How many of you republicans are rich?

Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

I'm a straight white male and they blame me for EVERYTHING, and hate me if I dare say that I have any interests or concerns that need addressed.

The rich are irrelevant to that.
Thatā€™s not true. Unless you are a GOP congresssman or a wealthy influencer then almost no one cares about what you think or do.. including the GOP. However the democrats care if you get a fair shot in life and have a reasonable chance at improving your station.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

Dude. I got your point and I addressed it. You being an ass, doesn't change that.
Lol, you mean you think you got my point.

You are wrong, as usual.

You being dishonest isn't fooling anyone.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

So you get to pick and choose, but satrebil doesn't? Because why exactly?

Sounds like you are a hypocrite, supporting violence when it serves your partisan purpose, but not being prepared for other people to do the same to you.
Nobody is talking about violence except you tRumplings.

I'm talking about consequences. If you hold a very public position, for instance, and you let fly with the infamous "N" word, for instance, you could lose your job.

I'm not sure what you think I'm "picking and choosing".
"Nobody is talking about violence except you tRumplings."

So all of the assaults that have been perpetrated against conservative speakers & demonstrators... haven't actually happened?
I haven't heard of any.

Post them up.
How about when Ben Shapiro and Milo went to SPEAK at Berkeley and democrats almost burned them
Alive? It Andy Ngo was almost beaten to death, and suffered a brain injury? Or when Candace Owens was in a restaurant and was kicked out and had water thrown on her. ? Need more?

He is pretending to not know about all of that.

Libs want to have their cake and eat it too.

They want to be able to order cops to stand down, so their thugs can attack their enemies.

But then they want to be able to call the cops, when their enemies fight back.

THey are the worst sort of cowardly thugs.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.
90% own nothing?

I doubt that.

People own cars, homes, various other things etc etc.

Wealth has nothing to do with what you own and everything to do with your net worth.

And anyone can increase their net worth.
Then this should surprise you.
View attachment 326955
What are you calling wealth?

Are the units on the Y axis dollars of income? Dollars of net worth?
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.
90% own nothing?

I doubt that.

People own cars, homes, various other things etc etc.

Wealth has nothing to do with what you own and everything to do with your net worth.

And anyone can increase their net worth.

Do they really own that stuff or does the bank? Being in possession of something but oweing on it is not the same as owning something.

Net worth

the difference between the monetary value of what you own and what you owe.

And you can owe money on something but still have it be a plus in your net worth column
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.
90% own nothing?

I doubt that.

People own cars, homes, various other things etc etc.

Wealth has nothing to do with what you own and everything to do with your net worth.

And anyone can increase their net worth.

Do they really own that stuff or does the bank? Being in possession of something but oweing on it is not the same as owning something.

Even if you have a mortgage on your house, you still own the equity in it, unless you bought it last month. And that means you're a hell of a lot better off financially than if you don't have even that.

Also, 50% of Americans have access to 401k plans, many others have IRAs or some other type of investment fund. Just because 90% of Americans can't afford to sit home without employment indefinitely doesn't mean they have nothing at all.
Well as long as you can subtract your total debt from your total assets and have a net positive anyway. If you owe more than you have you ain't got shit.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I'm not supporting violence against anyone. The tRumplings are the violent group. I posted examples in another thread of tRumpling violence. Real news, not gateway pundit.

Your accusations are nonsense.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I'm not supporting violence against anyone. The tRumplings are the violent group. I posted examples in another thread of tRumpling violence. Real news, not gateway pundit.

Your accusations are nonsense.
What did you mean about consequences?
If you ask democrat politicians they might say that any republican small business owner (before the virus) who grossed over 100,000 per year regardless of overhead and debit burden is considered to be rich. Hollywood celebs, however are considered by democrats to be "royalty" and their vulgar display of wealth is overlooked.

I view them as court jesters who can't be expected to behave as normal people.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

Hilarious. OP spouts a bunch of talking points he's been ordered to "know" about us, and your dumb ass thinks it's a "gut punch".

The leftist hive mind at work.

And the Democrat Party is only the "logical choice" if the question is "What shall we line the cat box with?"
You criticized the OO as talking points and replied with.... talking points. My post provided statistics to discuss. Just like all cons you are full of BS and lacking any substance.

No, I and others responded to the OP with facts. That you keep hearing them over and over doesn't make them talking points; it just makes you really, really dense and unable (or unwilling) to comprehend them.

Your post provided more talking points disguised as statistics. Just like all leftists, you are full of things you "know" that aren't actually true.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

I'm a straight white male and they blame me for EVERYTHING, and hate me if I dare say that I have any interests or concerns that need addressed.

