How Many People Know About the Obamacare Tax Hikes that Take Effect in January?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare
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duuuude that shit is awesome for the economy AND healthcare costs. You dumbass ... you are so dumb. Did you go to private school or get home schooled dummy?
duuuude that **** is awesome for the economy AND healthcare costs. You dumb*** ... you are so dumb. Did you go to private school or get home schooled dummy?

Please explain how raising the deductible for claiming medical costs to 10% of AGI will help anyone, much less how it will help reduce healthcare costs.

Please explain how raising taxes on over 50% of small business income will help anyone, much less how it will help reduce healthcare costs.

Please explain how imposing new taxes on investment income is going to help reduce healthcare costs or how such new taxes will help anyone except the government.

And by all means explain how ending the deduction for employer-provided prescription drug plans for Medicare Part D will help anyone, much less how it will help lower healthcare costs.

I wonder if you even read the entire post, much less bothered to read the linked research.
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duuuude that shit is awesome for the economy AND healthcare costs. You dumbass ... you are so dumb. Did you go to private school or get home schooled dummy?

The answer to the OP's question is: Not Leweman and the other bottom half of the gene pool.
The people who voted for him doesnt give a shit as long as they get their food stamps and free cell phones..

How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare
Dear Mike:
1. Can we still lobby the Congress to pass an amendment making this bill optional to "opt in" so it is constitutional?
2. Can we start printing our own currency and pay the govt that way:
Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York or
3. Can we lobby the govt to pay us back for disputed contract dealings from the War in Iraq or the bailouts of big corporations, and use that money to pay these costs?
4. Or what if I ask the President for an executive order to build a prison big enough for me and anyone else who plans to protest this bill as unlawful and refuse to pay the govt?
I would be glad to offer to pay the costs of anyone else's fines since I believe this is unconstitutional to impose, and the victims of govt abuse should not have to pay the cost while it is being disputed. And I still dispute it, by my religious beliefs in the Constitution.

Mike is it true that Justice Roberts altered the bill to make the mandate into a "tax" and that this is outside judicial procedures? Can a lawyer strike down the court's approval on the grounds they did not approve the bill that was actually passed through Congress?

Do you know any federal or religious lawyer willing to argue for my right to not only challenge this law but petition for enough resources to pay the fines for all other conscientious objectors who otherwise refuse, until the law is changed to be constitutional.

How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare
duuuude that shit is awesome for the economy AND healthcare costs. You dumbass ... you are so dumb. Did you go to private school or get home schooled dummy?

The answer to the OP's question is: Not Leweman and the other bottom half of the gene pool.

It's called sarcasm ... harder to detect in message boards I suppose. Thought I laid it on pretty thick but I guess as dumb as some dems are they would really say that and believe it. My bad.
Dear Mike:
1. Can we still lobby the Congress to pass an amendment making this bill optional to "opt in" so it is constitutional?
2. Can we start printing our own currency and pay the govt that way:
Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York or
3. Can we lobby the govt to pay us back for disputed contract dealings from the War in Iraq or the bailouts of big corporations, and use that money to pay these costs?
4. Or what if I ask the President for an executive order to build a prison big enough for me and anyone else who plans to protest this bill as unlawful and refuse to pay the govt?
I would be glad to offer to pay the costs of anyone else's fines since I believe this is unconstitutional to impose, and the victims of govt abuse should not have to pay the cost while it is being disputed. And I still dispute it, by my religious beliefs in the Constitution.

Mike is it true that Justice Roberts altered the bill to make the mandate into a "tax" and that this is outside judicial procedures? Can a lawyer strike down the court's approval on the grounds they did not approve the bill that was actually passed through Congress?

Do you know any federal or religious lawyer willing to argue for my right to not only challenge this law but petition for enough resources to pay the fines for all other conscientious objectors who otherwise refuse, until the law is changed to be constitutional.

Obamacare could be repealed, but that would take a super majority in the Senate because the Democrats would fight tooth and nail to keep it from being repealed--unless, of course, Obamacare proves to be so unpopular and unsuccessful that there is widespread public demand for its repeal. However, even then Senate Democrats might try to keep it from being repealed.
It's called sarcasm ... harder to detect in message boards I suppose. Thought I laid it on pretty thick but I guess as dumb as some dems are they would really say that and believe it. My bad.

I did wonder if you were kidding. But I'm new here and don't know everyone. So I assumed you were being serious.
Dear Mike:
1. Can we still lobby the Congress to pass an amendment making this bill optional to "opt in" so it is constitutional?
2. Can we start printing our own currency and pay the govt that way:
Ithaca Hours - Local Currency - Ithaca, New York or
3. Can we lobby the govt to pay us back for disputed contract dealings from the War in Iraq or the bailouts of big corporations, and use that money to pay these costs?
4. Or what if I ask the President for an executive order to build a prison big enough for me and anyone else who plans to protest this bill as unlawful and refuse to pay the govt?
I would be glad to offer to pay the costs of anyone else's fines since I believe this is unconstitutional to impose, and the victims of govt abuse should not have to pay the cost while it is being disputed. And I still dispute it, by my religious beliefs in the Constitution.

Mike is it true that Justice Roberts altered the bill to make the mandate into a "tax" and that this is outside judicial procedures? Can a lawyer strike down the court's approval on the grounds they did not approve the bill that was actually passed through Congress?

Do you know any federal or religious lawyer willing to argue for my right to not only challenge this law but petition for enough resources to pay the fines for all other conscientious objectors who otherwise refuse, until the law is changed to be constitutional.

