I searched around and I could not find any tweets by liberals about compassion when Dylan Roof....


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.
Where's your pictures of your March against Dylan Roof? Or does this mean you support black church murder?

Am I doing it right?
Was there an increase in attacks on the racist community in the wake of the South Carolina massacre as there always are against Muslims (and people who resemble Muslims)in the wake of terror attacks?
Was there an increase in attacks on the racist community in the wake of the South Carolina massacre as there always in the wake of terror attacks?
I have no idea what the fuck your pointless point is. Fucking moron.
Was there an increase in attacks on the racist community in the wake of the South Carolina massacre as there always in the wake of terror attacks?
I have no idea what the fuck your pointless point is. Fucking moron.
at least the communities of south carolina showed the rest of the country how civilized they are by not burning down their own towns over this. It has to be a southern thing. yet, when a white kills a black in the northern 57 states, they dont waste time. they just crash and burn.
Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.
I think what this is all about, and what has you and others so upset, is that liberals refuse to call all Muslims BAD MUSLIMS because some of them are bad. You can read their book but you don't understand how the religion is practiced by mainstream sects because you aren't a Muslim. Neither am I.
If a loud group had said that all southern rednecks should be evicted from the country, or killed, after Roof did his thing, I know THIS liberal would have been "defending" innocents right to live peaceably, even if they are southern crackers. No one did that. The racists are still doing fine, even growing, I hear. So what did we need to defend in that instance? People behaved rationally and put the bastard in prison, end of story.
Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.

Can you cite any posters here who expressed sympathy for the Manchester bomber?
Was there an increase in attacks on the racist community in the wake of the South Carolina massacre as there always are against Muslims (and people who resemble Muslims)in the wake of terror attacks?

HUH? people are bombing muslim kids? where? I live near TWO----actually more than two---
MUSLIM ENCLAVES-------where should I check for the bodies?
Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.
I think what this is all about, and what has you and others so upset, is that liberals refuse to call all Muslims BAD MUSLIMS because some of them are bad. You can read their book but you don't understand how the religion is practiced by mainstream sects because you aren't a Muslim. Neither am I.
If a loud group had said that all southern rednecks should be evicted from the country, or killed, after Roof did his thing, I know THIS liberal would have been "defending" innocents right to live peaceably, even if they are southern crackers. No one did that. The racists are still doing fine, even growing, I hear. So what did we need to defend in that instance? People behaved rationally and put the bastard in prison, end of story.
Well, as usual you did not get the fucking point.

The fucking point is the fucking good muslims are the ones that carry out what their false fucking book commands them to do.

Do you know what that fucking means? It means the bad fucking muslims are the unfailful ones who you fucking call good.

Do you fucking understand that, or do you not fucking understand that?
I think what this is all about, and what has you and others so upset, is that liberals refuse to call all Muslims BAD MUSLIMS because some of them are bad. You can read their book but you don't understand how the religion is practiced by mainstream sects because you aren't a Muslim. Neither am I.
If a loud group had said that all southern rednecks should be evicted from the country, or killed, after Roof did his thing, I know THIS liberal would have been "defending" innocents right to live peaceably, even if they are southern crackers. No one did that. The racists
are still doing fine, even growing, I hear. So what did we need to defend in that instance? People behaved rationally and put the bastard in prison, end of story.

You are a leftist rather than a liberal, but your regurgitation of a simplistic red herring indicates you know nothing whatsoever about the subject matter.

I see precious few people calling ALL Muslims "Bad Muslims", but what I do see is the likes of you and the other leftists refusing to educate yourself on what Muslims do believe and minimizing how many believe it. In Britain, 2/3 of Muslims want criticism of Islam to be against the law. You illiberal leftists do not acknowledge much less criticize that. In Britain, 40% want Britain to be ruled by Sharia. Again, nothing but crickets from you p.c. regressives. Support for honor killings, female genital mutilation, death for gays and other views run very high, yet you can only fall back on your childish pablum about "only a few".

