Since Trump became president, what's the GOP's top five pieces of legislation?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
America has never seen a party less caring than 21st-century Republicans

Since Trump took office, Republicans have proposed legislation to destroy unions, the healthcare system, the education system and the Environmental Protection Agency; to defund the reproductive health charity Planned Parenthood and restrict abortion; to stifle public protest and decimate arts funding; to increase the risk of violence against trans people and roll back anti-discrimination laws; and to funnel more and more wealth from the poorest to the richest. Every executive order and piece of GOP legislation is destructive, aimed at dismantling something else, never creating anything new, never in the service of improving the care of the nation.


In fact, the ONLY thing I can think of they want to build is a wall.
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  • #5
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
But what did Obama do for the important people in the U.S.?

Did he give them a massive tax cut? No!
Did he deregulate Wall Street so the important people could screw small investors? NO!
Did he do anything to permanently increase CEO's quarterly bonuses? NO!

Go ahead, name one single item Obama did to help the important people of the U.S. You can't, because Obama only did things that hurt the poor, oppressed 0.1%.

  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
But what did Obama do for the important people in the U.S.?

Did he give them a massive tax cut? No!
Did he deregulate Wall Street so the important people could screw small investors? NO!
Did he do anything to permanently increase CEO's quarterly bonuses? NO!

Go ahead, name one single item Obama did to help the important people of the U.S. You can't, because Obama only did things that hurt the poor, oppressed 0.1%.

We have a different idea of "important people".

Did he give them a massive tax cut? No! - Bush did that with the Bush Tax Cuts which Republicans blackmailed Obama into extending:
Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Did he deregulate Wall Street so the important people could screw small investors? NO! - Bush and the GOP did that. It's what led to Economic meltdown under Bush.

Did he do anything to permanently increase CEO's quarterly bonuses? NO! - Why bother after giving them enormous tax cuts?

To me, the rest of America is more important than a few thousand billionaires. It's sad you don't feel that way.

Don’t forget how the gop passed that lead bullet law. Cause if there’s one thing we need more of in our environment, it’s lead !

It’s like the GOP is a bunch of supervillians.
Don’t forget how the gop passed that lead bullet law. Cause if there’s one thing we need more of in our environment, it’s lead !

It’s like the GOP is a bunch of supervillians.
I know. The base thinks they are racist and their leadership fosters that so the base continues to vote GOP. But Dave got it right. Republicans are for the rich. Most Republicans aren't rich.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
Most of those are executive orders and regulations...I thought you said legislation
One piece is he made the Bush tax cuts forgot that one
and yeah he did bailout large multinational you disagree with Bernie Sanders?
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
Most of those are executive orders and regulations...I thought you said legislation
One piece is he made the Bush tax cuts forgot that one
and yeah he did bailout large multinational you disagree with Bernie Sanders?
I didn't forget. I posted it in #8.

Republicans blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts.

They said they would cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who lost their jobs after the GOP ruined the economy. Not only did the GOP cost millions their jobs, but they threatened Obama with ruining those people's lives if Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts. Democrats want to help Americans. Notice you can't find Republican policies that help any more than billionaires and corporations. Look at the guy in post #6. He makes it quite clear who the "important" people are. Typical Republican.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.

And yet despite all of those wonderful things (eye roll)...the bottom line is that Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...increased the National Debt more than any other President in history...and screwed up the Middle East so bad that a rag tag terror group took over a huge swath of territory and caused a massive refugee crisis as millions were forced to flee for their lives!

In comparison...Trump is overseeing an economy that has been growing so strongly that the Fed has had to raise interest rates four times since he was elected!
To me, the real question is "Of all the Republican policies, which one is the worst?"

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Ending healthcare for millions.

Ripping children from their mother's arms at the border.

Cutting school lunches for poor children.

Cutting education.

The list goes on and on. It's like everything they do is to hurt millions.

But Ripping babies from their mother's arms? Oh that's mean. Republicans are creating terrorists that could be worse than when they created Isis.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
Most of those are executive orders and regulations...I thought you said legislation
One piece is he made the Bush tax cuts forgot that one
and yeah he did bailout large multinational you disagree with Bernie Sanders?
I didn't forget. I posted it in #8.

Republicans blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts.

They said they would cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who lost their jobs after the GOP ruined the economy. Not only did the GOP cost millions their jobs, but they threatened Obama with ruining those people's lives if Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts. Democrats want to help Americans. Notice you can't find Republican policies that help any more than billionaires and corporations. Look at the guy in post #6. He makes it quite clear who the "important" people are. Typical Republican.

