How God Used Usmb To Bless Me

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This new board was very different in design from the old one and the only thing I was concerned about was the writing boxes being a little bit smaller than the other ones and not being able to post music links but the music posts just as easy - the boxes get bigger if you type more - I can use the font here and can do a lot of things I didn't try to do on the other board as it seemed too hard to figure it out. But the greatest blessing happened to me today.

I was typing out the book of John and suddenly noticed something I had not noticed before. My name is written in blue. ( the old board it was written in black letters ) Not just any blue but my favorite color blue in the whole world! That blue! The big bars in between the posts are that same color blue and yes! That is my favorite color blue! Coincidence? Not a chance. The LORD let me know he arranged that just for me! I feel so special! You all who designed this board did not even know it but I love burgundy red - the blue you used is my most favorite blue and has been for many years. God did all of this and I praise His holy name today! Some people may think well...... there are 38,000 members here and any number of colors could have been used...... but they weren't! My favorite blue was used and that means God is paying very close attention to things I like and has used USMB to bless me! I thank Jesus for being so thoughtful to me! I praise His Holy Name!

Would God really do that for someone? Yes. He did it for me! :bye1:

I thank Jesus!
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Given the nature of USMB, your god is certainly a cruel and vicious one.
Lol, what a ridiculous claim. I've never seen religious nutjobs like I see them on this messageboard.
Thank you, UlyssesS! You are a blessing to me! That was a blessing to hear and I disagree with Bodecea.

Look, Bodecea, I disagree with you. Here is why. The USMB lets people share their faith on the religion forum and they even let you type out books of the bible if you want to. I told the people in my doctors office lobby this today: I told them we in America are blessed to be free to have a bible! We have food in our pantries and do not know what it is like to have to bring a wheel barrow full of money to get one loaf of bread like Zimbabwe had to do.
Now granted the money preachers are preaching a false gospel - I told the people in the lobby that today - and we need be thankful to Jesus that we are being given time to get it right. But make no mistake about it, the LORD is turning up the heat to get the dross burnt out. You have come to God and let Him put you on that potters wheel, Bodecea! So He can work on you while there is time.

I have plenty of flaws God is working on like I do not like the way my husband drives but now I do not complain since God told me he is in control of the driving. And this woman from Haiti that was in the lobby told me from across the room that God told her he is in full control and they have been doing a lot of praying. Then the man across from me nodded his head to let me know he is a Christian and he can relate to what is happening too. God is on the move. He is everywhere! All we have to do is open our eyes to see Him! To see His goodness! It is everywhere! Everywhere, I tell you! If you do not like some folks on USMB then pray for them but let God work on you and consider the timber in your own eye lest you fall into the same thing you are judging them for. Amen?

You should be happy! You woke up this morning! You can go places! Me? I got a report that things are going slow so I was sent back to bed. But I am happy over the color blue on USMB. You can surely find something to be happy about too. There is much to be thankful for! God is good! Think on that!
I'm not Bodecea. She's my evul twin with a beard from the Anti-Matter Universe.
My favorite blue was used and that means God is paying very close attention to things I like and has used USMB to bless me!

You've got to be kidding.

And this fails as a post hoc fallacy.
Lol, what a ridiculous claim. I've never seen religious nutjobs like I see them on this messageboard.

Claim? It's the truth! I know how the LORD moves in my life. I recognize Him and the things He does and how He does it! I believe you'd be wonderfully surprised, Crystal, over what the LORD would like to do for you and how he loves to do things that "surprise us"... He is wonderful like that.

He sometimes let's us discover things He did for us long ago and never mentioned to us - hoping we would notice. (but we didn't) On the color blue........ I noticed and told everyone because I love telling others of how thoughtful and wonderful my Jesus is. If your husband bought you something you'd show your friends, wouldn't you? Well? Mine gave me a gift money cannot buy! So just realize how wonderful and thoughtful He truly is and what He has done for me He will do for you also! God loves you, Crystal!

One day you will look back on your life ( hopefully ) and realize all the things that happened that you "thought" were coincidences or happenstances of "luck" which were nothing of the sort. Even serious times when He saved your life. That was Him. That was all Him! He was there all along. That is how beautiful Jesus is.
If t
Lol, what a ridiculous claim. I've never seen religious nutjobs like I see them on this messageboard.

Claim? It's the truth! I know how the LORD moves in my life. I recognize Him and the things He does and how He does it! I believe you'd be wonderfully surprised, Crystal, over what the LORD would like to do for you and how he loves to do things that "surprise us"... He is wonderful like that.

He sometimes let's us discover things He did for us long ago and never mentioned to us - hoping we would notice. (but we didn't) On the color blue........ I noticed and told everyone because I love telling others of how thoughtful and wonderful my Jesus is. If your husband bought you something you'd show your friends, wouldn't you? Well? Mine gave me a gift money cannot buy! So just realize how wonderful and thoughtful He truly is and what He has done for me He will do for you also! God loves you, Crystal!

One day you will look back on your life ( hopefully ) and realize all the things that happened that you "thought" were coincidences or happenstances of "luck" which were nothing of the sort. Even serious times when He saved your life. That was Him. That was all Him! He was there all along. That is how beautiful Jesus is.
If the Lord is so wonderful and forgiving, why are so many people going hungry and ill. And why doesn't He do anything about that, but instead takes the time to turn the letters of usernames on some messageboard into your favorite color?
Being alive is a blessing. Finding joy in minutia is that much more a blessing.

