derisively and ignorantly described.. tangential personnel.. (by the way...) but why should I be surprised being an engineer driving a train doesn't require spelling skills!

So I don't put your modicum of knowledge down about health care financing even though it is obvious now that driving a train is all you can do!! Oh you don't drive a train?
Then what kind of engineer because in my prior jobs I was an INDUSTRIAL Engineer!
BIG woo...
YOU think it is FUNNY????
JUSTIFY existence? What the..f...k do you do? PUsh a broom? Buy pencils?
Come on... you obviously have NEVER dealt in how businesses work, finances, etc..
you are evidently just a totally ignoramous!

What is comical is how ignorant people are of how things like health care works!
IDIOT... know what costs HEALTH care administrators the most??? HIPAA the LAST effort to manage health CARE!
YOU idiots laugh but you have to stand on a line at your pharmacy painted just to keep you from (DUE to HIPAA!!!) from hearing something!
IDIOTS like you have NO idea what an INNOCENT" let's help the poor" bill passed in 1986 called EMTALA has exploded into a total $100 billion a year in WASTE at Medicare!
IDIOTS like you laugh monkey boys but again the last laugh will be on yOU!

I'm an engineer. You know, one of the people who actually does produce things. I've dealt with various levels of tangential personel and middlemen (as geauxtohell so eloquently put it) in three separate large corporations. I'm not saying that people like you are a complete waste of space but we need about 90% fewer of you.

I own my business that I started based on my knowledge that probably less then 20 people in USA have the combined knowledge set that I have... i.e. EDI transactions, Netwok connectivity and how Medicare connects.
Many people have EDI knowledge but don't know how to get documents from the desktop to the data centers. Some know how but don't know how to get to Medicare.
As I said this unique knowledge set allows my company to collect thousands of dollars from Medicare providers to help them.

So I have a little more unique perspective then what you derisively and ignorantly described.. tangential personnel.. (by the way...) but why should I be surprised being an engineer driving a train doesn't require spelling skills!

So I don't put your modicum of knowledge down about health care financing even though it is obvious now that driving a train is all you can do!! Oh you don't drive a train?
Then what kind of engineer because in my prior jobs I was an INDUSTRIAL Engineer!
BIG woo...

And STILL nobody trained you that !!! can be overused!
YOU ARE a liar! It is NOW ICD-10 and you have NO idea how the ICD-10 system works much less what the medical liability ratio is right now.

ICD10 hasn't been implemented clinically in the United States yet, dip-doo.

I have no problem with profit. I want to make a lot of it. I have a problem with Jack Nuts that aren't integral to patient care inserting themselves in the equation so they can take out the largest chunk of the pie.

I am in Emergency Medicine. I live under EMTALA. Nice of Reagan to sign that into law, don't you think?

NO it was NOT intended for the gross misuse and mismanagement of a govt. agency to foster waste such as people going to ER for colds!

I agree. They have to keep the doors open.

I know what EMTALA is dipshit. If you are in a large Level 1 Tertiary Care hospital in a rural state, you get to live under the sword of inappropriate transfers.

A study released in May by the American Medical Association found that physicians lost $4.2 billion in revenue in 2001 providing care mandated by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act. The law requires doctors to screen and stabilize emergency patients regardless of whether they have health insurance or are able to pay for their care.
hysicians incurred an average of $12,300 each in bad debt attributable to EMTALA. This represented about 13.7% their total bad debt in 2001.

EMTALA costs physicians billions in unreimbursed care - amednews.com

1) More than half (53 percent) of emergency physicians reported that fear of lawsuits is the main reason for ordering the number of tests they do.
Emergency Visits Are Increasing, New Poll Finds; Many Patients Referred by Primary Care Doctors

2) Nine out of 10 physicians reported practicing defensive medicine.
Estimate Defensive Medicine Costs Americans $650-850 Billion Annually
Doctors Practice Medicine in Fear, New Study Finds

Then Today:...
FACTS: By some estimates, unnecessary treatment constitutes one-third of medical spending in the United States. [1/3 of $2.5 trillion is $800 billion a year!!!]
a group of nine medical specialty boards plans to recommend on Wednesday that doctors perform 45 common tests and procedures less often, and to urge patients to question these services if they are offered. Eight other specialty boards are preparing to follow suit with additional lists of procedures their members should perform far less often.