Obama extended the Bush Tax Cuts because Democrats up for reelection to the House and Senate made it quite clear to Barry that if he let the tax cuts expire the economy would be further weakened and that they wouldn't be able to get elected Dog Catcher!
To me, the real question is "Of all the Republican policies, which one is the worst?"

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Ending healthcare for millions.

Ripping children from their mother's arms at the border.

Cutting school lunches for poor children.

Cutting education.

The list goes on and on. It's like everything they do is to hurt millions.

But Ripping babies from their mother's arms? Oh that's mean. Republicans are creating terrorists that could be worse than when they created Isis.

Ripping babies from their mother's arms? Is that going to be your new "Push grandma off the cliff!" false narrative for this coming election? You get more pathetic with each passing year, R-Derp!
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.

And yet despite all of those wonderful things (eye roll)...the bottom line is that Obama oversaw the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression...increased the National Debt more than any other President in history...and screwed up the Middle East so bad that a rag tag terror group took over a huge swath of territory and caused a massive refugee crisis as millions were forced to flee for their lives!

In comparison...Trump is overseeing an economy that has been growing so strongly that the Fed has had to raise interest rates four times since he was elected!
Look at the economy Bush and the GOP handed Obama.
Then look at the economy Obama handed Trump.
Barely into Obama's first term, the DOW was at 7,000 and unemployment was at 10%.
When Obama handed it to Trump, the DOW was at 20,000 and unemployment was a 4%.
And Obama did a terrible job?

We know you hate the black president, but how do you get around the facts?

Don’t forget how the gop passed that lead bullet law. Cause if there’s one thing we need more of in our environment, it’s lead !

It’s like the GOP is a bunch of supervillians.
I bet you ate alot of lead as a child.
To me, the real question is "Of all the Republican policies, which one is the worst?"

I wouldn't even know where to start.

Ending healthcare for millions.

Ripping children from their mother's arms at the border.

Cutting school lunches for poor children.

Cutting education.

The list goes on and on. It's like everything they do is to hurt millions.

But Ripping babies from their mother's arms? Oh that's mean. Republicans are creating terrorists that could be worse than when they created Isis.

Ripping babies from their mother's arms? Is that going to be your new "Push grandma off the cliff!" false narrative for this coming election? You get more pathetic with each passing year, R-Derp!

baby taken while breastfeeding
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
What was Obama' have 8 years to get me 5
Healthcare reform
Rescued economy
Wall Street reform
Deal to block Iran from nuclear weapons for 15 years
Killed Bin Laden
Ended combat missions in Iraq
Saved US Auto Industry
Repealed Don't ask don't tell
Reversed Bush torture policies
Limit carbon emissions from power plants
Medicare solvency through 2028
Protected Dreamers from deportation
Established net nuetrality
Kicked banks out of student loan program saving 6 billion for loans and grants
Fair Sentencing act
Gave FDA the power to regulate tobacco
Credit Card reform
Cut veteran homelessness by half
Expanded overtime pay
Cracked down on bad for profit college scams (like Trump U)
Reduced the federal deficit from 9.8 percent of GDP in 2009 to 3.2 percent in 2016
Created College Scorecard
School nutrition
Equal pay for equal work (his first piece of legislation - helps your wife, mother, daughter)
Secured removal of chemical weapons from Syria
Protected gays from employment discrimination
Expanded broad band coverage
Expanded healthcare for children
Improved food safety
And many, many more.
Most important - avoided scandal.

Republicans will scream LIAR LIAR LIAR. But if they can only agree he did three things that helped the majority of Americans, then that's three more than the GOP under Bush or Trump.
Most of those are executive orders and regulations...I thought you said legislation
One piece is he made the Bush tax cuts forgot that one
and yeah he did bailout large multinational you disagree with Bernie Sanders?
I didn't forget. I posted it in #8.

Republicans blackmailed Obama into extending the Bush Tax cuts.

They said they would cut unemployment benefits for millions of Americans who lost their jobs after the GOP ruined the economy. Not only did the GOP cost millions their jobs, but they threatened Obama with ruining those people's lives if Obama didn't extend the Bush Tax Cuts. Democrats want to help Americans. Notice you can't find Republican policies that help any more than billionaires and corporations. Look at the guy in post #6. He makes it quite clear who the "important" people are. Typical Republican.

Obama extended the Bush Tax Cuts because Democrats up for reelection to the House and Senate made it quite clear to Barry that if he let the tax cuts expire the economy would be further weakened and that they wouldn't be able to get elected Dog Catcher!
Not true. I posted a link. Republicans said publicly, no Tax extension, no unemployment benefits.

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