How would you explain the differences between the Parties to someone new to politics?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I have a nephew coming of age and asking questions.
How would you describe the Libertarian Party?
How would you describe the Democrat Party?
How would you describe the Republican Party?
GOP = The American Party

DNC = The Socialist Party

GOP = The National Party

DNC = The Globalist Party

GOP = The Humans Are Our Best Hope and Solutions Party

DNC = The Human Race Is The Cause Of All Problems Party

GOP = Ramp Human activity, prosperity, opportunity UP

DNC = Ramp Human activity, prosperity, opportunity DOWN

GOP = Unleash Individual Self-Actualization

DNC = Unleash Collective Thinking and State Regulation
I'd tell them to google the definitions and tell them that I will be deeply ashamed of them if they ever let such labels define them.
I have a nephew coming of age and asking questions.
How would you describe the Libertarian Party?
How would you describe the Democrat Party?
How would you describe the Republican Party?
YOU wouldn't. All YOU know is "dark scary! dark scary!"
I have a nephew coming of age and asking questions.
How would you describe the Libertarian Party?
How would you describe the Democrat Party?
How would you describe the Republican Party?
The Libertarian Party believes in the smallest possible government, and a military the size of a cub scout troop. No FDA, no USDA, no FAA, no safety regulations, no laws prohibiting child labor, no laws prohibiting drugs, and anyone who wants to print their own money should be allowed to.

The Democratic Party believes the question to every problem is, "What is the federal government going to do about this?"

The Republican Party is extinct. It has been replaced by the Grift Party.
What a pussy.
He’s 21…he’s in-touch, he’s done some SCARY due diligence.
Crime Statistics
School Drop-out Statictics
Welfare Statistics
Abortion Statistics
He knows who leads in all categories…he knows who our liabilities are.
The Democrat party is the globalist party, and the Republican party is the U.S. Sovereignty party. The Democrat party serves the technocrats and the republican party the old-style industrialists. The Democrat party divides people into little groups and pits them against mainstream Americans and the Republicans rejects the compartmentalization. The Democrat party predicates everything on race, while the republican party downplays racism. The democrat seeks power to get rich and the republican party is already rich.

The libertarians include the most intelligent people we have to offer and some of the most naive as well.
I have a nephew coming of age and asking questions.
How would you describe the Libertarian Party?
How would you describe the Democrat Party?
How would you describe the Republican Party?
The Democrat Party wants to take Murica to fascism/communism via the interstate.
The Republican Party wants to take Murica to fascism/communism by taking the 2-lane scenic route.
The Libertarian Party says they want to turn the bus around, but can't find anyone with a license.
I'm certainly glad I didnt have to talk to my Niece about this subject.
She came to Her own conclusions on Her own. She's smart as a whip and came to the logical conclusion that Conservatism was the way to go.
She's going to be starting Her third year of College and has been on the Dean's list from the get go.

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