Facial Hair

I can't stand having hair on my face.

Maybe I'll let some stubble sprout over the weekend but that's about it.
I normally love it when a guy has facial hair, but country singer Luke Bryan might be my exception. To me, he looks younger without it, and I hope that is only taken as a compliment because that is how I mean it. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!

Holly (a girl who likes a few of his songs)
I usually shave when my beard gets itchy. Now it's a bit longer and not itchy yet. But a bristly face can be an intimacy barrier, so the beard will be gone soon.
Yeah I hate big bushy beards. In particular the grey ones. They make people look old. Clean shave is the way to go, even though more people have beards than don’t.
To me, if you want to wear a beard, make sure that you can grow one first. Elon, I'm looking at you.

I had a really long bushy one in my biker days. I got a bad case of the flu one time and felt like I couldn't get away from it in my feverish suffering. I shaved it off. I'd been close shaved for most of my working career.
At my age, clean shaven doesn't equal younger looking.

I trim to 3mm, then again three weeks later. It's so much less work than shaving every morning. The Bowery look is attractive on elder statesmen.
Well, there are four options: clean-shaven, trimmed and tended facial hair, untended facial hair, and the "Don Johnson" look.

All can look good on the right face. To my way of thinking, trimmed & tended is fine, and the Don Johnson look (used to be called, "five o'clock shadow") is fine for some, but if your facial hair is half grey and half black, YOU LOOK LIKE A FUCKING HOMELESS PERSON!


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