I feel sorry for the women in Afghanistan

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Their men are cowards or worse, terrorists. We spent over 80 billion dollars and untold blood to give them a shot at real freedom or something close to it. 20 years of advancements for women's rights and education all squandered in a matter of days because their men are cowards and Biden didn't have a solid plan to lend support to the Afghan government as we relinquished total power to them. No air support to stop the advancing barbarians is just mind blowing.
We should have left YEARS ago but we needed to do it right. Simply folding up the tent and hoping on the plane was not a plan.
The retribution will be swift and severe for all those who sought freedom.

Very sad
Their men are cowards or worse, terrorists. We spent over 80 billion dollars and untold blood to give them a shot at real freedom or something close to it. 20 years of advancements for women's rights and education all squandered in a matter of days because their men are cowards and Biden didn't have a solid plan to lend support to the Afghan government as we relinquished total power to them. No air support to stop the advancing barbarians is just mind blowing.
We should have left YEARS ago but we needed to do it right. Simply folding up the tent and hoping on the plane was not a plan.
The retribution will be swift and severe for all those who sought freedom.

Very sad
I cant think of any plan that had a chance,, we should have gotten our civilians out first but beyond that the afgan people were just not ready to be free,,
According to the Trump time line we were supposed to get out May 1st....

The May 1 timetable is part of an agreement the Trump administration forged with the Taliban in February 2020. Under that deal, the U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces. The Trump administration began a drawdown of U.S. forces, and about 2,500 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan now.
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I cant think of any plan that had a chance,, we should have gotten our civilians out first but beyond that the afgan people were just not ready to be free,,
Air support can keep a lot at bay. We didn't even give them a chance to get their feet planted defensively.
Why spend 80 billion and countless lives if we're just gonna do an about face?
You may be right about them not being ready but we should have at least given them some cover.

Also why the hell are we always telling the enemy what we're gonna do and when??? Dumbest military strategy EVER
Air support can keep a lot at bay. We didn't even give them a chance to get their feet planted defensively.
Why spend 80 billion and countless lives if we're just gonna do an about face?
You may be right about them not being ready but we should have at least given them some cover.

Also why the hell are we always telling the enemy what we're gonna do and when??? Dumbest military strategy EVER
we gave them 20 yrs,,,

as for military strategy,, we havent won a war since we changed from the war department to the dept of defense,,
EMbassy workers and US citizens are being told to 'shelter in place' because the Airport and other areas are under attack.

So...you guys left there and you've filled out one set of papers to get you out? You got to do the red tape thing and fill out another set of papers to get yourself, your wife and kids out of there before you all lose your heads....i mean LITERALLY...LOSE. your heads.

Here's the order:

U.S. citizens wanting assistance in departing the country should register for any option that might be identified to return to the United States, and must complete this Repatriation Assistance Request for each traveler in their group. Spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens in Afghanistan who are awaiting immigrant visas should also complete this form if they wish to depart. Please do so as soon as possible. You must complete this form even if you’ve previously submitted your information to the U.S. Embassy in Kabul. Do not call the U.S. Embassy in Kabul for details or updates about the flight. This form is the only way to communicate interest in flight options.

Now. I know that it is a bit more red tape than the illegals flooding our southern border have to endure but hey!! They get no helicopter ride do they.
So get that paper in before the Obama Doctrine kicks in shortly. You remember the Obama Doctrine don't you? "YOU are ON your OWN".

Hurry hurry. Blood is thicker than water er i mean..the early bird catches the worm...in this case the next helicopter out. if and when.
It is a shame AOC doesn’t volunteer to go to Afghanistan and fight for the rights of women and the LGBT community. I’m sure the Taliban would be impressed with her.
All the America haters boohooing for the Taliban and other like kinds should pay attention to their barbaric garishness.
Also, why is the USA mostly the only country that even tries to help and the only country that’s supposed to stay there thru the bitter end?
All the America haters boohooing for the Taliban and other like kinds should pay attention to their barbaric garishness.
Also, why is the USA mostly the only country that even tries to help and the only country that’s supposed to stay there thru the bitter end?
Britain was there also.
I see now you change the goal post to fit yer narrative, carry on playing with yerself.
I see you are bird chirping again
I said the USA far and away carried the load. You can offer no refutation but do offer the childlike chirp that “Britain was there too” I never said the USA was the only one there, just the dominate one. This is what libbies do All The Time-alter your statement and then refute the alteration
You can close your beak now.
Officially we were there for their freedom. There may have been other reasons. However, at home in many ways we are more restrictive then they are as social media, internet and TV media/entertainers have taken over the dialogue of what is right and wrong according to them.
Their men are cowards or worse, terrorists. We spent over 80 billion dollars and untold blood to give them a shot at real freedom or something close to it. 20 years of advancements for women's rights and education all squandered in a matter of days because their men are cowards and Biden didn't have a solid plan to lend support to the Afghan government as we relinquished total power to them. No air support to stop the advancing barbarians is just mind blowing.
We should have left YEARS ago but we needed to do it right. Simply folding up the tent and hoping on the plane was not a plan.
The retribution will be swift and severe for all those who sought freedom.

Very sad
This a a lie.

Whatever happens to the women of Afghanistan will be solely the fault of George W. Bush; Bush will be forever to blame for what will happen in Afghanistan.

After 20 years of failure on the part of the Afghan government and military, President Biden made the only choice available: to end America’s unwarranted involvement.

That the dishonest, partisan right will attempt to ‘blame’ President Biden for Bush’s failed, illegal war comes as no surprise.
I belong to a forum of mostly veterans. Many of them veterans from the War on Terror. Brave men that joined after 911 to serve their country. Many of them lost friends in Afghanistan.

They are devastated for the betrayal they are seeing from Joe Dufus.

I feel sorry for the women and children in Afghanistan and I also feel sorry for our veterans that sacrificed so much and was betrayed by a President that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course the real villains that betrayed the veterans are these nitwits that let Joe Dufus steal the election. What the hell were those idiots thinking?
Their men are cowards or worse, terrorists. We spent over 80 billion dollars and untold blood to give them a shot at real freedom or something close to it. 20 years of advancements for women's rights and education all squandered in a matter of days because their men are cowards and Biden didn't have a solid plan to lend support to the Afghan government as we relinquished total power to them. No air support to stop the advancing barbarians is just mind blowing.
We should have left YEARS ago but we needed to do it right. Simply folding up the tent and hoping on the plane was not a plan.
The retribution will be swift and severe for all those who sought freedom.

Very sad
We have a Statue of Liberty and should welcome them over here.
I belong to a forum of mostly veterans. Many of them veterans from the War on Terror. Brave men that joined after 911 to serve their country. Many of them lost friends in Afghanistan.

They are devastated for the betrayal they are seeing from Joe Dufus.

I feel sorry for the women and children in Afghanistan and I also feel sorry for our veterans that sacrificed so much and was betrayed by a President that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.

Of course the real villains that betrayed the veterans are these nitwits that let Joe Dufus steal the election. What the hell were those idiots thinking?
what would have been worse is to stay there and loose more american lives for nothing,, the only mistake joe made was not getting the civilians out first,,

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