How Far Into The Future Should Whites Apologize?

WE hereby appologize to all you 'lil brown/yellow/red folks we've oppressed , bombed, economically enslaved, demonized , prostituted , bent , folded and spindled

it's just business

get over it...

Nobody wants an apology you idiots, those are just words that are worthless without actions, fix the racialized system in America, thats what the oppressed want.
Nobody wants an apology you idiots, those are just words that are worthless without actions, fix the racialized system in America, thats what the oppressed want.

It is not possible to fix racism when Bassholes, such as The Basshole, are such rabid racists.

The SYSTEM, however, was remedied a long time ago.

The Basshole's racist perceptions about whites and the "system" can never be remedied as long as Bassholes view everything through racist filters, such as the Basshole always does.
Nobody wants an apology you idiots, those are just words that are worthless without actions, fix the racialized system in America, thats what the oppressed want.

It will never be fixed while racist like you exist.

I'm willing to bet your wife left you for a white man.
Nobody wants an apology you idiots, those are just words that are worthless without actions, fix the racialized system in America, thats what the oppressed want.

It will never be fixed while racist like you exist.

I'm willing to bet your wife left you for a white man.

The Bass'wife would never leave him, much less for a white man, but white women leave their white husbands for black men all the time, we all know why? :D
Nobody wants an apology you idiots, those are just words that are worthless without actions, fix the racialized system in America, thats what the oppressed want.

It will never be fixed while racist like you exist.

I'm willing to bet your wife left you for a white man.

The Bass'wife would never leave him, much less for a white man, but white women leave their white husbands for black men all the time, we all know why? :D

Hey Charliqua,
We do know why, they are sadomasochist and want to be treated like shit, preferably beat and pay for their dates ....... that's why white women go for groid boys.:lol::lol::lol:

Why do black women wear white girl hair made into wigs?
Really I dont care at this moment, but dont put me in a group thats all I ask. If I am being put into a group then of course I want a damn apology. I cant even drive in certain neighborhoods without people thinking I am up to something. I was looking at a house that was for sale and the police came over and asked questions. When things like that stop happening apologies will not be needed but if a person of color doesnt get the same respect a white person would then there will constantly be apologies handed out.
we know that it sure as hell isn't for the bank account!


Just because you honkies are lacking in the package department don't mean you have to hate on and try to destroy the black male, a clean up man makes a marriage a very good one. :D
we know that it sure as hell isn't for the bank account!


Just because you honkies are lacking in the package department don't mean you have to hate on and try to destroy the black male, a clean up man makes a marriage a very good one. :D

HA! gimme a break, dude. If you accept that blacks have larger dicks then you must also accept that whites have smarter brains. But, you'll balk at that so, I guess, we know how flimsy is your faith in black male genitalia. Thankfully, bank accounts are a bit more tangible than negro mythology.

ps, it's funny that you focus on the penis, though.. We all knew you are on the down low.
Really I dont care at this moment, but dont put me in a group thats all I ask. If I am being put into a group then of course I want a damn apology. I cant even drive in certain neighborhoods without people thinking I am up to something. I was looking at a house that was for sale and the police came over and asked questions. When things like that stop happening apologies will not be needed but if a person of color doesnt get the same respect a white person would then there will constantly be apologies handed out.

You may want to talk to your "bros" that are always up to no good, get their criminal asses under control. You can't blame whitey for what black people do, they are the ones committing the armed robberies, car jacking and burglaries........ talk to them.
we know that it sure as hell isn't for the bank account!


Just because you honkies are lacking in the package department don't mean you have to hate on and try to destroy the black male, a clean up man makes a marriage a very good one. :D

HA! gimme a break, dude. If you accept that blacks have larger dicks then you must also accept that whites have smarter brains. But, you'll balk at that so, I guess, we know how flimsy is your faith in black male genitalia. Thankfully, bank accounts are a bit more tangible than negro mythology.

