HS Basketball team used as pawns?


Gold Member
Jan 11, 2010
Illinios girls Basketball team won their conference championship for the first time in 26 years and were invited to a major tounrament in Arizona. They have had bake sales and car washes to raise the money to attend. The Superintendant informed them that they can not go as the new immigration law in Arizona does not agree with the values of the school.They further added that it may put the students in a "dangerous" environment.

However, the exact same school has sent students to China and South America.

Lets discuss.
Just more proof that American leftists are the most small minded and selfish bastards that there are in the world.

Do this intellectual pygmy of human flotsam give a ratsasss about the kids who've achieved something great, over and above his myopic self-serving political statement?...Nope.

Pawns nothing...They're outright hostages.
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?

Nice try at spin Luissa.

Well, actually a very poor attempt at spin.

I believe China is a bit more dangerous than the Mexican Border, but there was no issue sending students to China.

Just cant get off your liberal high horse, can you.
Probably a good story to keep an eye on to see what happens.

Real decent guy, pal - way to go - you just demoralized a group of girls who worked damned hard and make a great achievement - and if you're real lucky, maybe you will have set off a firestorm against you in your school district.
Just more proof that American leftists are the most small minded and selfish bastards that there are in the world.

Do this intellectual pygmy of human flotsam give a ratsasss about the kids who've achieved something great, over and above his myopic self-serving political statement?...Nope.

Pawns nothing...They're outright hostages.

With a son that received 12 offers for athletic scholarships AFTER he attended a regionall lacrosee tournament (none before as he had no real exposure), it seems these girls are also losing the possibility of an affordable higher education.

Anyone see the contradiction there?
In the interest of facilitating discussion of the topic, I provide this link:

Arizona immigration law: Highland Park High School officials deny girls basketball team a trip to Arizona because of a new immigration law - chicagotribune.com

Some highlights:

Reveling in its first conference championship in 26 years, the Highland Park High School girls varsity basketball team has been selling cookies for months to raise funds for a tournament in Arizona. But those hoop dreams were dashed when players learned they couldn't go because of that state's new crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Safety concerns partly fueled the decision, but the trip also "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values," said District 113 Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson. That explanation, though, smacks of political protest to parents upset by the decision...

Hebson said Arizona is off-limits because of uncertainty about how the new law will be enforced. Signed by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer last month, it makes it a crime to be in the country illegally and requires police to check suspects for immigration paperwork...

"We would want to ensure that all of our students had the opportunity to be included and be safe and be able to enjoy the experience," Hebson said of the tournament, which will be played in December. "We wouldn't necessarily be able to guarantee that."

Asked if there are undocumented players on the team, or if anyone associated with the team is in the country illegally, Hebson said she did not know.

Parents and players interviewed said they knew of no one who fits that description...

This is just wrong.
Just one more example of liberals being friggin' idiots.

Just one more example as to why liberals should never be allowed any where near our children.

Fuckin' idiots!
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?

There's danger/risk of some kind every morning that any of us step out of bed. The issue with the law is to stop ILLEGAL immigration. And the government has done next to nothing to enforce existing federal immigration law.
In the interest of facilitating discussion of the topic, I provide this link:

Arizona immigration law: Highland Park High School officials deny girls basketball team a trip to Arizona because of a new immigration law - chicagotribune.com

Some highlights:

Reveling in its first conference championship in 26 years, the Highland Park High School girls varsity basketball team has been selling cookies for months to raise funds for a tournament in Arizona. But those hoop dreams were dashed when players learned they couldn't go because of that state's new crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Safety concerns partly fueled the decision, but the trip also "would not be aligned with our beliefs and values," said District 113 Assistant Superintendent Suzan Hebson. That explanation, though, smacks of political protest to parents upset by the decision...

Hebson said Arizona is off-limits because of uncertainty about how the new law will be enforced. Signed by Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer last month, it makes it a crime to be in the country illegally and requires police to check suspects for immigration paperwork...

"We would want to ensure that all of our students had the opportunity to be included and be safe and be able to enjoy the experience," Hebson said of the tournament, which will be played in December. "We wouldn't necessarily be able to guarantee that."

Asked if there are undocumented players on the team, or if anyone associated with the team is in the country illegally, Hebson said she did not know.

Parents and players interviewed said they knew of no one who fits that description...

This is just wrong.

I would ALMOST say it was true concern for safety until I heard today from 0one of the fathers that the school has allowed student trips to China.

That pretty much made it clear that this school super is using 14-18 year olds as political pawns.

