How Much Should A Teacher Get Paid?

Now she lurches from one extreme to the next with the comparison of common every day things like teachers to Quantum Physics.

Common sense dictates that the average person has at least SOME data on school teachers.

How radical....typical right winger.
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Does that seem right to you?

NJ sure has their priorities in order.


How should I know if it's right or not? I have no idea what Rutgers' budget is, or where their funding comes from. It's NJ, so it's probably stupid, but it honestly depends on factors of which I have no knowledge.

Only shitforbrains leftists run around making determinations of the "rightness" or "wrongness" of someone's salary based solely on the dollar amount.

All of a sudden you got bitch-slapped with the dummy stick huh?

"Wha....?!!?? How should III know?!""


Why should someone such as Cecilie who may or may not even be a college sports fan, claim knowledge on a subject not even related to the topic at hand to satisfy a MarcATL who:

... pretends knowledge of said subject enough to sarcasticly imply the State of New Jersey does not have it's priorities in order because it pays a huge salary to a coach, verses a far less huge salary to it's teachers? Any division one college football coach carries on their shoulders a multi-million dollar franchise. What does an individual university Prof. carry that compares?
Why should someone such as Cecilie who may or may not even be a college sports fan, claim knowledge on a subject not even related to the topic at hand to satisfy a MarcATL who:

... pretends knowledge of said subject enough to sarcasticly imply the State of New Jersey does not have it's priorities in order because it pays a huge salary to a coach, verses a far less huge salary to it's teachers? Any division one college football coach carries on their shoulders a multi-million dollar franchise. What does an individual university Prof. carry that compares?

Again you miss point.

The point is, it's rather telling that the HIGHEST paid teacher or anyone, for that matter, is an entertainer.

Perhaps its over your scratch that...clearly its over your head.
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.

Such a person is usually using false bravado and projection to mask their massive insecurities.
Why should someone such as Cecilie who may or may not even be a college sports fan, claim knowledge on a subject not even related to the topic at hand to satisfy a MarcATL who:

... pretends knowledge of said subject enough to sarcasticly imply the State of New Jersey does not have it's priorities in order because it pays a huge salary to a coach, verses a far less huge salary to it's teachers? Any division one college football coach carries on their shoulders a multi-million dollar franchise. What does an individual university Prof. carry that compares?

Again you miss point.

The point is, it's rather telling that the HIGHEST paid teacher or anyone, for that matter, is an entertainer.

Perhaps its over your scratch that...clearly its over your head.

You just can't separate the world you want from the world that is.

The fact is that the highest paid "anyone" at a university is the person who manages a multimillion dollar product which also happens to do more for said university than any 10 teachers. That highly paid coach also has the lowest job security of "anyone".

A good Prof. can easily out earn a bad coach over time by gaining tenure, getting published and sticking around for awhile. In a meritocracy there is no problem with "priorities".
You just can't separate the world you want from the world that is.

The fact is that the highest paid "anyone" at a university is the person who manages a multimillion dollar product which also happens to do more for said university than any 10 teachers. That highly paid coach also has the lowest job security of "anyone".

A good Prof. can easily out earn a bad coach over time by gaining tenure, getting published and sticking around for awhile. In a meritocracy there is no problem with "priorities".



The mental backflips you would make and hoops you will jump to rationalize that claptrap is nothing short of amazing.
So far the Conservative responses seem to lean towards the rich neighborhoods having the best teachers as they can afford it.

No actual dollar amount mentioned...interesting.

Let's see what else comes out.

Dollar amount? Is that what your looking for? Why don't you be more specific as to the quality of the teacher that you are requesting a dollar amount for? You leave way too many variables unanswered to be able to answer your question honestly.
Why should someone such as Cecilie who may or may not even be a college sports fan, claim knowledge on a subject not even related to the topic at hand to satisfy a MarcATL who:

... pretends knowledge of said subject enough to sarcasticly imply the State of New Jersey does not have it's priorities in order because it pays a huge salary to a coach, verses a far less huge salary to it's teachers? Any division one college football coach carries on their shoulders a multi-million dollar franchise. What does an individual university Prof. carry that compares?

