I started a joke


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent

You actually listened to that shit? WTF?!

The Gibb brothers were probably peter puffers.

Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.

When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.

Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.

When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.

I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.

When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.

I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

You believe in propaganda.

Socialism DOES work. There are many cases where socialism does work.

It is forcing folks to do want they do not want to do that doesn't work. You can always lead a horse to water. You can't force it to drink.

Nature does what it will, it is the FREE MARKET that must be respected.

I can give you a half dozen examples of socialism that our corporate overlords purposely push down, because, in some cases, it is better for you, and works better, but the elites prefer to enslave you.

Which would YOU rather have, the freedom to choose for yourself what you want to do, or government forcing you to do something?

In my area, I have no choice whom to buy energy from.

Fifty miles north, the folks have a choice, they can buy from the energy company I get my power from, (which incidentally is taking advantage of taxpayer subsidized "green projects," which it's lobbyists are responsible for getting passed through the legislature,) OR an energy COOPERATIVE, which makes absolutely NO profit. It too will install green projects, but ONLY when it has a cost/benefit advantage, to lower cost for it's members. Nobody actually chooses the energy corporation which has more outages, more fees, and pockets profits.

This example is repeated by the example of banks versus credit unions. Who want to pay checking fees, over draft fee, and all the silly fees of a banks like the big boys just so they can make a profit off of you to use your own damn money to make risky investment on Wall Street to have it all turn to shit sometime, and then turn around and pay off corrupt politicians to bail them all out? Fuck that.

Do you think it was a mistake that medical cooperatives were left out of the healthcare equation when that made that law over haul, seriously, or did you just ignore Ron Paul? Folks think that the ACA is socialism. REALLY? If it were, and they really had a choice to cut out the insurance companies and big pharma, why were REAL socialist principles, like Judeo-Christian principals of relying on your neighbor when in times of trouble, left out entirely? If you want to be part of a Health-Cooperative, if THAT is your choice, well, our fascist, profit driven government, that is all about enriching the one percent's corporate boards of the insurance industry and big pharma don't have time for you, YOU HAVE NO REAL CHOICE.

I have nothing against Socialism.

IT is big government and authoritarians that would destroy the free market I have a problem with. Let socialism and capitalism compete on an even footing. Let's dispense with the mass media and big government propaganda.

It is apparent you went to a public school, attended a public university, and get all your information from corporate media. Start doing some independent thinking. The right is not always right, and the left is not always wrong.


Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.

When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.

I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

You believe in propaganda.

Socialism DOES work. There are many cases where socialism does work.

It is forcing folks to do want they do not want to do that doesn't work. You can always lead a horse to water. You can't force it to drink.

Nature does what it will, it is the FREE MARKET that must be respected.

I can give you a half dozen examples of socialism that our corporate overlords purposely push down, because, in some cases, it is better for you, and works better, but the elites prefer to enslave you.

Which would YOU rather have, the freedom to choose for yourself what you want to do, or government forcing you to do something?

In my area, I have no choice whom to buy energy from.

Fifty miles north, the folks have a choice, they can buy from the energy company I get my power from, (which incidentally is taking advantage of taxpayer subsidized "green projects," which it's lobbyists are responsible for getting passed through the legislature,) OR an energy COOPERATIVE, which makes absolutely NO profit. It too will install green projects, but ONLY when it has a cost/benefit advantage, to lower cost for it's members. Nobody actually chooses the energy corporation which has more outages, more fees, and pockets profits.

This example is repeated by the example of banks versus credit unions. Who want to pay checking fees, over draft fee, and all the silly fees of a banks like the big boys just so they can make a profit off of you to use your own damn money to make risky investment on Wall Street to have it all turn to shit sometime, and then turn around and pay off corrupt politicians to bail them all out? Fuck that.

