Good for the goose.

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Yet another reason to get rid of anti discrimination laws.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether “gay-only” guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services.
Last month, Christian owners of a guesthouse in Cornwall became the first to be found guilty of discrimination under equality laws after they refused to let a homosexual couple stay in a double room, in a legal action supported by the EHRC.
Now, the watchdog says it must establish an “objective balance” by considering if gays-only accommodation also defies the legislation.

EHRC now targets 'gay-only' guesthouses. Just in case any straight Christian fundamentalists were planning a night in one – Telegraph Blogs
I agree. Discrimination is discrimination. You cant have it both ways.
finally... an interesting topic.... thanks Q... am i allowed to retweet ?
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Yet another reason to get rid of anti discrimination laws.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether “gay-only” guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services.
Last month, Christian owners of a guesthouse in Cornwall became the first to be found guilty of discrimination under equality laws after they refused to let a homosexual couple stay in a double room, in a legal action supported by the EHRC.
Now, the watchdog says it must establish an “objective balance” by considering if gays-only accommodation also defies the legislation.

EHRC now targets 'gay-only' guesthouses. Just in case any straight Christian fundamentalists were planning a night in one – Telegraph Blogs

It doesn't seem right to force a Christian to house a gay couple if they think homosexuality is immoral. I personally don't think there's anything immoral about homosexuality, but many people think there is. This is certainly not a "decided" issue in our society, even if the left sometimes want to think it is.
The owners of the guesthouse should be free to decide who they cater to and deny whoever they want for whatever reason they want. It's their business, after all.
Has there been a case of straight people being refused at a gay establishment?

Do you think that gays should have the right to be able to not rent to people who hate them? Or to people who they disagree with personally or politically? I support the right of all people to not associate, or do business with, anyone they do not want to, do you?
Yet another reason to get rid of anti discrimination laws.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether “gay-only” guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services.
Last month, Christian owners of a guesthouse in Cornwall became the first to be found guilty of discrimination under equality laws after they refused to let a homosexual couple stay in a double room, in a legal action supported by the EHRC.
Now, the watchdog says it must establish an “objective balance” by considering if gays-only accommodation also defies the legislation.

EHRC now targets 'gay-only' guesthouses. Just in case any straight Christian fundamentalists were planning a night in one – Telegraph Blogs

Sorry, this will not wash, Quantum Windbag. It is unconstitutional for a hotel to discriminate. If these owners want to limit custom to "Christians Only", they need to become a private club.

Been that way for decades and they damn well knew this when they opened...unless their lawyer is a moron.
Yet another reason to get rid of anti discrimination laws.

The Equality and Human Rights Commission is examining whether “gay-only” guesthouses breach new laws designed to prevent people being treated unfairly in the provision of goods or services.
Last month, Christian owners of a guesthouse in Cornwall became the first to be found guilty of discrimination under equality laws after they refused to let a homosexual couple stay in a double room, in a legal action supported by the EHRC.
Now, the watchdog says it must establish an “objective balance” by considering if gays-only accommodation also defies the legislation.

EHRC now targets 'gay-only' guesthouses. Just in case any straight Christian fundamentalists were planning a night in one – Telegraph Blogs

It doesn't seem right to force a Christian to house a gay couple if they think homosexuality is immoral. I personally don't think there's anything immoral about homosexuality, but many people think there is. This is certainly not a "decided" issue in our society, even if the left sometimes want to think it is.

Shoobis, a hotel is in a unique position in interstate commerce. If you need a hotel room, you really need one. The only "discrimination" any hotel that accepts public custom may engage in is "cannot pay" and "looks like something illegal is afoot here".

That's it. If those two won't support denying respite to a gay couple, the hotel has to let them have a room.

And the "gay hotels" have to rent to christians.
The owners of the guesthouse should be free to decide who they cater to and deny whoever they want for whatever reason they want. It's their business, after all.

