I am not a victim


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama did not throw 47% of Americans under the bus by saying they cling to their guns and religion. Don't they when time are rough? Are there anyone ashamed about having a gun and a bible and worship GOD? I go hunting and fishing and go to church and pray more when I am going to difficult times. What is wrong with that? Romney saying 47% of Americans are so stupid that they only want government handouts instead of work. And he don't worry about them.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave us Social Security and unemployment insurance. LBJ gave us Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and Head Start and Job Corp. Section 8 housing began in 1937. Most of these programs originated long before Obama was even born. Food stamp enrollment has been rising for more than a decade. President Bush is the food stamp president.Dem Congressman: Bush Is The Real Food Stamp President | RealClearPolitics

I am not a victim. I worked 50 years for my social security, Medicare and $10 in food stamps. Earned a power chair and discount on my medications. I am not a victim and I am not voting for Obama because he gives me anything. But because he is the best man for the job and has a record to prove it. Not someone like Romney who insults my intelligence but give no specifics. We just got to take his word for it?
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I worked 50 years for my social security, Medicare and $10 in food stamps

Actually you worked for 50 years paying other people's social security, medicare and food stamps. The governments you elected spent every dime you paid and more. Then you came to my generation and handed me all your unpaid bills and informed me that while you are not giving me any assets to pay for them, we owe you checks. But don't worry, you say, we can screw our children like you are screwing us.

I'd like to end the cycle of dependency. Sorry granny, you saved zip. And just I am going to oppose doing to my children what you did to me. It's wrong, it's theft.

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