I Love How The Democrats On Board

Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

I was going to bring up Sarah Palin's "real America", but I am sure someone beat me to the punch.

As if the "politics of division" is limited to the Democrats.

Pull you head out of your cat's ass and smell the fresh air.

we knew someone would be along to blame Palin,,, asswipes..

He almost has a point. Palin is a talking head now and not a politician so he does not have a valid point. However, there is no way you can claim Dems are alone in dividing this country.
Palin is just playing the right wingers for a bunch of money in her pocket.

I know. I just find it ironic that Palin acolytes would point their boney fingers about divisiveness when Palin is deliberately divisive to pad her wallet.

More amazing how people can't shut up about her. The left keeps her in business with its shrill cries and yellow journalism more than anyone on the right does. This 10 billionth thread is proof enough.

I agree with you to an extent about the media keeping Palin relevant.

This thread wasn't started by a liberal nor was it about Palin. I just made the point that Palin does exactly what they OP claims liberals do.

The larger point is that both sides are guilty of it.
I was going to bring up Sarah Palin's "real America", but I am sure someone beat me to the punch.

As if the "politics of division" is limited to the Democrats.

Pull you head out of your cat's ass and smell the fresh air.

we knew someone would be along to blame Palin,,, asswipes..

He almost has a point. Palin is a talking head now and not a politician so he does not have a valid point. However, there is no way you can claim Dems are alone in dividing this country.

Palin made her "real America" comment when she was on the ticket as the Vice President.

Thanks for playing.
I know. I just find it ironic that Palin acolytes would point their boney fingers about divisiveness when Palin is deliberately divisive to pad her wallet.

More amazing how people can't shut up about her. The left keeps her in business with its shrill cries and yellow journalism more than anyone on the right does. This 10 billionth thread is proof enough.

I agree with you to an extent about the media keeping Palin relevant.

This thread wasn't started by a liberal nor was it about Palin. I just made the point that Palin does exactly what they OP claims liberals do.

The larger point is that both sides are guilty of it.

Disagree. The right is nowhere near as shrill, nor does it beat anything it fears to death like the left.

Which, I consider self-defeating on the left's part. The best thing that could happen for the left is if Palin actually does run.
Never watched Beck Gunny?
Shrill, barks like a dog you name it.

I categorize Palin with Beck. And both do have an impact on dividing america.

And on Palin running, a Mitt/Sarah ticket might just win.
I really wish he would. Tired of the ass kissing...really.

Sometimes President Obama comes off as an abused wife..still going back for more.

Where is Obama "conservative" or "kissing ass"?

And thank you for the responce.

Obama is pretty much a 3rd bush term. I do not know why the republicvans do not like him.

I agree, however I would say I don't know why Dems don't like Bush. Along with the wars that Obama and the Dem congress fully supported Bush pushed Medicare part D, massive growth in education and science… all supported by Dems as well. Bush could be literally policy by policy extremely aligned with Liberals of today while it would be laughable to even try and make Bush out to be a conservative.
If Bush was not white, from Texas and named Obama, he would have many liberals full support.

You also are incorrect, many many many Republicans did not like Bush as you can see by his 28% approval rating (I think it was that.) Also of course was the fracture and split in the Republican party, and the birth of the TPM… Unless you care to play the race card and claim the TPM was spawned due to Obama being black, howeveryou seem to smart to go there... Leave that to Rtard/RW and TM =D.
we knew someone would be along to blame Palin,,, asswipes..

He almost has a point. Palin is a talking head now and not a politician so he does not have a valid point. However, there is no way you can claim Dems are alone in dividing this country.

Palin made her "real America" comment when she was on the ticket as the Vice President.

Thanks for playing.

Ahh, sorry then I stand corrected.

No need to talk to me like a child btw.
More amazing how people can't shut up about her. The left keeps her in business with its shrill cries and yellow journalism more than anyone on the right does. This 10 billionth thread is proof enough.

I agree with you to an extent about the media keeping Palin relevant.

This thread wasn't started by a liberal nor was it about Palin. I just made the point that Palin does exactly what they OP claims liberals do.

The larger point is that both sides are guilty of it.

Disagree. The right is nowhere near as shrill, nor does it beat anything it fears to death like the left.

Which, I consider self-defeating on the left's part. The best thing that could happen for the left is if Palin actually does run.

And that would mark the Statist apocalypse...Statist Armageddon...think they are unravled now? :lol:
He almost has a point. Palin is a talking head now and not a politician so he does not have a valid point. However, there is no way you can claim Dems are alone in dividing this country.

Palin made her "real America" comment when she was on the ticket as the Vice President.

