How many of you republicans are rich?

I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.

So you get to pick and choose, but satrebil doesn't? Because why exactly?

Sounds like you are a hypocrite, supporting violence when it serves your partisan purpose, but not being prepared for other people to do the same to you.
Nobody is talking about violence except you tRumplings.

I'm talking about consequences. If you hold a very public position, for instance, and you let fly with the infamous "N" word, for instance, you could lose your job.

I'm not sure what you think I'm "picking and choosing".
"Nobody is talking about violence except you tRumplings."

So all of the assaults that have been perpetrated against conservative speakers & demonstrators... haven't actually happened?
I haven't heard of any.

Post them up.

Do you live under a fucking rock?

I can do this all day, clown.

My, my. Look at all these *crickets*.
None of those have anything to do with the other guys desire to call black people "ni***r" and not face and repercussions.

Here's some real links. No Gateway Pundit crap.

That's an actual first amendment violation.

So is this.

Real news.

Stop trying to deflect, coward. You claimed you had not heard of any assaults against conservatives/Trump supporters. I gave you 5 and I can give you a whole lot more. But in typical leftist fashion "they don't count" because you don't like one of the sources... never mind the others included ABC, CNN, and the NY Post.

You people are so fucking pathetic.
What consequences should there be for speech?

Are you that terrified of words and ideas?
View attachment 326781
Answer the question and stop trying to pretend it's not relevant...because YOU brought it up.

What consequences should there be for speech?
No, I didn't. I simply realized what the other dipshit means by "free speech".
What consequences should there be for speech?
View attachment 326803
Why do you keep running away from the question? Why are you afraid of answering it?
You're asking something that has already been answered, you just didn't like it.
I do t want money I want freedom!

What is it that you want to do but you can’t?
Then do so.

Nobody is stopping you.
Umm free speech rally was shut down in Boston. Lol they attack conservative speakers at schools here .. democrats are full of hate
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

You're the one falling back on the short-sighted leftist retort of "freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences", brainlet. Apparently it's fine with you when conservatives are threatened and/or attacked for speaking their minds. So if you're ever in my presence and talking about things I don't approve of, I'm just going to deck you. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Deal?
Speaking your mind is fine. He wants to call racist names.
Oh, well, that's different. The government should definitely use violence to silence him.

Oh, wait -- no, it isn't different at all.
Nobody said they should.

Would you stop with the stupid straw man crap?

You're coming off like a slightly retarded teenager.
What consequences should there be for speech?

Are you that terrified of words and ideas?
View attachment 326781
Answer the question and stop trying to pretend it's not relevant...because YOU brought it up.

What consequences should there be for speech?
No, I didn't. I simply realized what the other dipshit means by "free speech".
What consequences should there be for speech?
View attachment 326803
Why do you keep running away from the question? Why are you afraid of answering it?

He's painted himself into a corner and he knows it.

Yeah, he blew himself up, and now he's stomping around like a 2-year-old, more mad that he was caught, than reconsidering his position.
Oh, he never reconsiders his position. Reality has the temerity to disagree with him!
U are both dumber than two stacked rocks.

But go ahead and pat each other on the back a few more times, I'll just keep laughing.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
One guy here claims he lives on dividend income. Most stocks pay about a dollar or two per share in dividends. Do with that what you will.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
One guy here claims he lives on dividend income. Most stocks pay about a dollar or two per share in dividends. Do with that what you will.

How dare that guy work & make prudent investments so that he can eventually live off of it. What an asshole.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet [sic] like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

You are unimaginably mistaken.

First of all, I'm not wealthy at all. Most of my adult life, I've struggled financially.

I do not believe that the way to help the little guy is by making him dependent on government handouts for his living, while promoting policies that unduly burden and stifle commerce.

Reagan said it well, when he stated that the best welfare program is a job. Healthy businesses, in a healthy economy, employing workers to create material wealth, and by so doing, enabling them to support themselves without unearned handouts, is the way to help everyone. Self-reliance and freedom go hand-in-hand.

The Democrats promote policies which are harmful to commerce, which suppress the creation of wealth and the creation of jobs producing wealth, and think that they can make up for it by picking the pockets of those who succeed in spite of these policies, and using it to provide handouts to those who do not.