The rich are irrelevant to that.
Thatā€™s not true. Unless you are a GOP congresssman or a wealthy influencer then almost no one cares about what you think or do.. including the GOP. However the democrats care if you get a fair shot in life and have a reasonable chance at improving your station.

Is it going to be a huge blow to you if I tell you that Santa Claus doesn't actually exist? I ask because you seem to believe a lot of magical, childish fairy tales.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I'm not supporting violence against anyone. The tRumplings are the violent group. I posted examples in another thread of tRumpling violence. Real news, not gateway pundit.

Your accusations are nonsense.

YOur gaslighting in noted and held against you.

You are a lying troll.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I'm not supporting violence against anyone. The tRumplings are the violent group. I posted examples in another thread of tRumpling violence. Real news, not gateway pundit.

Your accusations are nonsense.
What did you mean about consequences?

She meant violence and ruin. Now though she will be walking it back, since we called her on her thuggery.

Libs are like that. THey talk out of both sides of their mouths.

Meanwhile, we see what libs like to do in Portland. THey order the cops to stand down and let their brown shirts just attack people for no reason.

They are worse than barbarians.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

Hilarious. OP spouts a bunch of talking points he's been ordered to "know" about us, and your dumb ass thinks it's a "gut punch".

The leftist hive mind at work.

And the Democrat Party is only the "logical choice" if the question is "What shall we line the cat box with?"
You criticized the OO as talking points and replied with.... talking points. My post provided statistics to discuss. Just like all cons you are full of BS and lacking any substance.

No, I and others responded to the OP with facts. That you keep hearing them over and over doesn't make them talking points; it just makes you really, really dense and unable (or unwilling) to comprehend them.

Your post provided more talking points disguised as statistics. Just like all leftists, you are full of things you "know" that aren't actually true.
Now youā€™re just goofing around. You guys tend to do that when anyone with a brain asks you to consider brainy stuff like data.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you canā€™t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

And the difference is what, exactly?
You honestly can't see that?


If one is free to speak their mind then they are free to use whatever terminology they feel like, brainlet.
Yup, he can. And the government will not tell him he can't.

The folks standing next to him are free to tell him to STFU too.

No one was talking about "Telling". And you crying "wacism" is not magic, that makes everything ok.
View attachment 327019

The example that was presented, was one with two jews being threatened with violence, and you have been defending it.

Your attempts to walk it back now, are not credible. You are only doing so, because we held up a mirror and you didn't like what you saw.
Reread quoted posts. No examples found.

You cowardly dishonest bully.

YOu need to consider, when you support violence against your enemies, that eventually people will fight back.

IF you are not prepared for that, you should not start a fight.
I'm not supporting violence against anyone. The tRumplings are the violent group. I posted examples in another thread of tRumpling violence. Real news, not gateway pundit.

Your accusations are nonsense.
We are not violent! If you don't stop these baseless accusations we're likely to beat you to death.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

I'm a straight white male and they blame me for EVERYTHING, and hate me if I dare say that I have any interests or concerns that need addressed.

The rich are irrelevant to that.
Thatā€™s not true. Unless you are a GOP congresssman or a wealthy influencer then almost no one cares about what you think or do.. including the GOP. However the democrats care if you get a fair shot in life and have a reasonable chance at improving your station.

Is it going to be a huge blow to you if I tell you that Santa Claus doesn't actually exist? I ask because you seem to believe a lot of magical, childish fairy tales.
You left out the Easter Bunny and the tooth fairy. Give it to him straight without holding back.
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Hereā€™s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Donā€™t be conned by Republicans. Donā€™t let them use you. Donā€™t be manipulated.

Hilarious. OP spouts a bunch of talking points he's been ordered to "know" about us, and your dumb ass thinks it's a "gut punch".

The leftist hive mind at work.

And the Democrat Party is only the "logical choice" if the question is "What shall we line the cat box with?"
You criticized the OO as talking points and replied with.... talking points. My post provided statistics to discuss. Just like all cons you are full of BS and lacking any substance.

No, I and others responded to the OP with facts. That you keep hearing them over and over doesn't make them talking points; it just makes you really, really dense and unable (or unwilling) to comprehend them.

Your post provided more talking points disguised as statistics. Just like all leftists, you are full of things you "know" that aren't actually true.
Now youā€™re just goofing around. You guys tend to do that when anyone with a brain asks you to consider brainy stuff like data.

You point was not "data" but just standard lefty class warfare shit.

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