Thanks for playing.

Ahh, sorry then I stand corrected.

No need to talk to me like a child btw.

Sorry, I thought you were going in the snide direction.

I rescind my snark.
Where is Obama "conservative" or "kissing ass"?

And thank you for the responce.

Obama is pretty much a 3rd bush term. I do not know why the republicvans do not like him.

I agree, however I would say I don't know why Dems don't like Bush. Along with the wars that Obama and the Dem congress fully supported Bush pushed Medicare part D, massive growth in education and science… all supported by Dems as well. Bush could be literally policy by policy extremely aligned with Liberals of today while it would be laughable to even try and make Bush out to be a conservative.
If Bush was not white, from Texas and named Obama, he would have many liberals full support.

You also are incorrect, many many many Republicans did not like Bush as you can see by his 28% approval rating (I think it was that.) Also of course was the fracture and split in the Republican party, and the birth of the TPM… Unless you care to play the race card and claim the TPM was spawned due to Obama being black, howeveryou seem to smart to go there... Leave that to Rtard/RW and TM =D.

bush was still doing fine with all republicans till his last year or so.

This liberal is libertarian on issues of nation building and the USA being the police force for the world. Like Bush promised when he campained.

I am saying that Obama sucks because he is a 3rd Bush term.
The pill bill sucked too.
More amazing how people can't shut up about her. The left keeps her in business with its shrill cries and yellow journalism more than anyone on the right does. This 10 billionth thread is proof enough.

I agree with you to an extent about the media keeping Palin relevant.

This thread wasn't started by a liberal nor was it about Palin. I just made the point that Palin does exactly what they OP claims liberals do.

The larger point is that both sides are guilty of it.

Disagree. The right is nowhere near as shrill, nor does it beat anything it fears to death like the left.

Which, I consider self-defeating on the left's part. The best thing that could happen for the left is if Palin actually does run.

After watching the GOP wrap themselves in the flag and question the patriotism of anyone who dared question their silly little wars, my opinion differs from your opinion.
Never watched Beck Gunny?
Shrill, barks like a dog you name it.

I categorize Palin with Beck. And both do have an impact on dividing america.

And on Palin running, a Mitt/Sarah ticket might just win.

Neither have actual status in the GOP; whereas, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Stuart Smally, et al hold actual office.

I wouldn't vote Beck NOR Palin. But I damned sure wouldn't vote that gaggle of losers currently holding office as Democrats.

Try again.
Never watched Beck Gunny?
Shrill, barks like a dog you name it.

I categorize Palin with Beck. And both do have an impact on dividing america.

And on Palin running, a Mitt/Sarah ticket might just win.

Neither have actual status in the GOP; whereas, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Stuart Smally, et al hold actual office.

I wouldn't vote Beck NOR Palin. But I damned sure wouldn't vote that gaggle of losers currently holding office as Democrats.

Try again.

I am not sure there is anyone in congress I would vote for. I do not believe I voted for any that is in there now.

It is obvious that you and I do not represent the majority of voters though.
which is who I was referring to.
Last edited:
Where is Obama "conservative" or "kissing ass"?

And thank you for the responce.

Obama is pretty much a 3rd bush term. I do not know why the republicvans do not like him.

I agree, however I would say I don't know why Dems don't like Bush. Along with the wars that Obama and the Dem congress fully supported Bush pushed Medicare part D, massive growth in education and science… all supported by Dems as well. Bush could be literally policy by policy extremely aligned with Liberals of today while it would be laughable to even try and make Bush out to be a conservative.
If Bush was not white, from Texas and named Obama, he would have many liberals full support.

You also are incorrect, many many many Republicans did not like Bush as you can see by his 28% approval rating (I think it was that.) Also of course was the fracture and split in the Republican party, and the birth of the TPM… Unless you care to play the race card and claim the TPM was spawned due to Obama being black, howeveryou seem to smart to go there... Leave that to Rtard/RW and TM =D.

The media pimping McCain/Palin as way more than they were worth split the GOP.

The Tea Party was spawned because Obama is half-white? :cuckoo: Obama is a fraud and a liar. His skin color is irrelevant.
Obama is pretty much a 3rd bush term. I do not know why the republicvans do not like him.

I agree, however I would say I don't know why Dems don't like Bush. Along with the wars that Obama and the Dem congress fully supported Bush pushed Medicare part D, massive growth in education and science… all supported by Dems as well. Bush could be literally policy by policy extremely aligned with Liberals of today while it would be laughable to even try and make Bush out to be a conservative.
If Bush was not white, from Texas and named Obama, he would have many liberals full support.

