Greece: The exception or the rule?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Greece is well known for it's very progressive and socialist policies, bordering on what some would call a full blown nanny-state.

My question is this: Is the near collapse of Greece's entire economy an exception (explainable via external influences or other causes), or is it the rule (inevitable consequence of progressive nanny-state socialism)?

Greece is well known for it's very progressive and socialist policies, bordering on what some would call a full blown nanny-state.

My question is this: Is the near collapse of Greece's entire economy an exception (explainable via external influences or other causes), or is it the rule (inevitable consequence of progressive nanny-state socialism)?


They have not got the money and expect others to bail them out. The people expect to KEEP programs they can not afford nor pay for. What do YOU think.
Greece is well known for it's very progressive and socialist policies, bordering on what some would call a full blown nanny-state.

My question is this: Is the near collapse of Greece's entire economy an exception (explainable via external influences or other causes), or is it the rule (inevitable consequence of progressive nanny-state socialism)?


It is the goal....
I don't see how any society can sustain itself with only a small fraction of the population supporting a larger fraction of the population.

Once the population finds that they can collect from the public largesse they will. Before long those drawing will outnumber those providing.

Lord Woodehouse had it right and he wrote it 250 years ago.
As often attributed to Margaret Thatcher...The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples' money to spend.

That about sums up Greece and other faltering socialist states. Too bad the Dimocrats are so blind. Or stupid. Or both.
Greece is well known for it's very progressive and socialist policies, bordering on what some would call a full blown nanny-state.

My question is this: Is the near collapse of Greece's entire economy an exception (explainable via external influences or other causes), or is it the rule (inevitable consequence of progressive nanny-state socialism)?


Greece did not collapse because of its progressive and socialist policies. It collapsed because of its progressive and socialist policies it wasn't willing to pay for. That's a huge difference.

The country from which it is primarily borrowing, Germany, is just as progressive and socialist as Greece, if not more so. So is Sweden and Finland. Yet none of these countries are on the verge of collapse because their socialist policies are paid for, at least for the most part.
It's the rule. It doesn't take a rocket scientist that if you keep spending more than you have you eventually run out of money.
Greece is well known for it's very progressive and socialist policies, bordering on what some would call a full blown nanny-state.

My question is this: Is the near collapse of Greece's entire economy an exception (explainable via external influences or other causes), or is it the rule (inevitable consequence of progressive nanny-state socialism)?


It depends on the population. If they're willing to march in lock-step with one another and pay for the entitlement programs, it will work. Otherwise, failure will be the rule.
It's the rule. It doesn't take a rocket scientist that if you keep spending more than you have you eventually run out of money.
Thank you for interjecting common sense here. When u spend more than u take
in, eventually the well runs dry. If a quarter of the population are non-producers (govt. employees), then the producers must carry them as well as make
a profit. This inflates the actual value of a product. Apparently we, and the rest of Europe are rewarding this bad behavior by, yet again bailing out another failed entity. When are people going to finally grasp the concept that there is no such thing as "free shit"! It doesn't matter if your a country, business, or individual.

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