Again you miss point.

The point is, it's rather telling that the HIGHEST paid teacher or anyone, for that matter, is an entertainer.

Perhaps its over your scratch that...clearly its over your head.

You just can't separate the world you want from the world that is.

The fact is that the highest paid "anyone" at a university is the person who manages a multimillion dollar product which also happens to do more for said university than any 10 teachers. That highly paid coach also has the lowest job security of "anyone".

A good Prof. can easily out earn a bad coach over time by gaining tenure, getting published and sticking around for awhile. In a meritocracy there is no problem with "priorities".

Not to mention that a lot of the money going to the coach is coming from the alumni....just sayin.....
You just can't separate the world you want from the world that is.

The fact is that the highest paid "anyone" at a university is the person who manages a multimillion dollar product which also happens to do more for said university than any 10 teachers. That highly paid coach also has the lowest job security of "anyone".

A good Prof. can easily out earn a bad coach over time by gaining tenure, getting published and sticking around for awhile. In a meritocracy there is no problem with "priorities".



The mental backflips you would make and hoops you will jump to rationalize that claptrap is nothing short of amazing.

I count five sentences in my post. How many back-flips, hoops, rationalizations and claptrap exactly do you think got squeezed in? Which was the most amazing?
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Why should someone such as Cecilie who may or may not even be a college sports fan, claim knowledge on a subject not even related to the topic at hand to satisfy a MarcATL who:

... pretends knowledge of said subject enough to sarcasticly imply the State of New Jersey does not have it's priorities in order because it pays a huge salary to a coach, verses a far less huge salary to it's teachers? Any division one college football coach carries on their shoulders a multi-million dollar franchise. What does an individual university Prof. carry that compares?

Again you miss point.

The point is, it's rather telling that the HIGHEST paid teacher or anyone, for that matter, is an entertainer.

Perhaps its over your scratch that...clearly its over your head.

No, what's telling here is that you can't tell the difference between a teacher in a public primary school and a football coach at a major university.

Completely aside from the fact that you're stupid enough to feel qualified to state that his salary is too high JUST from the mere dollar amount and your own personal feeling that his job - whatever the hell it actually entails - isn't "worth" that much.

Trust me, I consider being viewed as a "dummy" by such an ignorant twerp for the crime of not joining you in your arrogant idiocy to be a badge of honor. The less like you I am and the more you dislike what I do and how I think, the smarter I must be.
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.

If you mean me, coward, have the cojones to actually address me, instead of cravenly talking around me. If you mean someone else, the same applies to him or her. If you're too chickenshit to speak to people directly, get the fuck out of here.

I am not "trying to talk like an intellectual", twit. I merely use good grammar, and happen to possess a large vocabulary. If you are bothered by the difference between my English skills and yours, the solution is going to be either a) you develop better skills, or b) suck it up, loser. The solution is NEVER going to be for me to dumb myself down to your illiteracy or anyone else's. That's like asking Bill Gates to live in a shack so that poor, lazy people don't feel intimidated.

Furthermore, newbie, if you want to call what I say "drivel", then you need to prove it. Sitting there, vaguely ranting about "someone" who you're too scared to talk to who's "spewing drivel" that you can't specify or debunk makes you look like an even bigger immature jackass than your previous posts did. Believe me when I say that that's an astonishing accomplishment.

As for cussing and being belittled, awwwww. Duzzums wittle boy wanna run to Mommy and cry? Izzums mean ol' girl hurting his wittle feelings? Butch up, Nancy Boy. If you want respect, earn it. If you're too much of a pansy little girl to handle adult language, take your candy ass back to the Justin Bieber message boards and stop wasting our time.
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.

Such a person is usually using false bravado and projection to mask their massive insecurities.

It's really quite sad how quickly you run away from any sort of real debate and dive straight into junior high clique-building. "Ooh, someone else I can stand around and snark with!"

Perhaps you and your girlfriend could explain to us what "areas being affected" I'm supposed to address, given that the topic YOU set for this thread was "How much should teachers be paid?" and no "areas" were mentioned.