And yes, that is just wrong.
The kids were even paying their own way, you notice that? Under what authority can he stop them? They can still go down, but they should go as representatives of "Anonymous Jerk-ass Unified School district." They aren't obliged to stay in IL if they don't want to.
The kids were even paying their own way, you notice that? Under what authority can he stop them? They can still go down, but they should go as representatives of "Anonymous Jerk-ass Unified School district." They aren't obliged to stay in IL if they don't want to.

I have not confirmed this yet, but I heard rumor that if the students go, they will not be marked as "excused" from school but as "absent and truant" and put on their permanent record.
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?

Nice try at spin Luissa.

Well, actually a very poor attempt at spin.

I believe China is a bit more dangerous than the Mexican Border, but there was no issue sending students to China.

Just cant get off your liberal high horse, can you.

REALLY? How many Americans have been shot to death in China this year versus Mexico and Arizona?
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?

Who the hell are "you guys"?

I assume you would rather just keep instep with our fearful leader and roll over for the drug thugs and illegals who are breaking the law. You'd rather avoid hurting someone's feelings or offending their lawbreaking ass...wouldn't you?

Apparently you have something to gain from their presence...could it be the drugs? Or are you afraid that we will deport too many of your voters? What could possibly be your reasoning behind not wanting the laws of this country enforced?
Illinios girls Basketball team won their conference championship for the first time in 26 years and were invited to a major tounrament in Arizona. They have had bake sales and car washes to raise the money to attend. The Superintendant informed them that they can not go as the new immigration law in Arizona does not agree with the values of the school.They further added that it may put the students in a "dangerous" environment.

However, the exact same school has sent students to China and South America.

Lets discuss.

I don't see the problem. AZ made a decision to pass a law. Those individuals who do not agree with the law are choosing to boycott AZ with their money. If AZ truly wants this law, they will stick to their guns, if not they will fold like SC did when the NAACP boycotted their state for flying the Confederate flag on State house grounds.
According to a Pew Hispanic survey, 72% of americans are FOR this AZ law! And these fools have the audacity to do this to a team who has been working for a long time to gather funds for this trip???? I say fire the ass of the person who did this!!! Also the one who in Temecula Ca has decided to keep the marching band from attending the Fiesta Bowl!!! This is getting ridiculous and reeks of un-americanism! AMERICA, STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR THESE KIDS!!!
Weren't you guys calling for this bill, because it was so dangerous down there?

Nice try at spin Luissa.

Well, actually a very poor attempt at spin.

I believe China is a bit more dangerous than the Mexican Border, but there was no issue sending students to China.

Just cant get off your liberal high horse, can you.

REALLY? How many Americans have been shot to death in China this year versus Mexico and Arizona?

Ask this. How many people have died in China without due process this year compared to Arizona?
How many women were raped and enslaved in China this year compared to Arizona?
Holy shit. You really see China as safer than Arizona?
Jesus. You really think that China is more within the values of their chool than Arizona?

I had you pegged all wrong. You are simply a partisan hack on here if you support this action.

It makes me sick.
Illinios girls Basketball team won their conference championship for the first time in 26 years and were invited to a major tounrament in Arizona. They have had bake sales and car washes to raise the money to attend. The Superintendant informed them that they can not go as the new immigration law in Arizona does not agree with the values of the school.They further added that it may put the students in a "dangerous" environment.

However, the exact same school has sent students to China and South America.

Lets discuss.

I don't see the problem. AZ made a decision to pass a law. Those individuals who do not agree with the law are choosing to boycott AZ with their money. If AZ truly wants this law, they will stick to their guns, if not they will fold like SC did when the NAACP boycotted their state for flying the Confederate flag on State house grounds.

You defelcted the issue.
The iussue is not the law. You decided to make that the issue.

The issue is that a school Super has decided to allow her own political stance affect her decisions as it pertains to the children of her school system.

How can you miss that?
Nice try at spin Luissa.

Well, actually a very poor attempt at spin.

I believe China is a bit more dangerous than the Mexican Border, but there was no issue sending students to China.

Just cant get off your liberal high horse, can you.

REALLY? How many Americans have been shot to death in China this year versus Mexico and Arizona?

Ask this. How many people have died in China without due process this year compared to Arizona?
How many women were raped and enslaved in China this year compared to Arizona?
Holy shit. You really see China as safer than Arizona?
Jesus. You really think that China is more within the values of their chool than Arizona?

I had you pegged all wrong. You are simply a partisan hack on here if you support this action.

It makes me sick.

YOu didn't answer my question? I thought we were talking about American lives?

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