Do you think it was a mistake that medical cooperatives were left out of the healthcare equation when that made that law over haul, seriously, or did you just ignore Ron Paul? Folks think that the ACA is socialism. REALLY? If it were, and they really had a choice to cut out the insurance companies and big pharma, why were REAL socialist principles, like Judeo-Christian principals of relying on your neighbor when in times of trouble, left out entirely? If you want to be part of a Health-Cooperative, if THAT is your choice, well, our fascist, profit driven government, that is all about enriching the one percent's corporate boards of the insurance industry and big pharma don't have time for you, YOU HAVE NO REAL CHOICE.

I have nothing against Socialism.

IT is big government and authoritarians that would destroy the free market I have a problem with. Let socialism and capitalism compete on an even footing. Let's dispense with the mass media and big government propaganda.

It is apparent you went to a public school, attended a public university, and get all your information from corporate media. Start doing some independent thinking. The right is not always right, and the left is not always wrong.

you are such a fool.

USSR failed
East Germany Failed
Czech failed
Poland failed
Cuba failing
Venezuela failing
Detroit failed
Los Angeles Failed
San Fransico Failed
Seattle Failing

Dumbasses like you are so willing to give up your rights so you can get a pittance of sustenance from the government, but then when no one is working like in Venezuela and you start to starve, who are you going to blame, the capitalists...Of course because you are just a dumb mother fucker.

Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.

When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.

I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

You believe in propaganda.

Socialism DOES work. There are many cases where socialism does work.

It is forcing folks to do want they do not want to do that doesn't work. You can always lead a horse to water. You can't force it to drink.

Nature does what it will, it is the FREE MARKET that must be respected.

I can give you a half dozen examples of socialism that our corporate overlords purposely push down, because, in some cases, it is better for you, and works better, but the elites prefer to enslave you.

Which would YOU rather have, the freedom to choose for yourself what you want to do, or government forcing you to do something?

In my area, I have no choice whom to buy energy from.

Fifty miles north, the folks have a choice, they can buy from the energy company I get my power from, (which incidentally is taking advantage of taxpayer subsidized "green projects," which it's lobbyists are responsible for getting passed through the legislature,) OR an energy COOPERATIVE, which makes absolutely NO profit. It too will install green projects, but ONLY when it has a cost/benefit advantage, to lower cost for it's members. Nobody actually chooses the energy corporation which has more outages, more fees, and pockets profits.

This example is repeated by the example of banks versus credit unions. Who want to pay checking fees, over draft fee, and all the silly fees of a banks like the big boys just so they can make a profit off of you to use your own damn money to make risky investment on Wall Street to have it all turn to shit sometime, and then turn around and pay off corrupt politicians to bail them all out? Fuck that.

Do you think it was a mistake that medical cooperatives were left out of the healthcare equation when that made that law over haul, seriously, or did you just ignore Ron Paul? Folks think that the ACA is socialism. REALLY? If it were, and they really had a choice to cut out the insurance companies and big pharma, why were REAL socialist principles, like Judeo-Christian principals of relying on your neighbor when in times of trouble, left out entirely? If you want to be part of a Health-Cooperative, if THAT is your choice, well, our fascist, profit driven government, that is all about enriching the one percent's corporate boards of the insurance industry and big pharma don't have time for you, YOU HAVE NO REAL CHOICE.

I have nothing against Socialism.

IT is big government and authoritarians that would destroy the free market I have a problem with. Let socialism and capitalism compete on an even footing. Let's dispense with the mass media and big government propaganda.

It is apparent you went to a public school, attended a public university, and get all your information from corporate media. Start doing some independent thinking. The right is not always right, and the left is not always wrong.

you are such a fool.

USSR failed
East Germany Failed
Czech failed
Poland failed
Cuba failing
Venezuela failing
Detroit failed
Los Angeles Failed
San Fransico Failed
Seattle Failing

Dumbasses like you are so willing to give up your rights so you can get a pittance of sustenance from the government, but then when no one is working like in Venezuela and you start to starve, who are you going to blame, the capitalists...Of course because you are just a dumb mother fucker.