How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare

Auntie em.....haven't you heard?

The Constitution is like the traffic lights in Rome: merely a suggestion.
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duuuude that shit is awesome for the economy AND healthcare costs. You dumbass ... you are so dumb. Did you go to private school or get home schooled dummy?

The answer to the OP's question is: Not Leweman and the other bottom half of the gene pool.

It's called sarcasm ... harder to detect in message boards I suppose. Thought I laid it on pretty thick but I guess as dumb as some dems are they would really say that and believe it. My bad.

I knew where you were goin,' Lewie....but I knew not everyone would.

Glad you explained.
If everyone is gonna have healthcare they shouldn't have as many expenses no?

Personally they can get rid of all deductions as far as I am concerned.
How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare

Try learning the facts instead of being brainwashed by the radical right wing propaganda.
How many people in this forum are aware of the huge Obamacare tax hikes that are scheduled to take effect in January? Now that Obama has been reelected, those tax hikes will almost certainly go into effect. Those new taxes will total at least $200 billion, and they will impact over 50% of small business income.

How many people know that one of those taxes is an increase in the threshhold (or deductible) for claiming medical expenses on your tax return? Right now you can deduct all personal medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. Well, in January that deductible goes up to 10%. IOW, starting in January you won't be able to deduct medical expenses if they don't exceed 10% of your adjusted gross income.

Other Obamacare tax hikes that take effect in January include the following:

* $123 billion in the form of a new tax on investment income.

* $86 billion increase in the Medicare payroll tax.

* $20 billion tax increase on medical device manufacturers.

* Elimination of the tax deduction for employer-provided retirement prescription drug coverage in coordination with Medicare Part D. "Surely this can't be!," you say. Well, check the bill--it's right there in black and white. You see, Obama doesn't like Medicare Part D, even though it's been a success, and even though it's come in under budget. Why? Because it's marked based and it allows beneficiaries to choose from private plans.

Americans for Tax Reform: Full List of Obama Tax Hikes

See also:

Obamacare's 18 New Tax Hikes

Here Are The New Taxes You Will Pay for Obamacare

Try learning the facts instead of being brainwashed by the radical right wing propaganda.
Like the leftwing socialists care about facts. I love when the facts are pointed out the left tries to say they are not facts. Lefties a so stinking funny.
Obamacare could be repealed, but that would take a super majority in the Senate because the Democrats would fight tooth and nail to keep it from being repealed--unless, of course, Obamacare proves to be so unpopular and unsuccessful that there is widespread public demand for its repeal. However, even then Senate Democrats might try to keep it from being repealed.

OK Mike thanks. So I will write a letter or petition to lobby the Senate Democrats to change it to be opt in, or to agree to let party supporters pay for the program, prove it works first, before asking opponents to support it. Something that encourages cooperation with GOP, since that is what Obama asked for. But it has to be constitutional, I oppose the health care bill if it isn't corrected because as it it stands it is not valid. If I am the only one who believes that, then it is based on my Constitutional beliefs. I have the right to exercise my beliefs without being imposed on by govt or parties who interpret the law by some "different denomination" of Constitutionalism that gives them the right to pass such a law without consent of the people affected on a personal level outside of federal govt jurisdiction. Whatever that is, I don't believe in it as as Constitutionalist, so we need to fix this thing!
I believe in consent of the governed, and consensus as even the President promised, and this is definitely not reflecting the consent of the taxpayers and citizens affected by it.
Auntie em.....haven't you heard?

The Constitution is like the traffic lights in Rome: merely a suggestion.

So where is the magic button to push, that reveals that this magnificently clothed Emperor is in fact buck-naked. And when the timing is right to state this publicly, then all manner of disguise and pretense is shed. When do we get to that part of this fairy-tale? How could this bill have been passed from Congress to President to Court, pretending that it is okay to do this? Really? Is this ruse going to continue until when? When Jesus appears from the clouds, lays down the law, and tells people to snap out of it and recognize the law is the law.

Is this Obamacare really the new law of the land? Above the Constitution? Really?

I just want to make sure that in the case of the crowd applauding the Emperor's clothing and the little girl saying WTF there's nothing there. That I am on the side of the little girl and not the crowds of other people in denial. I just want to make sure I am looking at this the right way and not the one in error. I still don't get how that is constitutional.

Like calling the tail of a lamb a leg, it doesn't make it a leg. No matter what majority of Congress passes it, or what Courts or Presidents approve it. If it does not meet the requirements of federal govt vs. jurisdiction relegated to states and people, then it is outside federal jurisdiction. Is it written in some fancy way that fits this and not what people say?
What am I missing here?

if the President and Congress were wrong and were not following the Constitution, then why isn't it thrown out? Why act like it is valid? What is wrong with me if I can't accept this? Everyone else, even people who disagree worse than me, accept this as procedure. What?

Am I some anti-govt freak who can't accept authority like everyone else?
Maybe I need to join an AA support or recovery group for people in denial and shock.
To me, if the bill is unconstitutional and that many people object, especially by party, then you go and fix the thing. How hard is that? Why wouldn't this indicate the bill needs to be fixed if there is such objection to it? Are people thinking the objection will resolve itself other ways? And if so, what is going to resolve it so we can take those steps now? Don't get it!
Obamacare, as Boehner said, is the law of the land, protected by the Constitution, as so ruled by SCOTUS.

Emily is not a constitutional scholar or a judicial authority. She can have her opinion, but this is over for all of America.

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