Hypocritical Right Wingers


Gold Member
Nov 16, 2010
I know I’m fairly new on this board but I am amazed at the amount of hypocrisy on this board by the right wingers aim toward President Obama and his policies.

I have read over and over people slamming him on his surge in Afghanistan. The hypocrisy comes in when these same people would not dare to criticize Bush on his troop surge in Iraq. Look, either a troop surge is good or it isn’t guys. It’s a military decision but if it works it’s good, right?

These same people cry about wanting us out of Iraq. Well we should never have gone to Iraq in the first place. But what used to be a good idea to the wingnuts suddenly became a bad idea when the people of our nation elected President Obama. I hate the fact that we went there in the first place but realized that we could not leave until the job is done. But these wingnuts think we can just get up and leave without realizing what harm will come from further destabilization. You don’t like us there? Then blame your buddy Bush. But don’t blame Obama who was handed this job to finish. Because finish it he will.

These same people slam Obama on being in Afghanistan. HELLO!! Bush put us there!! And I fully support our presence there as long as were looking for Bin Laden. I supported it when Bush sent our troops there and I still support it.

I can’t even believe the venom spewed toward Obama on the auto bailout. I guess it was a good idea when Bush started it, but suddenly became bad when Obama saw it through. OH…but it was a GOOD idea when Reagan did it. Figure THAT one out. And guess what? It turned out to be a great success for Bush, Obama and millions of working men and women. But the wingnuts must be the only people in America that still say it was a bad idea?

I may be left leaning but I can say that I stood with George W Bush on 9/11, supported his move on the auto bailout and our going into Afghanistan. He was a lousy POTUS but he did make a few right decisions over his eight years. The law of averages dictates that.
On the other hand the vicious, rabid wingnuts are still lying about Obama’s citizenship (he’s a legal citizen), his being a Muslim (he’s not) or even socialist because of his health care policy (GOP POTUS’s have proposed the same thing in the past).

So I guess that’s what separates us from the wingnuts. We don’t change our opinions based on who occupies the Oval Office. They can't help it.
Wow. The OP has just managed to turn into the exact thing he was decrying. It's sad really. There was some good analysis in there somewhere.
The people on this site are not right wingers. They are for the most part, extremists. They are the true RINO's despite what they'll try to convince you of.
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DaGoose, please excuse Del. He is usually concise but in his post above he 'over thought'; when he does, think, it's best to walk away backwards and never take your eye of him on his perch, least he fly away and become a hazzard (a hazzard is like a buzzard, but hazzards eat their prey live).
Dear del, please excuse Whine Crapper. It's 'that time of the month' when he posts more moronic crap. I know... it happens a lot.... I am hoping he will settle into a regular pattern as he grows up.
Putting stuff in bold and underlining is always a surefire way to convince everyone that nonsense is actually correct.
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DaGoose, please excuse Del. He is usually concise but in his post above he 'over thought'; when he does, think, it's best to walk away backwards and never take your eye of him on his perch, least he fly away and become a hazzard (a hazzard is like a buzzard, but hazzards eat their prey live).

lest not least "lest he fly away etc"

and one always prepares one's prey properly, although i'm not averse to a nice carpacchio.

I know I’m fairly new on this board but I am amazed at the amount of hypocrisy on this board by the right wingers aim toward President Obama and his policies.

I have read over and over people slamming him on his surge in Afghanistan. The hypocrisy comes in when these same people would not dare to criticize Bush on his troop surge in Iraq. Look, either a troop surge is good or it isn’t guys. It’s a military decision but if it works it’s good, right?

These same people cry about wanting us out of Iraq. Well we should never have gone to Iraq in the first place. But what used to be a good idea to the wingnuts suddenly became a bad idea when the people of our nation elected President Obama. I hate the fact that we went there in the first place but realized that we could not leave until the job is done. But these wingnuts think we can just get up and leave without realizing what harm will come from further destabilization. You don’t like us there? Then blame your buddy Bush. But don’t blame Obama who was handed this job to finish. Because finish it he will.

These same people slam Obama on being in Afghanistan. HELLO!! Bush put us there!! And I fully support our presence there as long as were looking for Bin Laden. I supported it when Bush sent our troops there and I still support it.

I can’t even believe the venom spewed toward Obama on the auto bailout. I guess it was a good idea when Bush started it, but suddenly became bad when Obama saw it through. OH…but it was a GOOD idea when Reagan did it. Figure THAT one out. And guess what? It turned out to be a great success for Bush, Obama and millions of working men and women. But the wingnuts must be the only people in America that still say it was a bad idea?

