How Trump sees the North Korea "deal"


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes

First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes


No, it hasn't.

"On nuclear weapons, Mr Kim "reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula"."

"reaffirmed", in other words he's saying that BEFORE he had affirmed his commitment to denuclearlization.

Er.... what affirmation?

Also, it's his commitment to it, not actual denuclearization.

He's playing games. Can't you see it?
Three American political prisoners were released and Kim has sued for peace to end the Korean war...

Nothing at all....Zip, skiff, bupkis, zero, nada.

Obama saw eleven released, or something like that.

Kim hasn't sued for peace. Is that what you think this is?

Go look at what happened in 2007. History repeats itself.

Do you know what happened in 2007?
Three American political prisoners were released and Kim has sued for peace to end the Korean war...

Nothing at all....Zip, skiff, bupkis, zero, nada.

Obama saw eleven released, or something like that.

Kim hasn't sued for peace. Is that what you think this is?

Go look at what happened in 2007. History repeats itself.

Do you know what happened in 2007?
Obama ain't the topic of the thread....And you even started it...Get knocked upside the head in the last few minutes?

I guess Bloomberg is lying to us all, huh?

Two Koreas Agree to End War This Year, Pursue Denuclearization
Three American political prisoners were released and Kim has sued for peace to end the Korean war...

Nothing at all....Zip, skiff, bupkis, zero, nada.

Obama saw eleven released, or something like that.

Kim hasn't sued for peace. Is that what you think this is?

Go look at what happened in 2007. History repeats itself.

Do you know what happened in 2007?
Obama ain't the topic of the thread....And you even started it...Get knocked upside the head in the last few minutes?

I guess Bloomberg is lying to us all, huh?

Two Koreas Agree to End War This Year, Pursue Denuclearization

I wasn't talking about Obama.

I was talking about US - North Korean relations. But nice deflection.

So, after going on and on and on about fake news, all of a sudden it says something you like, it's must be true.

I also noticed you didn't talk about what happened in 2007.

2007 inter-Korean summit - Wikipedia

Now you can read about it instead of having to do the impossible and find out information about the shit you're talking about before you make silly comments.

"As a result of the talks, both sides announced a declaration for the development of inter-Korean relations and peace and prosperity."

"At the meetings and talks, the two sides reaffirmed the spirit of the June 15th North–South Joint Declaration and had discussions on various issues related to realizing the advancement of South-North relations, peace on the Korean Peninsula, common prosperity of the Korean people and unification of Korea."

So they've already reaffirmed peace and prosperity.

And then what? And then a year later it all went back to how it was. It started nuclear testing again.

What's changed? North Korea comes to the table, acts all nice, doesn't need to do nuclear testing, plays the game, the Kims are world players, everyone knows who they are. Then they want to do nuclear testing again and the whole thing turns to shit.
How Trump sees the North Korea


That is why we voted for him......:113:
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes


Yup, pretty much this. Maybe it becomes a big fat nothing but hopefully there is a denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Get yer facts straight people. Obama was over in S. Korea helping Moon push for peace "one last time" in August 2017. In January 2018, N. Korea agreed to meet with S. Korea for peace talks. Kim's laid out his willingness to denuke to the entire world and signed an agreement with Trump.

Kid's only been in power there since 2011, maybe he got a clue when Trump got everyone and their brother on board to tighten the thumb screws? Maybe he realized that his people are going to assassinate him if he doesn't let them out of the 19th century... ah hell it's more like the 17th century. Maybe he realized that he /cannot/ win and he was two breaths away from being destroyed? Maybe he realized that with the loss of China's support he was hosed?

We don't know what Kim's thinking, but it would be /reasonable/ for him to "see the light" that peace is a far better option for him and his people. Its actually /unreasonable/ to expect he wouldn't. Let's find out.
Three American political prisoners were released and Kim has sued for peace to end the Korean war...

Nothing at all....Zip, skiff, bupkis, zero, nada.

Obama saw eleven released, or something like that.

Kim hasn't sued for peace. Is that what you think this is?

Go look at what happened in 2007. History repeats itself.

Do you know what happened in 2007?
Obama ain't the topic of the thread....And you even started it...Get knocked upside the head in the last few minutes?

