How many African-Americans were killed in WWI?

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Given all their knee jerk reactions followed by the usual strawmen they throw around, it's pretty clear they're the racist reactionaries.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
So, on top of being a racist you pile on xenophobic bullshit.

Yeah know, since you’re still in high school, there’s still time to become a normal person who does better.

Do you know what xenophobic means?....if you do not you have something in common with biden.
Boy, you have summer school tomorrow, go to bed.
Oh, before you go. How many actual white supremists dead in our Civil War?

You and biden should be more concerned about dat white supremacist hiding under your beds.
Including those three guys in Idaho with the t shirts and funny haircuts.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.
SAys the knee jeerk reactionary racist with all the strawman babbling.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.
SAys the knee jeerk reactionary racist with all the strawman babbling.

hehheh she is just itching to move this thread....I have said all I need to say anyhow.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Given all their knee jerk reactions followed by the usual strawmen they throw around, it's pretty clear they're the racist reactionaries.

Hornet made it quite clear where he stands on race.

Why do you feel that you need to defend that?
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

What could the military possibly do about black gangs?
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

I'm not sure if you realize it but the military does not operate within the US. It has no jurisdiction over gangs, black or other.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

I had already said, gangs are a problem in the military and have been for decades.

Sure we had gang members in the military in the 1980's, but at that point the gangs were not as violent, and leaving them was not a problem. I know more than a few that saw the military as a way to get out of gangs. But today, many actually idolize gangs, and the lifestyle that much of the music and culture glamorize as a way to "make it big". And even the military now recognized affirmed gang membership now as a reason to refuse entry.

And it is not just black gangs. Whites, Asians, and Latinos also have their own gangs, and membership in the military for the last 20 years or so has been a real problem. Most of the ones I know that were into gangs prior to serving were actually Latino, but some were white.

One of the worst was a white kid from Bakersfield, believe it or not. His list of crimes in 3 years included failing a drug test, going AWOL 3 times (he learned going AWOL was less punishment then failing a drug test), armed robbery, and a case of public intoxication and public indecency combined with assault. He walked into a store naked, and demanded to buy a hat. High as a kite on PCP, he peat the store owner and it took 3 cops with tasers and pepper spray to subdue him.

No, the problem is that the more and more you talk, the more you come off as a complete racist, and a troll. Who likely never served a day, so you do not have any idea of what you are talking about.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

What could the military possibly do about black gangs?

Well, like they do with all gangs, forbid them from enlisting.

Thankfully, that is easier today than it was 40 years ago because they tend to make it obvious.

People often wonder why at 56 and career military, I have no tattoos. But it really was not a "thing" in my generation, and only really with some of the more hardcore White and Hispanic gangs. But today it is everywhere, and gang members just can not resist getting inked up to show off how bad-assed they are.

And for over a decade, the military has been getting smart on this. In addition to the normal Police Background Check, they scan for entry in databases of known or suspected gang members. They also take pictures of every tattoo anybody has, and send it off to specialists who know hot to read and recognize gang tattoos. Many of the more subtle ones (a pair of boots, three dots, teardrop, "Family", MVL, almost any numbers, etc) were simply not recognized for what they were 15 years ago.

The pictures are taken, and if the specialists recognize them as gang affiliated, an entry is made that they are a gang member and their enlistment is refused.

Hell, one of the most interesting kids I ever served with was about 15 years ago. A black kid from Chicago, he was really an odd-ball. The dude actually read Medieval English Poetry, was really into Goth, hated rap, and actually kept an ornate dagger in a wooden box in his room. This guy almost fit the stereotype of a "White Goth Fanboi", but was unquestionably Black. And was also one of the finest soldiers I served with. He could talk you to death for hours about various things about comic books and programming, and the disdain he felt for the "Wanna-Be Gangsters" was obvious.

And yea, he had a tattoo. A dragon on one bicep, the thing was huge and holding a dagger in one claw, a sword in another.
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

I'm not sure if you realize it but the military does not operate within the US. It has no jurisdiction over gangs, black or other.

The 101st Airborne was sent into Little Rock to enforce integration at Central High School.
Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

I'm not sure if you realize it but the military does not operate within the US. It has no jurisdiction over gangs, black or other.