DEAL with FACTS!!!! Not hyperbole.. not anecdotal.. NOT out of IGNORANCE!!

I know you fancy yourself an expert in this matter. Frankly, you sound like a screaming jackass. I have a hard time taking you seriously.

I deal with FACTS not hyperbole. I have a hard time taking YOU seriously because you seemingly feel that Obamacare is a panacea for all ills!
When in the first place YOU don't even agree on the number of truly uninsured!
If you can't understand the simple premise that Obamacare was primarily passed because of false numbers.. i.e. there are NOT 50 million "uninsured"!
10 million are not citizens, 14 million are already covered and 17.5 million don't need, don't want and should NOT be forced to buy..
Leaving 8.5 million that it!
YES let's tax the lawyers that cost $600 billion in duplicate testing... YOU of all people should then know about that!
Take that and the uncompensated services costs... apply towards paying a premium
to a newly formed govt. contracted for profit agency called "uncompensated health services ins. co. REQUIRE all hospitals ERs, to register "uninsured" with UHSIC..
Then send all the claims... AND STOP padding and passing UNDER penalty of audits to
Medicare/ins. companies that are doing nothing but passing on to tax payers!

With the premiums from lawyers/hospitals/ins.companies pay the claims!

THAT doesn't require a massive overhaul. Doesn't require govt. intervention of the magnitude of Obamacare and DOESN'T REQUIRE LYING to the public there are 50 million uninsured! LYING that Obamacare is NOT a tax when in fact there are 21 NEW taxes!
All of those LIES make people DISTRUST the whole mess!
Finally just finally WHY did it have to be so monstrously huge so all encompassing?

Little chunks bitten off go down a lot easier then ONE GIGANTIC bite!
But that goes back to the arrogance of elitists!

I will certainly concede that you don't have fiat power on the number of uninsured. Especially since your numbers are woefully optimistic.
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The Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Scary bleak. Among other dismal figures, Doctors' Attitudes on the Future of Medicine: What’s Wrong, Who’s to Blame, and What Will Fix It found that 83% of respondents are contemplating leaving the industry if Obamacare is fully implemented, owing to its disastrous projected consequences. Indeed, they openly blame the healthcare law for their industry's woes:


90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
61% say the system challenges their ETHICS
85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care
49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE
57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit - Kate Hicks

This is very interesting and factual. Thank you for bringing this to the board.

Except it's not. That poll is hopelessly biased and skewed.

At best you can say "83% of the 5% of respondents who had their own faxline we had, which was disproportionately representative of solo and small practice groups,......."

What you CAN'T honestly say is "83% of doctors"....
Nobody said doctors were geniuses at politics. Mainly, they're very conservative and like the way things are. My father the wonderful doctor was for "socialized medicine" since 1940, and learned to be pretty quiet about it. LOL Doctors will be fine, they should change the channel, and this law will get a higher % in primary care, and fewer specialists, one of the things wrong with our pub default "system".
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

Were you there to bus tables? It's good that you're picking up some change.

Meanwhile, newsflash, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean nobody else is capable of understanding it.


Your jealousy is endearing Allie Babba.

You've challenged my status as a med student (now a doctor) before, and we made a little wager that I would send you a program from my MD ceremony before.

And then you welched.

I was at a party with a bunch of Doctors last night....


Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

Were you there to bus tables? It's good that you're picking up some change.

Meanwhile, newsflash, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean nobody else is capable of understanding it.


Really? You missed his "I finished med school" thread?

No. She ignored it (rather then hold up her side of the deal).
Everything obama is doing can be undone. How long it will take and how much suffering there will be are the only questions. Greece and Japan once had their socialistic leaders. Now they are trying to undo the damage. Japan may, Greece may not.
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

GTH, I can see you as an energetic, highly skilled, save the world type of individual. I then see my own doctor running from room to room meeting the needs of each patient with believe it or not, sweat on his brow.

I sometimes thought I had to talk fast and catch him in flight if I had a concern, but just recently did just that. I asked a question and he stopped and suprisingly enough answered my question with a condition I had that I had thought about in years! He took the time to quickly order a test that proved very useful in determining a new condition and I found out just then how highly alert he was on my file.