. . . and yet, what did ALL those examples have in common?

Folks were FORCED, weren't they? I don't want to give up ANY rights.

I notice you aren't carping on Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland etc. How come? Is it because only failed examples support your argument. You do know cherry picking is a poor discussion tactic. Going through life with blinders on is not very productive.

I already told you, I don't care for forced socialism.

No one should have their rights taken away. And the rights of minorities, civil rights and civil liberties should always be protected.

I'm not blaming capitalists, and I'm not blaming socialists.

I'm blaming the government.

You don't even know the truth about Venezuela.

Why is Venezuela, with all it's oil, failing, yet Cuba and N. Kora, which are even more socialist, NOT? (Well, not as badly "apparently" . . . :auiqs.jpg:)

Why is the corporate media harping on intervening in Venezuela? What is SO damned special about that ONE nation that we need to be so concerned about that shit hole?

This guy worked for Reagan. Just like you can't trust the media for the Truth about Trump, everything they are telling you about Venezuela is skewed. I can't force you to learn the truth, but I can lead you to it.

The Truth About Venezuela - PaulCraigRoberts.org

Listen, I respect you. Most of your posts are on point, and when you first joined this forum, before Trump was elected, you were far less polarized. We needn't be adversaries. Seriously. I have nothing against you. I like most of the stuff you post.

Cheers. :beer:
Tsk, Tsk, some people just can't take a joke. Donny must be rubbing off on you.
When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.
I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

You believe in propaganda.

Socialism DOES work. There are many cases where socialism does work.

It is forcing folks to do want they do not want to do that doesn't work. You can always lead a horse to water. You can't force it to drink.

Nature does what it will, it is the FREE MARKET that must be respected.

I can give you a half dozen examples of socialism that our corporate overlords purposely push down, because, in some cases, it is better for you, and works better, but the elites prefer to enslave you.

Which would YOU rather have, the freedom to choose for yourself what you want to do, or government forcing you to do something?

In my area, I have no choice whom to buy energy from.

Fifty miles north, the folks have a choice, they can buy from the energy company I get my power from, (which incidentally is taking advantage of taxpayer subsidized "green projects," which it's lobbyists are responsible for getting passed through the legislature,) OR an energy COOPERATIVE, which makes absolutely NO profit. It too will install green projects, but ONLY when it has a cost/benefit advantage, to lower cost for it's members. Nobody actually chooses the energy corporation which has more outages, more fees, and pockets profits.

This example is repeated by the example of banks versus credit unions. Who want to pay checking fees, over draft fee, and all the silly fees of a banks like the big boys just so they can make a profit off of you to use your own damn money to make risky investment on Wall Street to have it all turn to shit sometime, and then turn around and pay off corrupt politicians to bail them all out? Fuck that.

Do you think it was a mistake that medical cooperatives were left out of the healthcare equation when that made that law over haul, seriously, or did you just ignore Ron Paul? Folks think that the ACA is socialism. REALLY? If it were, and they really had a choice to cut out the insurance companies and big pharma, why were REAL socialist principles, like Judeo-Christian principals of relying on your neighbor when in times of trouble, left out entirely? If you want to be part of a Health-Cooperative, if THAT is your choice, well, our fascist, profit driven government, that is all about enriching the one percent's corporate boards of the insurance industry and big pharma don't have time for you, YOU HAVE NO REAL CHOICE.

I have nothing against Socialism.

IT is big government and authoritarians that would destroy the free market I have a problem with. Let socialism and capitalism compete on an even footing. Let's dispense with the mass media and big government propaganda.

It is apparent you went to a public school, attended a public university, and get all your information from corporate media. Start doing some independent thinking. The right is not always right, and the left is not always wrong.

you are such a fool.