The 101st Airborne was sent into Little Rock to enforce integration at Central High School.
Eisenhower, in a televised address he gave at the White House the day after he enforced his executive order. “Mob rule cannot be allowed to override the decisions of the courts.”

Should have sent to the Capitol on 1/6.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.

First of all American Renaissance is not a White Supremacist a moderator you should not post such propaganda.

Anyhow.....I told you the 3 black soldiers selling weapons in Chicago was just the tip of the iceberg.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.

First of all American Renaissance is not a White Supremacist a moderator you should not post such propaganda.

Anyhow.....I told you the 3 black soldiers selling weapons in Chicago was just the tip of the iceberg.

Your website offered is an apology tour for white nationalism.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.

First of all American Renaissance is not a White Supremacist a moderator you should not post such propaganda.

Anyhow.....I told you the 3 black soldiers selling weapons in Chicago was just the tip of the iceberg.

Your website offered is an apology tour for white nationalism.

I don't have a website.
American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.

First of all American Renaissance is not a White Supremacist a moderator you should not post such propaganda.

Anyhow.....I told you the 3 black soldiers selling weapons in Chicago was just the tip of the iceberg.

Your website offered is an apology tour for white nationalism.

White Nationalism has no need for an apology...not that one was made....just your bias showing.

Anyhow.....whilst we are on the subject.......for those who do not know what White Nationalism is.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

American black soldiers were used for support and logistics during WWi
They mainly were used as manual labor, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks. Only a tiny number, if any, were assigned to combat units. ... :cool:

There were 2 divisions that were totally black. They lost 1,647 and 3,547 men in combat, respectively.

And the men serving in manual labor jobs, such as unloading cargo off ships, building projects, and driving supply trucks were still in the US Army and still serving in the war.

Were they serving under French command?

Yes. Like many multinational military units, the command was given to one nation. The men were still serving in the US Army.

What do you mean by the term multinational military units?

In this case, the French were in desperate need of men. The US sent members of the US Army to give them relief. But the overall area was under French command.

From the article Coyote posted and I posted:
"The situation was desperate in France, and with exhausted and dwindling armies, the French begged the United States for men. GEN John Pershing, commander of the American Expeditionary Force, promised them four American regiments."

From what I am seeing posted on here it appears the only deaths of Black American Soldiers were those under French command.....interesting but not the topic or an answer to my question.....but as it stands it appears there were more American Black Soldiers killed in WWI than in WWII.

In WWII there were approx. 800 American Black Soldiers killed.....why are the stats available for WWII but not for WWI?

The number of American Black soldiers killed in WWI must be out there somewhere???

It is not just "Black Soldiers". There were also Latino and Asian soldiers. The military was simply not obsessed about "Racial Demographics" yet. Nobody was.

You also had American blacks who died when fighting with the Communists in Spain, nobody tracked those either. And the same in the Spanish-American War, or the Indian Wars. This obsession with how many of what race died is a rather recent thing.
Yet....there are available statistics regarding the number of Black deaths in WWII

Perhaps WWI is just not that significant to the statisticians.

Well, tell you what then, bubba.

I already gave you a reference to a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI. Or you can go to the VA Archives and sift through hundreds of thousands of records yourself and compile the data that way.

Why don't you do it? Or have the UL, NAACP, BLM, or some other organization go to the cost and time to figure this out?

Myself, I find it rather lazy and silly that you are screaming that it has not been done yet. Well, if this is so important to you, do it yourself. All the records are public information, I gave you a link to a book that had lots of them, just not put in the format you want. Not my problem, if it is that important to you, do the research yourself.

And yes, I might have a curiosity as to how many American Indians died in that war. But ultimately, it is not that important to me. Because I do not classify levels of sacrifice by the color of somebodies skin.
a book that has the photographs of every soldier killed in WWI?

That must be one big you know how many millions died in WWI?

The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I, was around 40 million. There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

It appears that of all that approx 2 thousand black soldiers were also killed.

Also....approx a little over 50,000 white American soldiers were killed.

I have no idea how many of them were white supremacists.....maybe joe could tell you. other thing comes to mind here......the term 'stolen valor'.....I really hate to mention it....but if you add up the total number of whites killed in all of our wars and then add up the total number of blacks killed in all our wars.....whilst keeping in mind the current attitude in the biden's regime's attitude towards White Soldiers then that term 'stolen valour' jumps up screaming in my mind.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.