Republicans promote policies, for the most part, that are beneficial to commerce, beneficial to the creation of wealth and the creation of jobs.
Well, it's been documented MANY times that liberals tend to donate to charities FAR less than conservatives. It's a FACT that the liberal lunatics that post on here CAN NOT refute.

They think they can claim credit for charity and generosity, based on how much money that can get Big Brother to take away from others, to go to those that the LIbErals deem worthy. Conservatives, on the other hand, only believe we can claim credit for what we willingly donate, out of what is rightfully our own to give.
I never considered myself "rich". Had a well-paying job but hardly high-paying. Used the 401K plan to the max the first moment it was offered. Paid off the mortgage and never bought a car other than with cash. The house was new about 12 years ago and hasn't needed heavy maintenance. One car is 12 years old and just turned 30,000 miles. The "lifetime oil changes" bought for $400 when the car was bought new has the dealer in tears. It gets done twice a year whether it needs it or not. Wife and I travel as much as we want to wherever we want (except just now) and are free to do only volunteer work for non-profits whose work respect. Which, of course, rules out The Red Cross (which was charging family members for coffee when they fought in Korea) and PBS - a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Democrat Party.

Oh, wait, that last sentence gives liberals license to call me "RICH!".

Except I'm not a Republican. They're mostly too squishy toward deviates, child killers and criminals.
If you ask democrat politicians they might say that any republican small business owner (before the virus) who grossed over 100,000 per year regardless of overhead and debit burden is considered to be rich. Hollywood celebs, however are considered by democrats to be "royalty" and their vulgar display of wealth is overlooked.
Well, it's been documented MANY times that liberals tend to donate to charities FAR less than conservatives. It's a FACT that the liberal lunatics that post on here CAN NOT refute.

They think they can claim credit for charity and generosity, based on how much money that can get Big Brother to take away from others, to go to those that the LIbErals deem worthy. Conservatives, on the other hand, only believe we can claim credit for what we willingly donate, out of what is rightfully our own to give.
Exactly. Nice post, Bob. Thanks.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
The only rich person here is charwin95 who's a Lefty. He owns two businesses on two coasts, three homes, 5 yachts, has a girl who fills his tank for him and speaks six languages.
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

It sounds to me like what you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
One guy here claims he lives on dividend income. Most stocks pay about a dollar or two per share in dividends. Do with that what you will.

How dare that guy work & make prudent investments so that he can eventually live off of it. What an asshole.
Nothing wrong with it. What is wrong is the lie that this moron actually did it.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
The only rich person here is charwin95 who's a Lefty. He owns two businesses on two coasts, three homes, 5 yachts, has a girl who fills his tank for him and speaks six languages.
I hope she's not a minor!
So your speech is unpopular. It's not illegal.

What you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech and that, my confused friend, is something completely different.

Ok cool.

The next time you say something I don't like, I'm going to punch you in the mouth. Sound good?
Nobody was talking about assaulting anyone.

Why are you damn tRumplings are always so willing to resort to violence?

It sounds to me like what you want is freedom from the consequences of your speech.
Oddly, that's exactly what I told the other guy.

With more reason though.
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?
Define Rich?
How many of you republicans are rich? I am just assuming a lot of you are extremely rich considering you don't believe in any safetynet like ssi, medicare, food stamps, public housing or much of anything that helps the little guy.

Is this because you're rich or am I mistaken?

We MIGHT have one Republican here who is actually rich. The rest of them vote against their own self interest. Been doing it for years!
Hilarious. OP punches you guys in the gut and you all run away and shout insults from the other side of the fence. Here’s the deal:

Only 1% of us are truly rich and another 9% of us have any money at all. 90% of us own nothing. There is a sprinkling of the 1% that have convinced the stupid 90% that Democrats want to steal what little they have so that you will protect THEIR massive accumulation of wealth. You have been used, manipulated, and conned by Republicans.

The Democratic Party is the logical choice in our binary system. Don’t be conned by Republicans. Don’t let them use you. Don’t be manipulated.

Hilarious. OP spouts a bunch of talking points he's been ordered to "know" about us, and your dumb ass thinks it's a "gut punch".

The leftist hive mind at work.

And the Democrat Party is only the "logical choice" if the question is "What shall we line the cat box with?"
You criticized the OO as talking points and replied with.... talking points. My post provided statistics to discuss. Just like all cons you are full of BS and lacking any substance.

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