I may be left leaning but I can say that I stood with George W Bush on 9/11, supported his move on the auto bailout and our going into Afghanistan. He was a lousy POTUS but he did make a few right decisions over his eight years. The law of averages dictates that.
On the other hand the vicious, rabid wingnuts are still lying about Obama’s citizenship (he’s a legal citizen), his being a Muslim (he’s not) or even socialist because of his health care policy (GOP POTUS’s have proposed the same thing in the past).

So I guess that’s what separates us from the wingnuts. We don’t change our opinions based on who occupies the Oval Office. They can't help it.

Tissue? or does ya need a waaaambalance?
Ah yes, the old Hypocrisy ploy.

Mea culpa. I don't consider you a philistine, Del. Why you sign your posts so is interesting.

I suppose using all caps to emphasis one word offended boedicca, I wonder how she feels about somoene posting their signature line in foreign languages. To parade Latin or French or German or whatever before an American readership is worse than snobbery - it's patronizing.

And we must not forget those who post in all caps, in large font and in color. How do you really feel about them boedicca?
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I have yet to see any "rightwingers" on this board who think Obama should have simply brought all the troops home the first day of his tenure, that was HIS promise.

I haven't seen ANYONE say now that Obama took over the bailouts, it's a bad idea.
I know I’m fairly new on this board but I am amazed at the amount of hypocrisy on this board by the right wingers aim toward President Obama and his policies. Really? Well go to Open.salon.com and you will never hear a single critique of big 0.

I have read over and over people slamming him on his surge in Afghanistan. point that person out and I will make fun of them for you. The hypocrisy comes in when these same people would not dare to criticize Bush on his troop surge in Iraq. Look, either a troop surge is good or it isn’t guys. It’s a military decision no it's not, they can only request. but if it works it’s good, right?

These same people cry about wanting us out of Iraq.who? where? Have yet to hear a conservative say any such thing. Well we should never have gone to Iraq in the first place. But what used to be a good idea to the wingnuts suddenly became a bad idea when the people of our nation elected President Obama. I hate the fact that we went there in the first place but realized that we could not leave until the job is done. But these wingnuts think we can just get up and leave without realizing what harm will come from further destabilization. You don’t like us there? Then blame your buddy Bush. But don’t blame Obama who was handed this job to finish. Because finish it he will. since he didn't change any from The Bush surge, sure.

These same people slam Obama on being in Afghanistan. now you're just making shit up. HELLO!! Bush put us there!! And I fully support our presence there as long as were looking for Bin Laden. I supported it when Bush sent our troops there and I still support it.

I can’t even believe the venom spewed toward Obama on the auto bailout. That's b/c you are a union lackey. I guess it was a good idea when Bush started it, no but suddenly became bad when Obama saw it through.still no. OH…but it was a GOOD idea when Reagan did it.That's b/c he didn't BUY into one and it was only Chrystler and they had to beg. Figure THAT one out. And guess what? It turned out to be a great success for Bush, Obama and millions of working men and women.Millions? pfft. But the wingnuts must be the only people in America that still say it was a bad idea? government has no business owning a business in the private sector.

I may be left leaningLeaning? but I can say that I stood with George W Bush on 9/11, supported his move on the auto bailout and our going into Afghanistan. He was a lousy POTUS but he did make a few right decisions over his eight years. The law of averages dictates that.
On the other hand the vicious, rabid wingnuts are still lying about Obama’s citizenship (he’s a legal citizen), his being a Muslim (he’s not) there's only one member here that I know of that still bothers with that, and we all ridicule him.or even socialist because of his health care policy That's b/c it's done in socialist countries, many of which are in full riot and/or on the verge of collapse. If it wasn't for Germany, Greece would be in ruins.(GOP POTUS’s have proposed the same thing in the past). GOP does not equal conservative.

So I guess that’s what separates us from the wingnuts. We don’t change our opinions based on who occupies the Oval Office. They can't help it. *sigh* When Bush first did the VOODOO and started sending us yearly checks, me and the dems were pissed about it, then obama took ofc, then you all thought enlarging them was a grand idea, and I was still pissed at the waste.

Thanks for the laughs.
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What bothers me about some of our conservatives's posts is the economic policies they advocate for. End unemployment. Renew the Bush tax cuts and give the wealthiest Americans $700 Billion because "they earned it". Eliminate the deficit -- but don't touch Social Security or Medicare.

It's lunacy. Unpatriotic, inhumane lunacy.
What bothers me about some of our conservatives's posts is the economic policies they advocate for. End unemployment. Renew the Bush tax cuts and give the wealthiest Americans $700 Billion because "they earned it". Eliminate the deficit -- but don't touch Social Security or Medicare.

It's lunacy. Unpatriotic, inhumane lunacy.

That's all they know.
End unemployment. Renew the Bush tax cuts and give the wealthiest Americans $700 Billion because "they earned it".

Tax cuts don't give anybody anything, unless of course you believe that all money belongs to the government and they're just nice enough to let us have some of it. Is that what you believe?

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