I Love How The Democrats On Board

The majority of voters do not represent the majority of the people. They're just sheep that obviously have nothing better to do than vote, and could think their way into making frozen french fries.

That's an interesting way of looking at it..............

In other words, elections are useless? You know what the American people really want?

I can go a LOT of ways with THIS.

One, who was the last Presidential candidate actually qualified to be, that actually represent the people, not just HIS party? The side that wins is always the side where the majority think it has something to vote for. The side that loses, just the opposite.

I will admit though, much to my dismay, Obama has been everything I expected, and we'll be paying for it for years. But even HE represents the far left, not the American people.

This past Presidential election was useless. Obama wouldn't have even been the candidate had not two super delegates voted against their constituents and given him votes that were rightfully Hillary's. If you call that the representation we promised by law, go ahead.

I call it the people not being represented as we promised by law.
I already named them. They all hold public office.

That's just laughable. There is a big difference in being a talking head and a politician. Even if the politician advocates for things you don't agree with. I hate George Bush, I wouldn't lump him into the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" or whatever.

Then there's the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, even the freakin' Weather Channel. They are WAY more powerful than 3 or 4 loudmouths who don't even represent any real majority on the right.

Limbaugh's a comedian. Beck's a self-promoting loudmouth. Hannity's a pussy NEOCON. And Sara's just a self-promoter raking in the money while she can. NONE represent the GOP itself.

In your opinion. Many in the GOP would disagree with you.

No, not "many". The GOP's split in at least 3 directions. Only the NEOCON sheep that are left would disagree, and THEY are the damned problem, IMO.
I already named them. They all hold public office. Then there's the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, even the freakin' Weather Channel. They are WAY more powerful than 3 or 4 loudmouths who don't even represent any real majority on the right.

Limbaugh's a comedian. Beck's a self-promoting loudmouth. Hannity's a pussy NEOCON. And Sara's just a self-promoter raking in the money while she can. NONE represent the GOP itself.

You know don't ya that the left insists that it is they who decide who speaks for the Right.. :lol:

We do? I see Gunny deciding who speaks for the right, and America at large.

Need to borrow some Windex then?

laughter indicates mockery moron.

It's OK by me if you want to mock Republican failures. As long as you don't disagree because they ARE failures. And if you can find any success, share, I'm all ears.

After watching the GOP wrap themselves in the flag and question the patriotism of anyone who dared question their silly little wars, my opinion differs from your opinion.

Then you aren't looking at the facts. The GOP has nowhere near the media smear machine the left has. This board alone proves that, much less going into the mainstream. The few shrill voices on the right that the left regurgitates over and over does not make them in any way shape nor form equal to those on the right.

Again, except for the hype the left gives them.

Who on the left is on par with Limbaugh, Beck, and Hannity?

Ed Shultz? Give me a break. To substantiate your claim, we have to buy into the notion that CNN exists to function as a left wing smear machine. That's laughable.

Shultz is getting up there. I can do without the cutesy name calling he engages in. While he's hardly as pompous..and doesn't engage in all these freakouts..he can get annoying from time to time.
Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

Where were you when the Bush Administration was doing this?:lol:

telling dissenters to move to France, no doubt :doubt:
Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

Where were you when the Bush Administration was doing this?:lol:

telling dissenters to move to France, no doubt :doubt:

Freedom Fries!
Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

They're talking about their backside. They like it that way.

The majority of voters do not represent the majority of the people. They're just sheep that obviously have nothing better to do than vote, and could think their way into making frozen french fries.

That's an interesting way of looking at it..............

In other words, elections are useless? You know what the American people really want?

I can go a LOT of ways with THIS.

One, who was the last Presidential candidate actually qualified to be, that actually represent the people, not just HIS party? The side that wins is always the side where the majority think it has something to vote for. The side that loses, just the opposite.

I will admit though, much to my dismay, Obama has been everything I expected, and we'll be paying for it for years. But even HE represents the far left, not the American people.

