I Keep Getting Redirected ...

Hey folks Let me look into this issue! What browser? FF, Chrome, IE?

I am completely hosed on my 4 office computers with this. Cant access USMB at all. Not with IE old or new or Chrome. Bought LavaSoft this morning, does not fix it. Cant come to work til this resolved. Same issue with daioplayer.com and blocking redirects.

whatever you do, DO NOT LOAD the player, or navigate to that site.

[MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] [MENTION=22590]AquaAthena[/MENTION] [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]
My Norton has been kicking the redirect program's butt. Next time I get a view I will send a screen shot.
The screen capture from Sameech is the first splash that come up. If you dismiss that message by delettion, you get a page that spoofs that Adobe logo and a offer to down a player. But the URLs are definitately bogus. With daioplayer.com being one of the hosting sites. I believe that only certain USMB pages are blocked. So the folks that picked it up, like me navigated to or were served an ad that was defective or malicious from a particular location or time.
On the ipad, it hijacks the screen and redirects to what looks like the apple store (but i doubt it is), where a game download instantly loads. I hard kill that by double clicking the home button instead of clicking anywhere on that page that pops up. Going back to the usmb page causes it to do the same thing again.
First screen is the intercept that says can't connect to daioplayer.com. URL is shown..


Second screen shows up when you dismiss the first and DOWNLOADS an EXE file. (i've got 4 or 5 now).

Problem has gotten better. Don't know whether you did anything at USMB or if I just hit the right buttons on the LavaSoft adware S/W I installed..

This time I logged on -- I got one blocking ad after I took the screenshots and none since..
On the ipad, it hijacks the screen and redirects to what looks like the apple store (but i doubt it is), where a game download instantly loads. I hard kill that by double clicking the home button instead of clicking anywhere on that page that pops up. Going back to the usmb page causes it to do the same thing again.

That's what I have been getting
The screen capture from Sameech is the first splash that come up. If you dismiss that message by delettion, you get a page that spoofs that Adobe logo and a offer to down a player. But the URLs are definitately bogus. With daioplayer.com being one of the hosting sites. I believe that only certain USMB pages are blocked. So the folks that picked it up, like me navigated to or were served an ad that was defective or malicious from a particular location or time.


I did try to install that Adobe flash and McAfee blocked my effort with a huge warning. I had an option to force it but was warned by McAfee they would drop me, if I did. They were taking NO chances.

My gawd...who can you trust. The Adobe logo was authentic looking.
The screen capture from Sameech is the first splash that come up. If you dismiss that message by delettion, you get a page that spoofs that Adobe logo and a offer to down a player. But the URLs are definitately bogus. With daioplayer.com being one of the hosting sites. I believe that only certain USMB pages are blocked. So the folks that picked it up, like me navigated to or were served an ad that was defective or malicious from a particular location or time.


I did try to install that Adobe flash and McAfee blocked my effort with a huge warning. I had an option to force it but was warned by McAfee they would drop me, if I did. They were taking NO chances.

My gawd...who can you trust. The Adobe logo was authentic looking.

You LOVE danger apparently !!! :eek: Especially if you're trusting McAfee to watch your back. :D It's Dodge City in the Matrix out there. That was an interesting little fire drill..

I think what happens a lot is just mutant code. Poorly written, poorly tested -- not MEANT to be malicious.. But a Russian ad agency can make 100 million folks their hostages by putting untested code out there.
The screen capture from Sameech is the first splash that come up. If you dismiss that message by delettion, you get a page that spoofs that Adobe logo and a offer to down a player. But the URLs are definitately bogus. With daioplayer.com being one of the hosting sites. I believe that only certain USMB pages are blocked. So the folks that picked it up, like me navigated to or were served an ad that was defective or malicious from a particular location or time.


I did try to install that Adobe flash and McAfee blocked my effort with a huge warning. I had an option to force it but was warned by McAfee they would drop me, if I did. They were taking NO chances.

My gawd...who can you trust. The Adobe logo was authentic looking.

You LOVE danger apparently !!! :eek: Especially if you're trusting McAfee to watch your back. :D It's Dodge City in the Matrix out there. That was an interesting little fire drill..

I think what happens a lot is just mutant code. Poorly written, poorly tested -- not MEANT to be malicious.. But a Russian ad agency can make 100 million folks their hostages by putting untested code out there.

Norton has been my main go for years, but my tech said today's McAfee isn't yesterday's McAfee. It came free for a month with my new W-7 PC so I subscribed for a year. :thup:

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