Or would you like to adjourn to the locker room and whisper about how you heard I was seen kissing someone else's boyfriend behind the gym?
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.

If you mean me, coward, have the cojones to actually address me, instead of cravenly talking around me. If you mean someone else, the same applies to him or her. If you're too chickenshit to speak to people directly, get the fuck out of here.

I am not "trying to talk like an intellectual", twit. I merely use good grammar, and happen to possess a large vocabulary. If you are bothered by the difference between my English skills and yours, the solution is going to be either a) you develop better skills, or b) suck it up, loser. The solution is NEVER going to be for me to dumb myself down to your illiteracy or anyone else's. That's like asking Bill Gates to live in a shack so that poor, lazy people don't feel intimidated.

Furthermore, newbie, if you want to call what I say "drivel", then you need to prove it. Sitting there, vaguely ranting about "someone" who you're too scared to talk to who's "spewing drivel" that you can't specify or debunk makes you look like an even bigger immature jackass than your previous posts did. Believe me when I say that that's an astonishing accomplishment.

As for cussing and being belittled, awwwww. Duzzums wittle boy wanna run to Mommy and cry? Izzums mean ol' girl hurting his wittle feelings? Butch up, Nancy Boy. If you want respect, earn it. If you're too much of a pansy little girl to handle adult language, take your candy ass back to the Justin Bieber message boards and stop wasting our time.

Damn! I wish I could rep you for this post. I'm betting, American I Am would like to bottle it and sell it....because he surely doesn't have any of it. :clap2:
So far the Conservative responses seem to lean towards the rich neighborhoods having the best teachers as they can afford it.

No actual dollar amount mentioned...interesting.

Let's see what else comes out.

Dollar amount? Is that what your looking for? Why don't you be more specific as to the quality of the teacher that you are requesting a dollar amount for? You leave way too many variables unanswered to be able to answer your question honestly.

You honestly think I'd be implying or suggesting a less than good teacher?
So far the Conservative responses seem to lean towards the rich neighborhoods having the best teachers as they can afford it.

No actual dollar amount mentioned...interesting.

Let's see what else comes out.

Dollar amount? Is that what your looking for? Why don't you be more specific as to the quality of the teacher that you are requesting a dollar amount for? You leave way too many variables unanswered to be able to answer your question honestly.

You honestly think I'd be implying or suggesting a less than good teacher?

Who would know with that vague question of yours?
LoL @ the "Intelligent Cusser"


I don't even bother wasting time laughing at people who think all that's necessary to speak intelligently is to "sound nice".

There are a large number of people in backwater Southern Baptist Churches who never cuss, and they only sound marginally more intelligent than you do, so there goes THAT theory.
What I find interesting is someone who tries to talk like their a intellectual, when in all actuality all that is being spewed from their mouth is drivel laden blah blah blah, and has the personality of a juvenile that seems to think they have all the answers and everyone else is wrong.

Then proceeds to throw a tantrum when their opinion is questioned, along with profanity and any other deamoning verbage that they can come up with. The shame of it all, is this person does this because their trying to build up their ego at the expense of another.

My question is this are you even from the areas that are being affected? I think not.

Such a person is usually using false bravado and projection to mask their massive insecurities.

It's really quite sad how quickly you run away from any sort of real debate and dive straight into junior high clique-building. "Ooh, someone else I can stand around and snark with!"

Perhaps you and your girlfriend could explain to us what "areas being affected" I'm supposed to address, given that the topic YOU set for this thread was "How much should teachers be paid?" and no "areas" were mentioned.

Or would you like to adjourn to the locker room and whisper about how you heard I was seen kissing someone else's boyfriend behind the gym?

Cecilie1200 is hereby the declared winner of this thread.

In my completely objective, though totally biased (and tired and slightly drunk) opinion, this is the last logical point made. Last word wins being the new rule. "Last" being defined by me and my new imaginary friend Ms. Merriam Webster as "when I depart".

So let it be written, etc etc, yadda yadda yadda

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