Stolen Valor is about people claiming to have served when they did not. It has nothing to do with the number of dead.

In WWI there were around 50,000 US casualties from the war itself. Another 63,000 died from other causes, most notably from the Spanish Flu epidemic.

If there were significantly fewer black soldiers killed in WWI it can be traced to two facts.
#1 - Blacks were not allowed in the US Marine Corp in WWI, and only served in labor or service positions in the US Navy.
#2 - Blacks were mostly used in labor and service in the US Army as well. Most never saw combat.
I am well aware of all of that but I am not referring specifically to the stolen valor act.

Stolen Valor has broader applications than the narrow confines of the particular law addressing the issue.

My contention is that Joe Biden has dishonored all white veterans by his accusations of White Supremacy....which essentially in practical terms equates with stolen valor.

Whilst at the same time he and his party particuarly honors all the minority members of the military at every opportunity....this amounts to stealing the valor of White Soldiers who have overwhelmingly contributed more to the defense of America than any other group yet biden attempts to not only steal their rightful honor but to transfer it to those who did far less.

Thus by his words and actions he has denigrated and dis-honored all white servicemen by attempting to steal their rightful honor and valor and give it to others.

Absolutely disgraceful.

I served 3 years and I have talked with lots of other veterans....I never saw any evidence whatsoever of white supremacy in the military nor has any other veteran I have talked with.

I am not saying there has never been a particular instance of it but it is certainly not a major issue in the military as biden infers.

Congress needs to reprimand him at least for his reprehensible comments on this matter which has become a major fallacious theme of his despicable regime......designed at least to further divide the nation and create more racial problems at a time we are already undergoing extremely high levels of racial tension whilst our foreign threats are higher than at any time in our history and increasing.

Not even to mention how hypocritical he is ----having campaigned on a promise of unity.

Do you have a link to what he said?

And wasn't there a Pentagon report on the issue? If I recall, they found some disturbing things.
You need to understand the big picture...............Bishop Garrison: Biden’s Racist Tool for a Military Purge - Frontpagemag
The big picture is that extremism should not be part of out military.

Absolutely no evidence that it is.....just a red herring tossed out by radical democrats to allow them to purge the military of patriotic Americans and replace them with politically correct pawns of the democratic party.

I find it amusing that you reported 6 different posts for being off topic when they discussed various things about black serving in WWI. You even reported one that you said you didn't want it politicized.

And now you are way off topic and talking politics. I guess you have rules for you and rules for everyone else.
you missed the post where I said I was opening it up to all comments since no one could post a statistic showing how many blacks died in WWI
Why does it matter?

How many died in Vietnam?

That is easily found.

The reason I asked about WWI....I could not find the statistics on the total number of American blacks killed in WWI....even after several searches....not even to mention---no one else has been able to find any stats on that....the best that anyone has come up with is the number of American blacks killed who were serving under French command.
I'm still in the dark about your reason for the information. Can you shed more light on the reason that you need this information?
I do not really need it...I was just curious....I was doing some research on WWII and came across the surprising data that only 800 American Blacks had been killed in that war compared to over 400 thousand White I began to think about the stats for WWI. A much smaller war....where only 50 thousand White Supremacists were killed....yet surprisingly around 2 to 3 thousand American blacks had been killed...which was considerably more than killed in WWII a much bigger war....turns out they were under French command....and that could explain that....the French command structure was severely lacking.
I don't know where you get your information from but I have seen no statistics on "white supremacists" in WW2.

There were 1,056, 841 African Americans inducted into the various forces in WW2. The compromised roughly 11% of all inductees despite being only 8.4% of the U.S. population. They were 6.4% of all the units serving overseas.
Have you seen any statistics on white supremacists in the u.s. military at any time?
No. Nor statistics on any other ideologies. Why the obsession with African Americans in the military?
What makes you think I am obsessed with it?
Tone of your posts

They go in for job training now and avoid the combat arms, then whine about being under-represented in command positions. They're never happy, always sniveling for no reason.

Sorry, this is pure BS. I served for 15 years in Combat Arms, and saw more than my share of minorities in it, including Blacks.
Yes, well you're always 'special' and claiming knowledge nobody else ever has, including the military itself.