What a good doctor, who I sometimes thought was just running a mill of patients through. I know he just has to do his job in a fashion that guarantees an income conmensurate with his skills. But it made me think of what reality has done to this man. He has to be so exhausted by the end of his day but is an excellent doctor. He works much too hard to take a step back and really see what good he does for his patients and gives the patients time to thank him.

Wonder what you will think in 18 years time.

That was a nice post. Thanks.

On the other hand, the arguement can be made that ACA will increase reimbursement.

As I said, I don't think anyone knows what is going to happen.
Doctors under Romneycare are getting more patients but have less paperwork and less time fighting insurance companies, so most like it. PLUS, costs are rising slower there than anywhere else now. (FRONTLINE).
My niece is a young doctor.

She hasn't had time for facebook or television since she entered med school, let alone schlepping around all day on a messageboard.

I continue to think geaux is full of shit.

Lol, I wouldn't say that, it's just the entire realm of responsibilities might not have hit him yet. The hard work and cost of his education might not ewqual to the luxuries he will deserve in the future.

My school has a unique curriculum. We start in January, which means I was done and have been off since February and basically off. Anyone that knows anything about med school knows the fourth year is pretty lax after match day.

Every resident starts on July 1st. So I am basically waiting to start.

Of course, when koshergirl was alliebaba, she accused me of lying about this and we made a little bet that when I graduated I send her a program and she'd make a public mea culpa.

She, of course, ignores that now.

It must be hard to be such an angry person.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.


The Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Scary bleak. Among other dismal figures, Doctors' Attitudes on the Future of Medicine: What’s Wrong, Who’s to Blame, and What Will Fix It found that 83% of respondents are contemplating leaving the industry if Obamacare is fully implemented, owing to its disastrous projected consequences. Indeed, they openly blame the healthcare law for their industry's woes:


90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
61% say the system challenges their ETHICS
85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care
49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE
57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit - Kate Hicks

The Doctor Patient Medical Association (DPMA) and the Patient Power Alliance (PPA) work to repeal health care reform[1] and call themselves a "a nonpartisan association of doctors and patients dedicated to preserving free choice in medicine."[2] The organization is a member of the National Tea Party Federation[3] and the "American Grassroots Coalition."[4]

Doctor Patient Medical Association - SourceWatch

The battle against Obamacare and its obvious disregard of the U.S. Constitution has finally reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The Tea Party Express, along with constitutional conservatives across the nation have opposed this legislation from its inception, and whether it be by judicial rule or congressional repeal, we are determined to fight until it is no more.
Coalition co-sponsors include:
60 Plus Association
Americans for Tax Reform
Concerned Women for America
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Eagle Forum
Family Research Council
Hagerstown Tea Party
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
The Richmond Patriots
Tea Party Patriots
Tea Party WDC
The Mommy Lobby
Hands Off My Healthcare Rally | Tea Party Express

I'm sure the DPMA conducted a throughly fair and unbiased poll! :lmao:
My niece is a young doctor.

She hasn't had time for facebook or television since she entered med school, let alone schlepping around all day on a messageboard.

I continue to think geaux is full of shit.

You must have missed the months he was gone for either most or all of the time.

Also his cap and gown pic. Seriously. This sounds as logical as declaring Jillian isn't an attorney.

Or are you as one with that mindset as well.

No, but given my interaction with med school students and young doctors, I'm fairly certain that geaux isn't one.

Maybe a PA. Maybe.

But he just doesn't have the intellectual capacity. Sorry to rain on the internet ticker tape parade that was held to celebrate his internet graduation from internet med school.


I am a PA who decided to lie about being a medical student for the last few years...... :cuckoo:


Now you can run away like you always do.
My ignore list only has one name on it, and it seems to be working just fine...
This message is hidden because francoHFW is on your ignore list.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.


I have heard this myself and for a while now...
What I have heard was that the government
was going to force Doctors to see more patients
and they would be covered under I think it was Medicaid...
And on top of more patients that they had to see the reimbursement
per patient would be cut drastically.

So...more patients,less compensation,less time for the patients
they used to see that were charged a better rate....

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