I love Trump more than ever... WHY?


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Well, someone once had an experience with Jesus. I wish I could recall the details exactly but it looks He said something to this person along the lines of

"Suffering endears men to me."

Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.

And according to polls, he has many of those.

I empathize more with Trump now than I ever did before. That's because I have been through similar things as what he is going through... being accused of fake crimes / sins he didn't commit, being thought of as bad when you're trying to avoid bad

In other words, being the victim of lawless loser perverts bound for Hell
Well, someone once had an experience with Jesus. I wish I could recall the details exactly but it looks He said something to this person along the lines of

"Suffering endears men to me."

Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.

And according to polls, he has many of those.

I empathize more with Trump now than I ever did before. That's because I have been through similar things as what he is going through... being accused of fake crimes / sins he didn't commit, being thought of as bad when you're trying to avoid bad

In other words, being the victim of lawless loser perverts bound for Hell
This is a true statement. Trump has been forced to endure every attack possible for seven straight years. And he is doing so for the benefit of America. I agree that what he is doing is highly endearing to Jesus.

Think about it. This man doesn't need this aggravation. He could easily retire to Maralago. But he's not about to give up fighting for us.
This is a true statement. Trump has been forced to endure every attack possible for seven straight years. And he is doing so for the benefit of America. I agree that what he is doing is highly endearing to Jesus.

Think about it. This man doesn't need this aggravation. He could easily retire to Maralago. But he's not about to give up fighting for us.
Well, the left say he is fighting only for himself, that he's a narcissist, etc and etc.

Yet we look at what he did (something they do not do) when he was president and... same thing u say here.. He could have retired and had an easy life.. easier than what he now has, to be sure.

He is amazing. A lesser man would have thrown in the towel. True, he may have some selfish motives here and there (who doesn't?).. and yet...

But wait a minute. Who the hell are the leftists to say what someone's motives are? All they do is project... accusing the Rs of doing what they themselves do

ad nauseum

Well, someone once had an experience with Jesus. I wish I could recall the details exactly but it looks He said something to this person along the lines of

"Suffering endears men to me."

Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.

And according to polls, he has many of those.

I empathize more with Trump now than I ever did before. That's because I have been through similar things as what he is going through... being accused of fake crimes / sins he didn't commit, being thought of as bad when you're trying to avoid bad

In other words, being the victim of lawless loser perverts bound for Hell
There it is...the orange jesus cult.
Well, someone once had an experience with Jesus. I wish I could recall the details exactly but it looks He said something to this person along the lines of

"Suffering endears men to me."

Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.

And according to polls, he has many of those.

I empathize more with Trump now than I ever did before. That's because I have been through similar things as what he is going through... being accused of fake crimes / sins he didn't commit, being thought of as bad when you're trying to avoid bad

In other words, being the victim of lawless loser perverts bound for Hell
Life must be easier when you're enough of a simpleton to believe in heaven and hell.
so Trump es mi amigo :):(

mi amigo en (however you say Misery in espanol)

mi amigo on las cruces (the crosses)

of life in this sick world
1miseryindex in #1 23.12.20 wrote: “Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.” nmsryndx.23.12.20 #1

Mashmont in #3 23.12.23 said: The nature of human beings is they can't stand prosperity. They get fat, lazy, and forget God. They fall into a moral abyss. •¥• mshmnt.23.12.23 #3 to thvpvrsvr.23.12.23 #2

Foxfyre in #695 24.01.04 wrote: I will never see those relative few who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts as anything other than stupid idiots who served the President and the Patriot cause/vision miserably. •¥¥¥• fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #695

CarsomyrPlusSix in #125 23.06.20 wrote: “I'm an atheist,” 23.06.20 #125

Death-Ninja in #759 24.01.04 wrote: Observe following linked article, in it observe the raw violent political hatred the fascist democrat capital police unleashed upon decent Americans protesting the theft of the 2020 election, and ask yourselves a question, have you ever seen such monstrous evil turned loose upon American citizens, especially the fascist terrorists of the democrat party as they carried out a true insurrection against the Trump WH following the overdose death of Georgie Floyd???” •¥¥• dthnnj.24.01.04 #759

Trump and his followers are HIGHLY endeared to Jesus says Saint 1miseryindex in POST nmsryndx.23.12.20 #1

Saint Mashmont being the epitome of MAGA and a perfected Catholic who must be highly endeared to Jesus as one whom would never forget God; says the nature of human beings is they get fat, lazy, and forget God. They fall into a moral abyss. The majority of American have forgotten God.