When will you non liberals ever wake up and realize Islam is the biggest threat to actual liberalism in the world today? You defend something you know nothing about and you are so consumed with avoiding the accusation of "racism" that you look the other way rather than acknowledge the truth.

Political correctness makes you all stupid and dishonest.
I think what this is all about, and what has you and others so upset, is that liberals refuse to call all Muslims BAD MUSLIMS because some of them are bad. You can read their book but you don't understand how the religion is practiced by mainstream sects because you aren't a Muslim. Neither am I.
If a loud group had said that all southern rednecks should be evicted from the country, or killed, after Roof did his thing, I know THIS liberal would have been "defending" innocents right to live peaceably, even if they are southern crackers. No one did that. The racists are still doing fine, even growing, I hear. So what did we need to defend in that instance? People behaved rationally and put the bastard in prison, end of story.

I agree with you-----just reading the Koran does not provide an understanding of islam. I read the Koran
at age 19. I did not like the book. I was into CLASSIC forms in which ---as a general rule----bad things
happened to bad people-----like OEDIPUS and his ''hubris" thing The bible is FULL of such classic forms---
if you have any idea how to read it. The NT has limited tales of instruction. It is not really an
EPIC story like the Odyssey. The Koran depicts a really negative character who somehow WINS in
the end and never faces the consequences of his ill-spent life and his REMARKABLE HUBRIS <<<that's all
I got from reading the Koran------I got even less from the RAMAYANA. BUT at the time I read the Koran---
I was also getting familiar with LOTS OF MUSLIMS------generally well educated in that----most of them
were medical school graduates -----I learned about ISLAM from them and their interactions with the other
people----hindus, Sikhs, Christians and ....me. It was not a good time in the world-----in 1971
the Pakistani civil war happened and the Biafran genocide happened. But I got along fine with my muslim
acquaintances-------and even got invited to visit mosques. I learned. Years later I married my present
hubby-----he was born ----a jew in a very classical muslim nation------REALLY SHARIAH ADHERENT.
I learned from him---his family, his friends his community etc etc. There is a way to learn about islam----
I did it-------I learned to the extent that the action in Manchester does not surprise me at all-----
neither did 9-11-01-------both events represent ISLAM. Feel free to ask questions. I know lots more
about islam and muslims than do you. Here is a hint-----to know islam and to know muslims, you have to know SHARIAH and muslims and their victims. Their victims include Hindus in southeast asia,
Christians in the Mideast and parts of Europe---and in south east asia. ----Zoroastrians, and jews
who have background in their lands
Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.

Can you cite any posters here who expressed sympathy for the Manchester bomber?

I guess the stunned silence is a 'No'. big surprise.
I guess the stunned silence is a 'No'. big surprise.
I guess you've considered the source...

Huh, I search around. Maybe they are out there. Perhaps some liberal can help me out here. Of course when the brown muslims kill anyone (does not matter if they are little girls, 50 homos in a night club) they are quick to point out how we are racist for saying these muslims commit murder on behalf of their religion.

Of course, they love to point out how Dylan Roof killed on behalf of his religion. Interesting. Anyone know of any verse where Jesus (THE LORD and NOT a PROPHET) commands his followers to kill every last unbeliever or believer who does not adhere to the strictest interpretations of fundamentalist interpretations?

I see those commands ALL OVER the muslims fake book. Their false prophet certainly commands them. Which means what? It means any "Christian" committing mass murder on behalf is a BAD CHRISTIAN. Any muslim that does NOT kill the infidel is a BAD MUSLIM.

Not sure why I wasted my time with the psychotics on the left. I am sure hoping more and more of you are waking up to why there is really no reason at all to treat any of them with any dignity or any respect. Am I being a bad Christian by saying that? Probably. Oooops. I am a bad Christian. No doubt about that.

Can you cite any posters here who expressed sympathy for the Manchester bomber?
I was wondering about that myself.

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