How the rest of the world views our "beloved" President

....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump

Go live in one of those?
....and this is from last July......Imagine if the survey were held today....LOL

Only a few countries have positive views of Trump.

In just eight of the 37 nations in the study, roughly half or more say they have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs. The president gets his best reviews in the Philippines.
Trump also gets mostly positive ratings in sub-Saharan Africa, Russia, Israel and Vietnam.

Most say Trump is arrogant, intolerant and dangerous….

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump
No different from Obama and you love him. What changed?
Considering that you lefties supposedly believe that he is not a decent human being, one would think that evidence he was a decent human being would be interesting to you.

That it is not, shows that you are knowingly lying.

My point about Trump stands. HIs actions showed unity with his fellow Americans, while your attempt to tear him down shows division.

Don't take my utter contempt for Trump as me being a leftie. He is a despicable human being no matter what his politics.

Anything Trump does is to benefit Trump. From Trump's POV, his getting those three out of China has nothing to do with their well being, it's all about "look at me", "Look what I did!"

His actions showed unity and common decency.

You need to dismiss it to justify not giving him credit where it is due.

Do you note how closed your mind is?

You assume the worst about every action he takes. If his action is one you agree with, you dismiss it as done for the wrong reasons.

There is no way that any contrary information can enter your world view.
My point about Trump stands. HIs actions showed unity with his fellow Americans, while your attempt to tear him down shows division.
This is how I feel about the Orange Mother Fucker son of a Bitch

Note the "and you for voting for him"

And you people claim that he is the one being divisive?

Do you even know what the word means?
Great Countries are respected around the world

Trump is not making us great

Great countries are not taken advantage of by everyone.

We used to lead on the world stage

No country trusts Trumps leadership

Get back to me when Germany leaves nato or South Korean asks US to pull our troops.

Until then, it's all just the whining of ungrateful children.

Get back to me when Trump gets international or UN support for a plan to invade N Korea
Get back to me when NATO supports a Trump military initiative
My point about Trump stands. HIs actions showed unity with his fellow Americans, while your attempt to tear him down shows division.
This is how I feel about the Orange Mother Fucker son of a Bitch

Note the "and you for voting for him"

And you people claim that he is the one being divisive?

Do you even know what the word means?

Trump divisive?

He has divided his own party
He has fractured the NATO alliance
He has no relationship with the Democratic Party
He has destroyed our relationship with Mexico
He has divided from two of his wives
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No different from Obama and you love him. What changed?

You're entitle to your own ignorant opinion, but you're NOT entitled to make up "facts".....Enjoy

Barack Obama Leaves Office With a Higher World View of the U.S. ...
...and you think a big media completely in the tank for Big Ears, has nothing to do with this? 99% of MSM reports were glowing for Big Ears, but you think he is deserving. LMFAO!!!

Big Ears was a warmongering corporatist, very much like W and Cankles. Why can't you accept this?
...and you think a big media completely in the tank for Big Ears, has nothing to do with this? 99% of MSM reports were glowing for Big Ears, but you think he is deserving. LMFAO!!!

Big Ears was a warmongering corporatist, very much like W and Cankles. Why can't you accept this?

You're "correct"(as usual) FOX, Breibart, Info Wars, et al......were just cheap whores for Obama....The shame of it all......LOL
...and you think a big media completely in the tank for Big Ears, has nothing to do with this? 99% of MSM reports were glowing for Big Ears, but you think he is deserving. LMFAO!!!

Big Ears was a warmongering corporatist, very much like W and Cankles. Why can't you accept this?

You're "correct"(as usual) FOX, Breibart, Info Wars, et al......were just cheap whores for Obama....The shame of it all......LOL
Obama sucked and he was no different from W.

Accept it. Don't cry about it like a little bitch.
Obama sucked and he was no different from W.

Ahhhh, you must have been one of those Gore and Kerry voters, correct???
When will you learn to think for yourself and not let the D Party do your thinking? It is far past the time for you to grow up, my son.

BO and W were blood brothers. You hate W, but love BO...yet both men were nearly identical twins.

This kind of confused thinking indicates a psychosis of sorts. It is entirely illogical.
The OP seeks to Isolate the President in an analysis of how the world sees a US President. Hillary belongs in this analysis just as much as Trump's Presidency came down to the Comparison between Trump and Hillary.

The rest of the world see Trump as the President.
They see Hillary as a criminal, a liar, a traitor who colluded with and who was bought by the Russians. They see her as a whiny, incompetent LOSER who is hanging around to blaming anyone and everyone and declare her excuses to whoever will listen to her.

They see her as the THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY she claimed anyone like her is:

EXCELLENT. The less popular the POTUS and America in general are internationally, the better. It reminds us that the USA does not actually have any real allies in the world. We are truly alone as the last bastion of hope for humanity.
Seeing you either ignore or forget all the allies who died for you in Afghanistan I'd say it more likely you are a bastion of victimhood rather than hope.
EXCELLENT. The less popular the POTUS and America in general are internationally, the better. It reminds us that the USA does not actually have any real allies in the world. We are truly alone as the last bastion of hope for humanity.
Seeing you either ignore or forget all the allies who died for you in Afghanistan I'd say it more likely you are a bastion of victimhood rather than hope.
Don't blame the American people for their government's atrocities and murderous actions. Though sadly, many Americans do not see their government for what it is...a corrupt criminal empire building operation capable of the most heinous crimes.
You're [Nat4900] hoping for the worst, purely for potential political advantage. And you're going to refuse to give Trump credit for anything good that happens during his administration. We both know this is true.
It's rather a tell you use the phrase 'happens during his administration' instead of 'Trump does'.

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