I cut my hair today.

I wanted to have long hair once in my life, since a good head of hair is one thing the Lord seems to have blessed me with while defaulting on others, so during my time as a Harley Davidson Tech seemed to be it. It was cool for awhile, but near the end I was really sick of it. It was a huge pain in the ass to care for.

When mine was wet, it went halfway down my back. Once it dried, it all curled up and sat on the back of neck and just below it on my shoulders. I looked like I had a poodle for a neck scarf.

Mine looks like pubes when it gets too long.
Are you a "nappy headed ho?"
I just returned and I let my hair cut.
The top is 7 millimeter, the sides vary from 3 to 7 millimeter, with 3 millimeter beginning at the bottom.

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