I still have not filed our taxes

If you are going to get a refund, you can take as long as you like.

I filed in June once.
Oh My Lord! I did not know that!!!

Oh boy, oh boy!
You should have never told me that!!!! Mrs.Care4all Procrastination will like that!!!! :eek:

(most years we owe none, getting a tad back)
Do Illegal aliens file taxes? I would ask them but then they would hurt me. I am the soul of discretion. really. I bet they do all sorts of legal stuff we cant ask questions about because they are law abiding folks it offends them and their quack overlords. But immigrate legally? Were did that come from?
Matt used to do them when we both worked, but he happily handed them to me years ago... when I stopped working!

He didn't like doing them either, but at least he usually had them done by mid March!!!
I filed this year, probably (sadly) for the last time in my life. I brought up Mexicans in my post last . Sadly, I see them VS our own homeless and jobless. I see this every day, Mexicans Vs American poor or jobless here. , they just go back to Mexico. Where do we run? This is our homeland...This is our fallback position . This is all we have, we don'tneed to cheat or lie on our taxes or immigration status. America is all we have, and that's as good as it gets.
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I filed this year, probably (sadly) for the last time in my life. I brought up Mexicans in my post last . Sadly, I see them VS our own homeless and jobless. I see this every day, Mexicans Vs American poor or jobless here. , they just go back to Mexico. Where do we run? This is our homeland...This is our fallback position . This is all we have, we don'tneed to cheat or lie on our taxes or immigration status. America is all we have, and that's as good as it gets.
They don't need to go back to Mexico, they can just collect welfare right here (at the expense of American citizens). Problem solved.
Taxes! I don't need no stinking taxes! Actually illegals do pay Taxes. I don't care, to quote that federal guy in the Fugitive, remember that show? Just immigrate legally, follow the bloody rules. I just was a juror, had to kick out a longtime Mexican illegal , It didn't bother me in the slightest, what did bother me is we had to pay extra for Spanish English interpreters because wetbacks get special treatment. Why that is, eludes me, We all pay taxes, it doesn't get us off the hook for breaking laws. Especially immigration laws
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Filed mine on January 30! Already spent the refund.
If you got a refund you screwed yourself.
No. I retired last year and it was the last year I earned income by labor. Now I make my income as the 1% does. No labor, just investment income.
That's not the point. If they owe YOU money, that means they've had the use of it, making interest off of it, and you didn't. Better if you owe THEM. Then pay it right away (without interest) after you've made the interest and they didn't. Ah, never mind.
I filed this year, probably (sadly) for the last time in my life. I brought up Mexicans in my post last . Sadly, I see them VS our own homeless and jobless. I see this every day, Mexicans Vs American poor or jobless here. , they just go back to Mexico. Where do we run? This is our homeland...This is our fallback position . This is all we have, we don'tneed to cheat or lie on our taxes or immigration status. America is all we have, and that's as good as it gets.

^^^^hates Mexicans and must tell everyone^^^^
Filed mine on January 30! Already spent the refund.
If you got a refund you screwed yourself.
No. I retired last year and it was the last year I earned income by labor. Now I make my income as the 1% does. No labor, just investment income.
That's not the point. If they owe YOU money, that means they've had the use of it, making interest off of it, and you didn't. Better if you owe THEM. Then pay it right away (without interest) after you've made the interest and they didn't. Ah, never mind.
But you're taxed on that interest so they get theirs, too.

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