What about the owners of the last gas station for 100 miles? The only ER in 50? Should they also get to deny service for "any reason", Dont Taz Me Bro?

No, you dun get to cater to the public in some areas of commerce and discriminate. T'aint constitutional.
Has there been a case of straight people being refused at a gay establishment?

Do you think that gays should have the right to be able to not rent to people who hate them? Or to people who they disagree with personally or politically? I support the right of all people to not associate, or do business with, anyone they do not want to, do you?

No. You are 100% wrong-o here. The hotels can go private and rent rooms only to their group, if they like. Elsewise, "public accommodation" means public, Quantum Windbag.
It doesn't seem right to force a Christian to house a gay couple if they think homosexuality is immoral.

If they are really Christians as you say, their doors are opened to all god's children. Further, if they want to bill themselves as a public facility, their doors must be opened to all US citizens.

If they want to be a private run facility, they can turn their bath house into a club you join under any regulations they chose to impose. Just be careful, because they may have public stall toe tapping in the Ye Old Christian Airport practice.
Has there been a case of straight people being refused at a gay establishment?

Not sure, but there have been complaints made by heterosexual couples of being heckled and harassed in Provincetown, Massachusetts which has a large gay population.
The owners of the guesthouse should be free to decide who they cater to and deny whoever they want for whatever reason they want. It's their business, after all.

What about the owners of the last gas station for 100 miles? The only ER in 50? Should they also get to deny service for "any reason", Dont Taz Me Bro?

No, you dun get to cater to the public in some areas of commerce and discriminate. T'aint constitutional.

Yes, any business owner should be free to choose to serve whoever they want and deny service to whoever they want. That's part of living in a free society.

I am well aware that such a choice is no longer Constitutional in this country, but the Constitution should not be used to force people to congregate with those they wish not to. This is precisely the reason why Barry Goldwater, who was a huge supporter of civil rights, was also opposed to the civil rights acts. It's also the same point that Senator Rand Paul has made when discussing the subject.
The owners of the guesthouse should be free to decide who they cater to and deny whoever they want for whatever reason they want. It's their business, after all.

What about the owners of the last gas station for 100 miles? The only ER in 50? Should they also get to deny service for "any reason", Dont Taz Me Bro?

No, you dun get to cater to the public in some areas of commerce and discriminate. T'aint constitutional.

Yes, any business owner should be free to choose to serve whoever they want and deny service to whoever they want. That's part of living in a free society.

I am well aware that such a choice is no longer Constitutional in this country, but the Constitution should not be used to force people to congregate with those they wish not to. This is precisely the reason why Barry Goldwater, who was a huge supporter of civil rights, was also opposed to the civil rights acts. It's also the same point that Senator Rand Paul has made when discussing the subject.

That Rand Paul guy is an idijit, Dont Taz Me Bro.
Has there been a case of straight people being refused at a gay establishment?

in new york city, my sister and i wandered unbeknownced into a "private" local pub, and were summarily dismissed, asked to leave. we weren't heckeled though, that's pretty funny
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It doesn't seem right to force a Christian to house a gay couple if they think homosexuality is immoral. I personally don't think there's anything immoral about homosexuality, but many people think there is. This is certainly not a "decided" issue in our society, even if the left sometimes want to think it is.

Shoobis, a hotel is in a unique position in interstate commerce. If you need a hotel room, you really need one. The only "discrimination" any hotel that accepts public custom may engage in is "cannot pay" and "looks like something illegal is afoot here".

That's it. If those two won't support denying respite to a gay couple, the hotel has to let them have a room.

And the "gay hotels" have to rent to christians.

Sorry, but they are not talking about hotels, they are talking about rooms in a very small inn, more like a bed and breakfast, that refused service to a gay couple because it offended the owners morals. That law applies to even rooms you let in your own house, so trying to apply your sweeping generalization is not only stretching things, it totally fails. Not to mention that, since it is in the UK, you cannot even claim interstate commerce applies.

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