This past Presidential election was useless. Obama wouldn't have even been the candidate had not two super delegates voted against their constituents and given him votes that were rightfully Hillary's. If you call that the representation we promised by law, go ahead.

I call it the people not being represented as we promised by law.

Messy as it is..the process we go through is to have each party decide who's going to run...and they put them up in the General.

You may want to have a Central Committee make these decisions..but, gosh darn it..it don't work like that.
Here's the bottom line asswipes. In the past week it is clear the obie wan is president of the unions not of the Divided America. and democrats are pansy assed cowards who run away from a fight they know they cannot win. They will sit on their sorry assed asses until the Gov. is forced to lay off thousands of employees. I wouldn't vote for a democrat under any condition whatsoever. They are just plain political cowards.

Democrats are a coalition made up of many diverse groups. Diverse in race, religion and culture.

Republicans are 90% white, mostly Christian. Only 6% of scientists are Republican which indicates their opinion of education. Republicans can't name a single success in the last 30 years. From 2001 to 2008, they worked tirelessly with China to move 2.4 million jobs to China and close down tens of thousands of American factories. Tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Nothing on immigration, nothing on building Americas infrastructure. They "freed" Iraq and then turned it into a far right wing Islamic Theocracy by constitution, watched as a million Christians were driven from a homeland they lived in since the time of Christ, did nothing when woman were forced to go from western style clothes to burkes and now live under Sharia law. Billions of dollars simply disappeared. They put Katrina survivors into carcinogenic trailers bought from their friends with government money.

The list is endless. And these people vote for the same corrupt politicians over and over again. I couldn't never vote for John Boehner, videotaped passing out bribes ON THE HOUSE FLOOR just before a vote. Or Darrell Issa sending emails to 150 of the largest companies asking what should Republicans do first?

And after all these terrible things, Republicans say, "What about the Democrat who.......?" as if the only bar is the bottom one. They don't want to BE Democrats, so stop measuring your scandals compared to Democrats.

Where are Republican successes? Crow about those. Unfortunately, the cupboard is bare.

Look, one of the boards most blatantly bigoted and racist members posted again! Rtard, no one likes you, why do you keep Trolling the internet?
Bush admits to lying.

Remember when he said Rumsfeld wasn't leaving, then two weeks later he did.

Bush acknowledged he lied about Rumsfeld

Bush explained that the reason for announcing Rumsfeld's resignation after the elections was due to the fact that he "didn't want to inject a major decision about this war in the final days of a campaign"; however, media outlets, with few exceptions, have avoided characterizing what Bush did as a "lie" or intentional misrepresentation -- this, despite Bush's own admission of a deliberate deception.

Bush acknowledged he lied about Rumsfeld, but media refused to call him on it

Saying your goal is to bring troops home or you plan on rebuilding the economy aren't lies. Promising to work on something and then Republicans blocking it isn't the same as standing in front of the American people and blatantly lying.

you should talk Dean....you fucking lie with all your shittin stereotyping bullshit about the people on the right.....and then deny you say it after your called on it....
we knew someone would be along to blame Palin,,, asswipes..

I haven't blamed Palin for anything. She didn't start the fire. She just has her own matchbook, as do people like her on the Democrat side.

BTW; "we"?

Is that you and your cats or you and the voices inside your head?

Palin is just playing the right wingers for a bunch of money in her pocket.

I'm still amazed how this little lady from Alaska SCARES THE HELL out of all the libs. They seem to have to blame her for everything. If she has done half of what they blame her for she can probably walk on water too. GO SARAH GO.
The list is endless. And these people vote for the same corrupt politicians over and over again. I couldn't never vote for John Boehner, videotaped passing out bribes ON THE HOUSE FLOOR just before a vote. Or Darrell Issa sending emails to 150 of the largest companies asking what should Republicans do first?

and the people on the Left dont?.....:lol:....Dean your fucking head is so wedged in the FAR Lefts collective ass that you are there until your last breath....they wish they had a hundred million like you....
Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

Where were you when the Bush Administration was doing this?:lol:

telling dissenters to move to France, no doubt :doubt:

Hell No..go tight to the thick of it...Somalia...
I can go a LOT of ways with THIS.