I don't know what minutia is but it sounds good so I give you a thumbs up!
Being alive is a blessing. Finding joy in minutia is that much more a blessing.

Do not laugh,Norwegen, but I had to go look up on google what minutia means! I didn't know. It says its a small matter or unimportant detail but I guess to me it means the world. God could not have given me anything that would have pleased me as much as that color blue coming up in my name and He used USMB to do it. So that was the purpose of my thread. I'd rather have that color blue than a diamond ring because of the meaning it has behind it. Seriously. Diamonds are not a girls best friend. Jesus is.
He knows me better than any person on earth! He just thrills me! I'm deeply touched by God because He just unexpectedly did this out of the "blue"!

(no pun intended)
If t
Lol, what a ridiculous claim. I've never seen religious nutjobs like I see them on this messageboard.

Claim? It's the truth! I know how the LORD moves in my life. I recognize Him and the things He does and how He does it! I believe you'd be wonderfully surprised, Crystal, over what the LORD would like to do for you and how he loves to do things that "surprise us"... He is wonderful like that.

He sometimes let's us discover things He did for us long ago and never mentioned to us - hoping we would notice. (but we didn't) On the color blue........ I noticed and told everyone because I love telling others of how thoughtful and wonderful my Jesus is. If your husband bought you something you'd show your friends, wouldn't you? Well? Mine gave me a gift money cannot buy! So just realize how wonderful and thoughtful He truly is and what He has done for me He will do for you also! God loves you, Crystal!

One day you will look back on your life ( hopefully ) and realize all the things that happened that you "thought" were coincidences or happenstances of "luck" which were nothing of the sort. Even serious times when He saved your life. That was Him. That was all Him! He was there all along. That is how beautiful Jesus is.
If the Lord is so wonderful and forgiving, why are so many people going hungry and ill. And why doesn't He do anything about that, but instead takes the time to turn the letters of usernames on some messageboard into your favorite color?

Because Satan is the god of this world system which is set on wars, destruction, starvation - to work an agenda - to gain a one world order eventually -in which he rules - for a short time - he has come to rob, kill and destroy. His battle is with God and he hates mankind because we were created in Gods' image! We remind Satan of the LORD and he is jealous of what God has given us - an opportunity to receive Christ and eternal life!

Jesus has come to give us Life! When we come to Christ we are his hands and his feet to give to the world, to share the Gospel, to feed the poor, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit those in prison. If we cannot do it in person we do it by donations and by writing letters - I am writing to someone in jail right now who needs the comfort of the LORD. I'm not writing to all 50 states and their prison systems. The yoke of Jesus is light. We each are to do what God puts in front of us to do, Crystal, and as each one of us do this with prayer - and sharing the Gospel message- there will be a difference. You may say that is one person. How can one person make a difference?

It makes a difference to the person we are giving to. It makes a difference to the person we are writing to. It makes a difference to that one person and God will move heaven and earth for us when we get in alignment with what He is doing. Jesus is with the sick, the dying, the lonely, the broken, the addict, the achoholic, the person who has been forgotten by society. God does do things to encourage us and to show us His love in personal ways. That is the nature of Jesus. He is very personal. He is not distant. For me it is a color on a message board I spend much time on. For you it could be something else. We are all different, Crystal, but God knows what you like and I pray He does something to prove that to you in the coming days. I believe He will do that for you! Because you are precious to Him and He loves you. It is in the little things that God sometimes does the biggest things. I cannot explain that because the color gift was huge to me but yet I can understand where someone might see it as a minutia and in the process I learned a new word! ( minutia ) So that was a blessing too!
Oy. are something else. But..if it makes you happy, then...I am glad it does. :)
This new board was very different in design from the old one and the only thing I was concerned about was the writing boxes being a little bit smaller than the other ones and not being able to post music links but the music posts just as easy - the boxes get bigger if you type more - I can use the font here and can do a lot of things I didn't try to do on the other board as it seemed too hard to figure it out. But the greatest blessing happened to me today.

I was typing out the book of John and suddenly noticed something I had not noticed before. My name is written in blue. ( the old board it was written in black letters ) Not just any blue but my favorite color blue in the whole world! That blue! The big bars in between the posts are that same color blue and yes! That is my favorite color blue! Coincidence? Not a chance. The LORD let me know he arranged that just for me! I feel so special! You all who designed this board did not even know it but I love burgundy red - the blue you used is my most favorite blue and has been for many years. God did all of this and I praise His holy name today! Some people may think well...... there are 38,000 members here and any number of colors could have been used...... but they weren't! My favorite blue was used and that means God is paying very close attention to things I like and has used USMB to bless me! I thank Jesus for being so thoughtful to me! I praise His Holy Name!

Would God really do that for someone? Yes. He did it for me! :bye1:

I thank Jesus!

Don't ever take a psychology course, your faith will evaporate. :) When you learn how your brain works and processes information, thinking God made our names blue just for you goes bye-bye. :)
For some it is God or psychology. God or Science.
For others, it is God and psychology. God and Science. God can set angels in front of and behind my children today, while blessing Jere, and Gracie, and recounting the hairs on his boy Delta's head. He loves us all constantly.

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