*laughs in incredulity*

Well, feel free to ask all of the other Veterans in here if they agree with me or not, how about that? Other than your remarks seem to be very racist, and I really have no use or tolerance for racists.

And trust me, I have little doubt that almost all of them would agree with what I said. Having served for over 2 decades, I have quite a good idea what I am talking about.

How long have you served, which gives you the basis to question my service?

But before I leave, some facts. In the US, blacks make up just under 12% of the population (18% in the report I am about to reference). Yet, in "Operations" (that is "Combat Arms", the segment that actually fights) they make up 21% of the force. If what you said as true, there would be a much lower percent in that area.

projections as usual. Your personal anecdotes are just your fantasies, not facts. The majority of higher level promotions come from the combat arms, whether you like that or not isn't relevant, nor is your personal experience loading trucks and cleaning heads for 20 years as a grunt.
'The US Armed Forces officially desegregated in 1948. Over the following 70 years, the military has made great strides in promoting racial integration. We find evidence, however, that Black soldiers’ experience of military service still differs significantly from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Exploiting a database of administrative records for 100,000 Army personnel serving during the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, we find that Blacks were less likely than other service members to have deployed, or to face intense combat if deployed, during the early phases of the campaigns.'

Like the study I linked to said, they make up some 30% of the military overall, but less than 20% of the combat arms, and because they're under-represented in the combat arms they in turn don't get 30% of the higher level promotions, where some 79% of those promotions originate. Even dumbass Mushhead's own post verifies what I said, but I guess he was too busy trying to suck up to a couple of mod trolls to bother reading posts.

In other news, black street gangs encourage members and wanabees to volunteer, and then choose career paths that provide the most opportunities to steal weapons and gear useful to their homies, no doubt another factor in why they choose other career paths in the military. The military of course always makes a big effort to cover that up. They like to snivel about 'white supremacists' and biker gangs to take attention away from the giant black elephants in the room.
In other news, just another racist soapbox.

Of course you are entitled to your biased opinion hehheh is something for you to digest.....
3 soldiers committed a crime...

What is there to digest?
Biden goes on and on about white supremacists in the military yet it appears that the real poblem may be criminal blacks in the military....this case may just be the tip of the iceberg.

The Navy Made Me into a Race Realist - American Renaissance

3 people...that's all you have to base this claim on?

American Renaissance...a white supremacy site. No thanks.

They were just not keeping records that way back then.

I looked, but did not find a single breakdown of casualties in WWI by race.

But I guess you can look at "Soldiers of the Great Wat", 1920. It includes photographs of most of those killed in the war, I guess you can browse through it and count them.

I found many, but at over 450 pages I was not going through the entire volume.

That's before the government mainstreamed the idea of reporting statistics using racial division.
The fact they do it now is just another example of racial division in its worst application.

Like when the FBI reports crime statistics using racial division ...
the statistics cannot even tell you the number of people who actually committed the crimes
and can only be used for a per capita equation.

They don't address the crimes, nor the individuals,
and the actual crime committed is the same regardless of race.

Black gangs are indeed a problem, but the military doesn't want to do amything about them much, except deny they're a problem, while Biden's racist hack secretary of no defense runs around trying to run off all the white boys in combat units. We know why he's targeting them, of course.

I'm not sure if you realize it but the military does not operate within the US. It has no jurisdiction over gangs, black or other.

The 101st Airborne was sent into Little Rock to enforce integration at Central High School.

And do you know why?

Because the Governor refused to follow the US Supreme Court ruling in Brown Vs. the Board of Education. He refused to enforce or follow the ruling, and in fact called up his own National Guard to refuse to allow integration in schools.

Quite literally, they were a hair away from being declared a "State in Rebellion", and the use of Federal troops was seen as the only way to prevent it from turning into an outright rebellion. First, President Eisenhower nationalized the Arkansas National Guard, then sent them home and sent in the 101st to enforce the Supreme Court decision.

Was it radical? Yes, but then again so was the Governor mobilizing his own National Guard with orders to prevent any integration. And the message to other states considering doing similar things was read loud and clear. Ike would not stand for a state to openly refuse to recognize the ruling of the Supreme Court. And the Federal Troops were only called up because the State had done it first.

In other instances, Presidents themselves called up the Guard and used them similarly, but only used Federal troops this time as a response.