One, who was the last Presidential candidate actually qualified to be, that actually represent the people, not just HIS party? The side that wins is always the side where the majority think it has something to vote for. The side that loses, just the opposite.

I will admit though, much to my dismay, Obama has been everything I expected, and we'll be paying for it for years. But even HE represents the far left, not the American people.

This past Presidential election was useless. Obama wouldn't have even been the candidate had not two super delegates voted against their constituents and given him votes that were rightfully Hillary's. If you call that the representation we promised by law, go ahead.

I call it the people not being represented as we promised by law.

The party system has simply evolved. There is no legal mandate for political parties. If it were the problem you perceive it to be, the American people could throw off the shackles of party politics and vote for individuals. Perhaps, as people become more connected through the internet and it's easier to learn what people stand for, as opposed to subscribing to a certain ideology or platform, that will be the natural evolution of things.

However, my bet is that you could eliminate the Democrats and Republican parties tomorrow and people would tend to coalesce around two different camps in the very near future. Our "winner takes all" system virtually guarantees that. It's another reason why the libertarians will always be a minor third party. If we want a more representative party system, we would have to opt for a parliamentary system.

Other than that, griping about the status quo doesn't really change anything. Nor does the "no true Scotsman" mentality. Whether you like the Neo Cons or certain elements of the conservative movement today isn't really relevant. You get the whole package, unless you are a true independent, which few people can honestly make claims to be.
Palin is just playing the right wingers for a bunch of money in her pocket.

I know. I just find it ironic that Palin acolytes would point their boney fingers about divisiveness when Palin is deliberately divisive to pad her wallet.

More amazing how people can't shut up about her. The left keeps her in business with its shrill cries and yellow journalism more than anyone on the right does. This 10 billionth thread is proof enough.

Proof of what?:eusa_eh:
Here's the bottom line asswipes. In the past week it is clear the obie wan is president of the unions not of the Divided America. and democrats are pansy assed cowards who run away from a fight they know they cannot win. They will sit on their sorry assed asses until the Gov. is forced to lay off thousands of employees. I wouldn't vote for a democrat under any condition whatsoever. They are just plain political cowards.

Democrats are a coalition made up of many diverse groups. Diverse in race, religion and culture.

Republicans are 90% white, mostly Christian. Only 6% of scientists are Republican which indicates their opinion of education. Republicans can't name a single success in the last 30 years. From 2001 to 2008, they worked tirelessly with China to move 2.4 million jobs to China and close down tens of thousands of American factories. Tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans. Nothing on immigration, nothing on building Americas infrastructure. They "freed" Iraq and then turned it into a far right wing Islamic Theocracy by constitution, watched as a million Christians were driven from a homeland they lived in since the time of Christ, did nothing when woman were forced to go from western style clothes to burkes and now live under Sharia law. Billions of dollars simply disappeared. They put Katrina survivors into carcinogenic trailers bought from their friends with government money.

The list is endless. And these people vote for the same corrupt politicians over and over again. I couldn't never vote for John Boehner, videotaped passing out bribes ON THE HOUSE FLOOR just before a vote. Or Darrell Issa sending emails to 150 of the largest companies asking what should Republicans do first?

And after all these terrible things, Republicans say, "What about the Democrat who.......?" as if the only bar is the bottom one. They don't want to BE Democrats, so stop measuring your scandals compared to Democrats.

Where are Republican successes? Crow about those. Unfortunately, the cupboard is bare.

Look, one of the boards most blatantly bigoted and racist members posted again! Rtard, no one likes you, why do you keep Trolling the internet?

you guys are like the zen masters of ignoring information and striking out with a personal attacks. Truely amazing...ly bad

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