Hse Repblicas Debt Ceilin Bill Shows No Interest In Compromising!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Revised Boehner Debt Ceiling Bill scheduled for a vote tonight demonstrates that the House Republicans aren't serious about negotiating a deal to lift the debt ceiling by August 2. This bill is worse than the Boehner bill scheduled for a vote this past Thursday which Senate Democrats said was DOA in their chamber, this revised Boehner bill with its requirement that both chambers of Congress pass a balanced budget amendment to the constitution before the nations debt ceiling can be raised again is as Senator McCain put it "bizarro" - there is no way on God's green earth the current Senate Chamber going to pass a balance budget amendment there isn't the votes! This revised Boehner bill could be fairly nicknamed the "cut, cap and balance 'Junior'" bill and the American people panned the Whopper bill so guess what the fate of the Whopper Junior bill wil be? The Tea Party Republicans are forgetting how smart the American people are. The American people will learn the truth about this issue namely in part that America is currently facing deficits averaging $700 to $800 billion per year for the next decade, that a balance budget amendment at minimum will and will have to contain step-up curtailment on spending every year for the next ten years for the country be in a position to implement a balance budget Amendment and the American people know how dysfunctional the government in Washington is for they couldn't even legitimately cut $100 billion dollars from the yearly budget when they had their showdown earlier this year to pass their continuing resolution to fund the federal government through the September of this year so they will never be able to meet the curtailment in spending goals which will have to trigger across the board spending cuts which will lead to harsh and painful cuts. Not to mention with unemployment at 9.2% and the economy's future looking bad in terms of employment improvement Americans know that many Americans will likely need the federal governments safety net whether in terms of housing, food, health care, etc. and the American people will not support a constitutional or policy change that will block the Federal Government for being there for needy Americans. Tea Party Republicans your Balance Budget Amendment idea doesn't have a prayers chance of being enacted. One day when and if the country digs itself out of the financial whole it is in and the economy is fixed you would be spot on politicians in Washington need to be reined in in that manner but that day is a long off.

The Tea-Party Republicans frequently say we got to change the way Washington does business so Washington begins to live within its means. The American people got it and we agree with that principle so why don't you Republicans push for this idea in the debt ceiling legislation which advances this idea. Any student of American government knows that many many many a great idea for improving America has died because it cannot get passed the sixty vote threshold in the Senate to pass a piece of legislation. Yet, in many cases this high threshold protects America from having a majority of Congresspersons pushing through a broad piece of legislation that will cause a lot of harm in the country! Nevertheless, doing away with this sixty vote threshold and just requiring a majority on specific issues could do a tremendous amount of good for the country in the area of curbing spending. Why doesn't the House Republicans negotiate in the debt ceiling legislation that until America has a balance budget Amendment in force, the Senate will do away with its sixty vote procedural vote requirement for any bill that deals with reducing federal spending as long as the provisions of the bill relate to the reduction of federal spending and it will do away with this super majority vote on any budget bill where the increase in spending over the previous year doesn't exceed one percent point above the inflation rate. If America is ever going to get its deficit spending under control the federal government needs a top to bottom review resulting in changes that cut waste and unnecessary spending and bills need to pass that effectuate these changes, currently the Senate with its supermajority vote requirement is an obstruction here, let's get rid of it! Otherwise, start developing plans to get the country out of the abyss!
there is no way on God's green earth the current Senate Chamber going to pass a balance budget amendment there isn't the votes!


And the other thing they are FIGHTING is NOT BEING ABLE TO RAISE YOUR TAXES..

And this is what is being BLAMED on the Republicans for NOT COMPROMISING..

Vote out these Democrat bastards in 2012, FINISH what we started in November.

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