All about the bank account? is that why rich white men pay black guys huge sums of money to bang their wives while they sit there and beat off? Money can't buy everything.

ps, it's funny that you focus on the penis, though.. We all knew you are on the down low.[/QUOTE]
I certainly don't know any white dudes who pay black men to bang their wives. Again, black mythology strikes!

Maybe you should provide some evidence, chuck. I bet I can find more evidence of gay blacks than you can of rich white dudes paying blacks guys to fuck their wives...
Really I dont care at this moment, but dont put me in a group thats all I ask. If I am being put into a group then of course I want a damn apology. I cant even drive in certain neighborhoods without people thinking I am up to something. I was looking at a house that was for sale and the police came over and asked questions. When things like that stop happening apologies will not be needed but if a person of color doesnt get the same respect a white person would then there will constantly be apologies handed out.

You may want to talk to your "bros" that are always up to no good, get their criminal asses under control. You can't blame whitey for what black people do, they are the ones committing the armed robberies, car jacking and burglaries........ talk to them.

Thing is all my "Bros" that I am friends with etc. have jobs all of us have college degrees from Associates to Doctorates. We dont dress like we are up to something we have cars that dont attract attention. None of what you say has anything to do with my "Bros" or any males in my family. But if "whitey" like you say will always think that about me then they will have to continue to apologize its that simple you have to apologize when you make an ass out of yourself.
Really I dont care at this moment, but dont put me in a group thats all I ask. If I am being put into a group then of course I want a damn apology. I cant even drive in certain neighborhoods without people thinking I am up to something. I was looking at a house that was for sale and the police came over and asked questions. When things like that stop happening apologies will not be needed but if a person of color doesnt get the same respect a white person would then there will constantly be apologies handed out.

You may want to talk to your "bros" that are always up to no good, get their criminal asses under control. You can't blame whitey for what black people do, they are the ones committing the armed robberies, car jacking and burglaries........ talk to them.

Thing is all my "Bros" that I am friends with etc. have jobs all of us have college degrees from Associates to Doctorates. We dont dress like we are up to something we have cars that dont attract attention. None of what you say has anything to do with my "Bros" or any males in my family. But if "whitey" like you say will always think that about me then they will have to continue to apologize its that simple you have to apologize when you make an ass out of yourself.

I can't drive in the Southwest Houston area with my semi white skin, I will get shot at or fire bombed. The cops won't help me, they will say it's my fault for being stupid enough for driving into that part of town.

You want to be able to go anywhere and yet nobody can go anywhere without some kind of shit going down.
Really I dont care at this moment, but dont put me in a group thats all I ask. If I am being put into a group then of course I want a damn apology. I cant even drive in certain neighborhoods without people thinking I am up to something. I was looking at a house that was for sale and the police came over and asked questions. When things like that stop happening apologies will not be needed but if a person of color doesnt get the same respect a white person would then there will constantly be apologies handed out.

You may want to talk to your "bros" that are always up to no good, get their criminal asses under control. You can't blame whitey for what black people do, they are the ones committing the armed robberies, car jacking and burglaries........ talk to them.

Your generalizations about the "bros" and blacks in general are based on stereotypes and or the actions of a minority of blacks, which you wish to play up as representative of all blacks. Whitey is being held accountable for and blamed for not eliminating the causes that has led to the two different conditions that blacks and whites live under in this country. Blacks live in ghettos but are not responsible for creating the ghettos and the conditions in them.

Whites today who talk down on blacks like to repeat ad naseum that they should not/are not responsible for what their ancestors did to blacks and the conditions they perpetuated through a racist system but at the same time they have no problem with living under and benefiting from that same racist system that their ancestors perpetuated and created. Some even feel obligated like they have the right to benefit from it and thus create these lies that blacks are totally the blame and or the reason the blacks live in such conditions is because they either not naturally good enough to do for self or some other racialist stereotypical BS, while simultaneously pretending that every white that has something good must have earned it. That sick type of racial thinking is why the causes that lead to the condition and the condition itself have not change. Its stupid to blame the oppressed for living under a racist system that they did not create nor is it their responsibility to fix that system.

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