You also are incorrect, many many many Republicans did not like Bush as you can see by his 28% approval rating (I think it was that.) Also of course was the fracture and split in the Republican party, and the birth of the TPM… Unless you care to play the race card and claim the TPM was spawned due to Obama being black, howeveryou seem to smart to go there... Leave that to Rtard/RW and TM =D.

The media pimping McCain/Palin as way more than they were worth split the GOP.

The Tea Party was spawned because Obama is half-white? :cuckoo: Obama is a fraud and a liar. His skin color is irrelevant.

yep Obama is a fraud and liar which is another reason why I say we have a 3rd Bush term.
Blatantly say that their elected officals are for their side only. This isn't the UNITED States of AMERICA.. It's officially the DIVIDED STATES of AMERICA.. Wonder where they can run to when the Republicans take back the WH.. They gonna run off to Mexico>>>>:lol::lol::lol: fucking hilarious weenies.

Where were you when the Bush Administration was doing this?:lol:

He didn't. You libs did it to yourselves. Remember" Bush lied people died he's hitler, he's a nazi,, dumb assed chimp pictures of him.. you reaps what you sow. you have divided your country now for a decade. good on ya.

Bush admits to lying.

Remember when he said Rumsfeld wasn't leaving, then two weeks later he did.

Bush acknowledged he lied about Rumsfeld

Bush explained that the reason for announcing Rumsfeld's resignation after the elections was due to the fact that he "didn't want to inject a major decision about this war in the final days of a campaign"; however, media outlets, with few exceptions, have avoided characterizing what Bush did as a "lie" or intentional misrepresentation -- this, despite Bush's own admission of a deliberate deception.

Bush acknowledged he lied about Rumsfeld, but media refused to call him on it

Saying your goal is to bring troops home or you plan on rebuilding the economy aren't lies. Promising to work on something and then Republicans blocking it isn't the same as standing in front of the American people and blatantly lying.
I agree with you to an extent about the media keeping Palin relevant.

This thread wasn't started by a liberal nor was it about Palin. I just made the point that Palin does exactly what they OP claims liberals do.

The larger point is that both sides are guilty of it.

Disagree. The right is nowhere near as shrill, nor does it beat anything it fears to death like the left.

Which, I consider self-defeating on the left's part. The best thing that could happen for the left is if Palin actually does run.

After watching the GOP wrap themselves in the flag and question the patriotism of anyone who dared question their silly little wars, my opinion differs from your opinion.

Then you aren't looking at the facts. The GOP has nowhere near the media smear machine the left has. This board alone proves that, much less going into the mainstream. The few shrill voices on the right that the left regurgitates over and over does not make them in any way shape nor form equal to those on the right.

Again, except for the hype the left gives them.
Here's the bottom line asswipes. In the past week it is clear the obie wan is president of the unions not of the Divided America. and democrats are pansy assed cowards who run away from a fight they know they cannot win. They will sit on their sorry assed asses until the Gov. is forced to lay off thousands of employees. I wouldn't vote for a democrat under any condition whatsoever. They are just plain political cowards.
Never watched Beck Gunny?
Shrill, barks like a dog you name it.

I categorize Palin with Beck. And both do have an impact on dividing america.

And on Palin running, a Mitt/Sarah ticket might just win.

Neither have actual status in the GOP; whereas, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Stuart Smally, et al hold actual office.

I wouldn't vote Beck NOR Palin. But I damned sure wouldn't vote that gaggle of losers currently holding office as Democrats.

Try again.

I am not sure there is anyone in congress I would vote for. I do not believe I voted for any that is in there now.

It is obvious that you and I do not represent the majority of voters though.
which is who I was referring to.

The majority of voters do not represent the majority of the people. They're just sheep that obviously have nothing better to do than vote, and could think their way into making frozen french fries.
Never watched Beck Gunny?
Shrill, barks like a dog you name it.

I categorize Palin with Beck. And both do have an impact on dividing america.

And on Palin running, a Mitt/Sarah ticket might just win.

Neither have actual status in the GOP; whereas, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Stuart Smally, et al hold actual office.

I wouldn't vote Beck NOR Palin. But I damned sure wouldn't vote that gaggle of losers currently holding office as Democrats.

Try again.

I am not sure there is anyone in congress I would vote for. I do not believe I voted for any that is in there now.

It is obvious that you and I do not represent the majority of voters though.
which is who I was referring to.

There are a lot of Democrats I would vote for.

No Blew Dogs.

I know what Republicans stand for and I could never belong to a party that would apologize to BP. I look at what al Qaeda has done to the US in the last 10 years and I look at what Republicans have done and I have to say it, Republicans win.

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