I guess Bloomberg is lying to us all, huh?

Two Koreas Agree to End War This Year, Pursue Denuclearization
Red herring fallacy.

But your failed attempt to deflect is understandable.
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes


Yup, pretty much this. Maybe it becomes a big fat nothing but hopefully there is a denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

A lot of hope, but not much reality.
There is no complete agreement yet. We all know that.

That isn't stopping the usual and predictable suspects from gleefully declaring defeat.

Every time I think wingers have hit rock bottom, they surprise me.

Well a work colleague of mine, from Jersey, decided there had been a peace treaty signed back in April. I doubted it, looked on the news and went "no, there isn't" "yes there is, yes there is" she said.

And she thinks she's left wing. More nut job than anything else. She does the same thing with office politics. She decides she knows it all and often knows nothing.
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.
how is this NOT baiting people?

it's yet another one of your rants against trump where you use the sames complaints under a different "issue".

korea -
18 versions of trump sucks

iran -
18 versions of trump sucks

economy -
18 versions of trump sucks

the liar
18 versions of trump sucks

ate fried chicken
18 version of trump sucks

you say nothing new and bring no new ideas or thoughts to these discussions. you continue to be like a child who can't stop crying cause you hate your binky. there is NO ONE IN 87.948% of the free world who does not know your 18 versions of TRUMP SUCKS.

i swear you could swap out with a bot and on one would notice. is all this anger and constant bitching really helping you or keeping you in a shitty state of mind due to your TDS coming out time and time and time and time again?

trump has some pretty big flaws yes. most presidents have had them as well that caused people to hate them. but what good does it do anyone for the 24x7 barrage of 18 versions of TRUMP SUCKS? you may feel better for a bit for venting but apparently the venting isn't working cause every day regardless of the reason you come in here with your 18 lines of TRUMP SUCKS and apply it to whatever is in the news about him today.
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes


Yup, pretty much this. Maybe it becomes a big fat nothing but hopefully there is a denuclearization and peace on the Korean Peninsula.

A lot of hope, but not much reality.

Probably so, we have been down this road before with these guys.
First, I'm a little afraid this thread will get moved to the rubber room for being "bait".

Second, was there a "deal"?

Trump has agreed to do no war games.

He agreed to "security guarantees" for North Korea. Just need to mention Libya here to show what that means for any other country.

Kim has agreed to denuclearization being "verified"

Kim had agreed to destroy a test site. Sounds like something he knows doesn't work, and won't change anything.

I can't see a deal. Everything that has happened could easily change tomorrow. A deal until it's not a deal. Nothing firm, nothing concrete, nothing anyone needs to even care about.

But this is how Trump sees it.

Trump claims progress after Kim summit

""I think he trusts me and I trust him," Mr Trump added."

Why would anyone trust Trump? Why would anyone trust Kim?

""Yeah, he's de-nuking, I mean he's de-nuking the whole place. It's going to start very quickly. I think he's going to start now," he said."

But he's not denuking. You'd have to be really dim to think anything is happening.

"But he said sanctions would remain in place for now and argued "we haven't given up anything"."

Yes, nothing has been given up. So, Kim is denuking but hasn't given anything up, nor has Trump given anything up, so, a deal where nothing has been given up.

From Twitter:

"So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!"

Playing hard to downplay a deal which the president already downplayed. Nice.

"We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are!"

Ah, he's pretending he got rid of war games because it saves the US money. I mean, it reeks of bullshit.

"Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!"

Apparently North Korea is no longer a threat to the US. So.... North Korea doesn't have any nukes any more? It has the same amount as it had last week.

The is all for show. In a year's time it'll be back to normal. They won't nuke the US, just as they never have. But they'll keep using those words, keep dissing the US.

Trump is playing this for all it's worth, and yet nothing has happened.

He thinks people are stupid and will just accept what he says. And he's right. Many people are.

Your thread is saturated with speculation beyond the current facts. That is NK has agreed to de-nuke

Let's just sit tight and see where this goes


I agree and there is no deal yet. Just an agreement to talk.

One would think these lefty Trump hating morons would get the info before posting.

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