USSR failed
East Germany Failed
Czech failed
Poland failed
Cuba failing
Venezuela failing
Detroit failed
Los Angeles Failed
San Fransico Failed
Seattle Failing

Dumbasses like you are so willing to give up your rights so you can get a pittance of sustenance from the government, but then when no one is working like in Venezuela and you start to starve, who are you going to blame, the capitalists...Of course because you are just a dumb mother fucker.

. . . and yet, what did ALL those examples have in common?

Folks were FORCED, weren't they? I don't want to give up ANY rights.

I notice you aren't carping on Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland etc. How come? Is it because only failed examples support your argument. You do know cherry picking is a poor discussion tactic. Going through life with blinders on is not very productive.

I already told you, I don't care for forced socialism.

No one should have their rights taken away. And the rights of minorities, civil rights and civil liberties should always be protected.

I'm not blaming capitalists, and I'm not blaming socialists.

I'm blaming the government.

You don't even know the truth about Venezuela.

Why is Venezuela, with all it's oil, failing, yet Cuba and N. Kora, which are even more socialist, NOT? (Well, not as badly "apparently" . . . :auiqs.jpg:)

Why is the corporate media harping on intervening in Venezuela? What is SO damned special about that ONE nation that we need to be so concerned about that shit hole?

This guy worked for Reagan. Just like you can't trust the media for the Truth about Trump, everything they are telling you about Venezuela is skewed. I can't force you to learn the truth, but I can lead you to it.

The Truth About Venezuela - PaulCraigRoberts.org

Listen, I respect you. Most of your posts are on point, and when you first joined this forum, before Trump was elected, you were far less polarized. We needn't be adversaries. Seriously. I have nothing against you. I like most of the stuff you post.

Cheers. :beer:

And you resort to Europe that is allowing Radical Muslims to take over and rape their women, but then they dont have to pay for other peoples UN donations, have illegals crossing their borders by the millions, and have shit for an economy. Yep, go ahead, use those examples, but again, we are bigger than the USSR and will fail like the USSR if Socialism ends up in 2020. I really do hate the public school teacher for bringing people like you thinking you know better.

Why is it greed.jpg
When I criticized the folks that were slamming Obama with angry outrage, I got the same shit.

My advice? Stop watching corporate TEE VEE and find an independent source of news.

I could give two shits about the orange clown. I think he is part of a brilliant plan by the elites to cause anger and outrage. Just like Oblammy. It's working, isn't it? You are just as pissed and angry as those who detested the "the chosen one."

They are both tools for the puppeteers. Wake the fuck up man.
I am not angry with a guy is trying to Make America Great Again. I am angry with those stupid fucks who think that Socialism is going to make everyone equal in the country yet again Socialism has never worked, and never will work,. You can see the insane left with their bug eyes and hands that flail trying to coerce the moronic sheeple of the left, and many of them in their stupidity will vote for their very extinction. That is the real joke, by the left, thinking they give a rats ass about you.

You believe in propaganda.

Socialism DOES work. There are many cases where socialism does work.

It is forcing folks to do want they do not want to do that doesn't work. You can always lead a horse to water. You can't force it to drink.

Nature does what it will, it is the FREE MARKET that must be respected.

I can give you a half dozen examples of socialism that our corporate overlords purposely push down, because, in some cases, it is better for you, and works better, but the elites prefer to enslave you.

Which would YOU rather have, the freedom to choose for yourself what you want to do, or government forcing you to do something?

In my area, I have no choice whom to buy energy from.

Fifty miles north, the folks have a choice, they can buy from the energy company I get my power from, (which incidentally is taking advantage of taxpayer subsidized "green projects," which it's lobbyists are responsible for getting passed through the legislature,) OR an energy COOPERATIVE, which makes absolutely NO profit. It too will install green projects, but ONLY when it has a cost/benefit advantage, to lower cost for it's members. Nobody actually chooses the energy corporation which has more outages, more fees, and pockets profits.