MAGA Atheist Saint CarsomyrPlusSix does not simply forget God; he rejects God.

So the question for Saint 1miseryindex is this: What percentage of all Trump supporters are endeared to Jesus?

Saint Foxfyre says the 2,000 MAGA stupid idiots who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts inside the Capitol on J6 served the President and the Patriot MAGA cause/vision miserably.

Do any of you MAGA cultural warriors support the notion that Jesus is endeared to Ssint Death-Ninja and the bulk of MAGA just exactly like him?

nf.23.01.04 #13
to fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #695
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Well, someone once had an experience with Jesus. I wish I could recall the details exactly but it looks He said something to this person along the lines of

"Suffering endears men to me."

Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.

And according to polls, he has many of those.

I empathize more with Trump now than I ever did before. That's because I have been through similar things as what he is going through... being accused of fake crimes / sins he didn't commit, being thought of as bad when you're trying to avoid bad

In other words, being the victim of lawless loser perverts bound for Hell
"stockholm syndrome?" the same reason abused wives stick with their bastards?
Look at it this way:

I believe PT Barnum said it best.

"there's a sucker born every minute."
every trick you pull has empowered him you idiot..........................lololol

indict him again please...lolol.............you people are so fucking stupid
What actions of Trump while he was president show that he cares for "the little guy"?
What actions of Trump while he was president show that he cares for "the little guy"?
We got a check from him!

I never got one from obummer. :(He gave some of the taxpayers' money, not back to the taxpayers but to cronies who were simpatico with his commie utopia, pie in the sky fantasies

So we don't like him

Not that that's the only thing TRUMP did for us! NOT hardly

He kept us safe from unknown monsters

(un-vetted strangers crashing our borders)

NO SMALL THING there! (which should go w/o saying but these days... so many have lost their minds, along with their souls, so nothing really goes w/o saying anymore----------)
1miseryindex in #1 23.12.20 wrote: “Trump must be HIGHLY endeared to Jesus.. Trump and his followers.” nmsryndx.23.12.20 #1

Mashmont in #3 23.12.23 said: The nature of human beings is they can't stand prosperity. They get fat, lazy, and forget God. They fall into a moral abyss. •¥• mshmnt.23.12.23 #3 to thvpvrsvr.23.12.23 #2

Foxfyre in #695 24.01.04 wrote: I will never see those relative few who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts as anything other than stupid idiots who served the President and the Patriot cause/vision miserably. •¥¥¥• fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #695

CarsomyrPlusSix in #125 23.06.20 wrote: “I'm an atheist,” 23.06.20 #125

Death-Ninja in #759 24.01.04 wrote: Observe following linked article, in it observe the raw violent political hatred the fascist democrat capital police unleashed upon decent Americans protesting the theft of the 2020 election, and ask yourselves a question, have you ever seen such monstrous evil turned loose upon American citizens, especially the fascist terrorists of the democrat party as they carried out a true insurrection against the Trump WH following the overdose death of Georgie Floyd???” •¥¥• dthnnj.24.01.04 #759

Trump and his followers are HIGHLY endeared to Jesus says Saint 1miseryindex in POST nmsryndx.23.12.20 #1

Saint Mashmont being the epitome of MAGA and a perfected Catholic who must be highly endeared to Jesus as one whom would never forget God; says the nature of human beings is they get fat, lazy, and forget God. They fall into a moral abyss. The majority of American have forgotten God.

MAGA Atheist Saint CarsomyrPlusSix does not simply forget God; he rejects God.

So the question for Saint 1miseryindex is this: What percentage of all Trump supporters are endeared to Jesus?

Saint Foxfyre says the 2,000 MAGA stupid idiots who participated in breaking and entering, assault, vandalism and other unlawful acts inside the Capitol on J6 served the President and the Patriot MAGA cause/vision miserably.

Do any of you MAGA cultural warriors support the notion that Jesus is endeared to Ssint Death-Ninja and the bulk of MAGA just exactly like him?

nf.23.01.04 #13
to fvxfyrv.24.01.04 #695
I don't understand the point of your quotes.
don't understand the point of your quotes.
Do any of you MAGA cultural warriors support the notion that Jesus is endeared to Ssint Death-Ninja and and the bulk of MAGA just exactly like him?

Do you support Saint Deathninha’s message as follows?

Death-Ninja in #759 24.01.04 wrote: Observe following linked article, in it observe the raw violent political hatred the fascist democrat capital police unleashed upon decent Americans protesting the theft of the 2020 election, and ask yourselves a question, have you ever seen such monstrous •¥¥• dthnnj.24.01.04 #759

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