How Russia deals with Muslim 'immigrants'


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just imagine a Muslim posts a disgusting picture outside any European cathedral.
It happens nothing because Muslims are practically the highest level of society in Europa, no punishment due to political correctness, otherwise it would be racism.
Others is in Russia.
An ape from one Muslim shithole made some dirty pictures which outraged Russians.
What will happen to the moron?
10 days jail + immediately deportation to his dirty failed homecountry.
But In any western European country such idiots would be called 'artisans'
Supposedlxy you can understand now why Russians hate the West and support Putin.
Ineteresting where is outrage of EU and western presstitutes due to the terrible dictatorship in Russia and persecution of dissents

A wannabe social media star has issued a sheepish confession to Russians after outraging religious believers with a set of sexually suggestive snaps posted from outside one of the country’s holiest churches, just off Red Square....
Later on Friday, Bobiev appeared before a court in the Russian capital where a judge ordered he would be detained for ten days for disobeying the police. He will be deported from Russia at the end of his sentence.

Here is the IQ-05 ape

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Just imagine a Muslim posts a disgusting picture outside any European cathedral.
It happens nothing because Muslims are practically the highest level of society in Europa, no punishment due to political correctness, otherwise it would be racism.
Others is in Russia.
An ape from one Muslim shithole made some dirty pictures which outraged Russians.
What will happen to the moron?
10 days jail + immediately deportation to his dirty failed homecountry.
But In any western European country such idiots would be called 'artisans'
Supposedlxy you can understand now why Russians hate the West and support Putin.
Ineteresting where is outrage of EU and western presstitutes due to the terrible dictatorship in Russia and persecution of dissents

A wannabe social media star has issued a sheepish confession to Russians after outraging religious believers with a set of sexually suggestive snaps posted from outside one of the country’s holiest churches, just off Red Square....
Later on Friday, Bobiev appeared before a court in the Russian capital where a judge ordered he would be detained for ten days for disobeying the police. He will be deported from Russia at the end of his sentence.

Here is the IQ-05 ape


How Russia deals with Muslim 'immigrants'

the answer :




The pictures you show is a fake produced many years ago by your presstutes who staged the fake and demanded to dissolve Russian Army and to allow NATO entry the country.Behind any assault on Russian Army, Russian People, Russian State and Russian Church are always representatives of your tribe.
Why you and your do it?

Because you want Russia comes back to 1990s, give all power and all natural resources to your people, like Ukraine it do now.
But Russia is on the best way to kick your guy, your bitch Putin out and to establish Russian Rule for Russian People without western 'advises'

Russia doesn't need 'democracy' and 'human rights', ( the dictatorship of your people ), Russia badly needs Russian Monarchy ( not Putin or a Romanov as Tsar ) and Russian Theocracy with Holy Bible as Constitution.


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