This example is repeated by the example of banks versus credit unions. Who want to pay checking fees, over draft fee, and all the silly fees of a banks like the big boys just so they can make a profit off of you to use your own damn money to make risky investment on Wall Street to have it all turn to shit sometime, and then turn around and pay off corrupt politicians to bail them all out? Fuck that.

Do you think it was a mistake that medical cooperatives were left out of the healthcare equation when that made that law over haul, seriously, or did you just ignore Ron Paul? Folks think that the ACA is socialism. REALLY? If it were, and they really had a choice to cut out the insurance companies and big pharma, why were REAL socialist principles, like Judeo-Christian principals of relying on your neighbor when in times of trouble, left out entirely? If you want to be part of a Health-Cooperative, if THAT is your choice, well, our fascist, profit driven government, that is all about enriching the one percent's corporate boards of the insurance industry and big pharma don't have time for you, YOU HAVE NO REAL CHOICE.

I have nothing against Socialism.

IT is big government and authoritarians that would destroy the free market I have a problem with. Let socialism and capitalism compete on an even footing. Let's dispense with the mass media and big government propaganda.

It is apparent you went to a public school, attended a public university, and get all your information from corporate media. Start doing some independent thinking. The right is not always right, and the left is not always wrong.

you are such a fool.

USSR failed
East Germany Failed
Czech failed
Poland failed
Cuba failing
Venezuela failing
Detroit failed
Los Angeles Failed
San Fransico Failed
Seattle Failing

Dumbasses like you are so willing to give up your rights so you can get a pittance of sustenance from the government, but then when no one is working like in Venezuela and you start to starve, who are you going to blame, the capitalists...Of course because you are just a dumb mother fucker.

. . . and yet, what did ALL those examples have in common?

Folks were FORCED, weren't they? I don't want to give up ANY rights.

I notice you aren't carping on Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland etc. How come? Is it because only failed examples support your argument. You do know cherry picking is a poor discussion tactic. Going through life with blinders on is not very productive.

I already told you, I don't care for forced socialism.

No one should have their rights taken away. And the rights of minorities, civil rights and civil liberties should always be protected.

I'm not blaming capitalists, and I'm not blaming socialists.

I'm blaming the government.

You don't even know the truth about Venezuela.

Why is Venezuela, with all it's oil, failing, yet Cuba and N. Kora, which are even more socialist, NOT? (Well, not as badly "apparently" . . . :auiqs.jpg:)

Why is the corporate media harping on intervening in Venezuela? What is SO damned special about that ONE nation that we need to be so concerned about that shit hole?

This guy worked for Reagan. Just like you can't trust the media for the Truth about Trump, everything they are telling you about Venezuela is skewed. I can't force you to learn the truth, but I can lead you to it.

The Truth About Venezuela - PaulCraigRoberts.org

Listen, I respect you. Most of your posts are on point, and when you first joined this forum, before Trump was elected, you were far less polarized. We needn't be adversaries. Seriously. I have nothing against you. I like most of the stuff you post.

Cheers. :beer:

And you resort to Europe that is allowing Radical Muslims to take over and rape their women, but then they dont have to pay for other peoples UN donations, have illegals crossing their borders by the millions, and have shit for an economy. Yep, go ahead, use those examples, but again, we are bigger than the USSR and will fail like the USSR if Socialism ends up in 2020. I really do hate the public school teacher for bringing people like you thinking you know better.

View attachment 251587

So. .. . . we're talking about economics, and then you switch to those nations immigration policies which just reinforce my contention about government being the problem? Not folks having free choice?

Sowell is just arguing MY point. It doesn't matter if you live in a socialist or capitalist system, the taxes of the dirigism of democrats, republicans, socialists, fascists, any statist is the SAME. TAXATION IS THEFT.

I'm not going to argue with you, I agree with you too much.

It's funny we never addressed the elephant in the room.



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