texas makes us proud yet again....


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
what the hell is with you clowns in texas? do we have to make a big damn sign for ya...dragging people to death with cars and/or trucks is not permitted?

or is this simply a sign of the cultural changes ahead?

Black, white protesters rally over dragging death - Yahoo! News

PARIS, Texas – State police in full riot gear rushed a downtown street in this eastern Texas town Tuesday to break up a tense standoff between hundreds of black and white protesters who exchanged screams of "Black power!" and "White power!"

A skinhead carrying a Nazi flag and a shirtless white man were arrested on a misdemeanor charge of suspicion of disorderly conduct before the protesters separated peacefully, Paris police spokesman Lt. Danny Huff said. There were no reports of injuries.

The conflict began with a march through downtown by about 100 mostly black activists who were protesting the state's handling of the case of a black man who was run over and dragged by a vehicle. The demonstrators avoided a designated "protest zone" near the courthouse and marched to the town square to chants of "Black Power!" and "No Justice, no peace!"

"We're going to be boxed in?" said protest leader Jimmy Blackwell of the Tarrant County Local Organizing Committee. "No, we're not your slaves!"

Once at the town square, the crowd ballooned to about 200 mostly black people on one side of a street. Across the street were about a dozen white supremacists, including four skinheads holding Nazi swastika flags. About 30 other white people were behind them, but it was unclear if they were protesting or watching.

The two sides shouted at each other while a dozen or so law enforcement officers were in the street keeping them apart. After several tense minutes of screaming and the groups inching closer together, about 35 state troopers wearing helmets and carrying shields marched swiftly into the crowd. No blows were exchanged.

The rally in Paris, about 90 miles northeast of Dallas, is the third courthouse protest over the death of 24-year-old Brandon McClelland, whose mangled body was found Sept. 16 on a country road outside of town after he was run over by a vehicle and dragged beneath it. A prosecutor cited a lack of evidence in dropping murder charges last month against two white men arrested in his death.

Some of the signs at the protest read, "Friends don't drag friends under pickup trucks" and "Who killed Brandon McClelland?" Another sign referred to the district attorney as a "Weapon of Mass Destruction."

The protest was led by members of the Houston chapters of the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party. The Panthers, headquartered in Washington, advocate exemption from taxes and military service for black Americans. They also call for all blacks to be released from prison.

o my that just sounds like a free pass based on skin color? but what does a little old beige girl know?
Anyone who cries "something" power is purely racist, black, white, whatever ... they were all idiots, but, that's not all Texans ... and it's not only in Texas ... it's everywhere.
yes, I think all blacks should be released from prison too, then maybe these cries of racism will stop, what do you think? will that solve all our racial problems do ya think? and no white cops should deal with black citizens. ever. see if that calms stuff down.
yes, I think all blacks should be released from prison too, then maybe these cries of racism will stop, what do you think? will that solve all our racial problems do ya think? and no white cops should deal with black citizens. ever. see if that calms stuff down.

Why didn't we see this as a solution before now!! Those poor black fellas aren't really bad fellas, just misunderstood, and if not for whitey they would be fine upstanding citizens,
This is typical for a black activist group blowing shit out of proportion. Fact is the man was accidently run over, and yes, justice needs to be served. But what these black activist do is make themselves look like the idiots they are by making it about race. One line in the report that speaks the truth is "You're allowed to have gay pride, black pride, Korean pride," she said. "Everybody is allowed to have pride but Caucasians.".

Truth is blacks will never be equal to whites as long as they view themselves as victims. IMHO that POV is bred into them from birth.
what happened to the rednecks that got liquored up and drag james bryd to death...i havent seen much on that in a long time..but it did happen a long time ago..understanding that this is more a discussion of regionalism amid southerners....yall goottta stop this shit....the media is blowing it all up...the south is taking a beating....being in nc with the duke non rape cases ...we understand that...but yall have to stop this dragging shit....it cant be the new lynchings ya know? i saw where it appeared to be more a hit and run....

you got to love the panthers...let all blacks out of jail....including the murderes etc...no taxes...what the fuck is with that...how about no taxes ..no social services.....and at a time when the military has no draft what are they bitching about?
Funny how twisted these stories get by people trying to prove something.

The two white guys were the black man's FRIENDS, who were initially arrested, then released. Later, the driver of a ROCK HAULER came forth and admitted accidently running over the guy.

What the black protesters are actually mad about is that the 2 white guys weren't responsible. I suppose all the libs and protesters would be much happier if there had actually been a white on black crime committed, eh?

Run over and dragged, indeed. Ever seen a rock hauler?
the media will blow anything happening in the south ....jenna 6...duke non rapes...but will ignore anything going on in the south that is black on white...the newsome/christain murders in tn...has that been a black couple raped and tortured by a gang of white men...it would have been all over the news...most outside of the area...dont know about it...only aryans sites have kept the story allive.
o now you said you were thick skinned...clowns? if that is hard on ya....its only gonna get worse....you should hear what we call yankees....
but lies do seem to be the fabric of our lives...now dont they? it is said the average american lies about 200 times a day....que surprise
are they dead yet? texas is a fry em state....funny va frys them a lot too...but texas takes the heat for all of it..in nc...if you hit death row...unless you are a woman ...you will most likely fry....i am not a death penalty supporter.
are they dead yet? texas is a fry em state....funny va frys them a lot too...but texas takes the heat for all of it..in nc...if you hit death row...unless you are a woman ...you will most likely fry....i am not a death penalty supporter.

No they're still alive, but you can bet their days are numbered.
but lies do seem to be the fabric of our lives...now dont they? it is said the average american lies about 200 times a day....que surprise

Don't know if that's a fact or not since I don't purposely lie about anything. But what is a fact is that you started a thread with a portion of a story because it fit your own agenda. How's that any different from the black people in Paris, Texas who are protesting because the man's death didn't happen the way they wished it woulda happened?

And BTW, if you really don't believe in the death penalty, there are plenty of opportunities for you to sign up and protest the imminent demise of the folks on death row in Texas. After you've secured their freedom, we'll be more than happy to pay their way to live next door to you.
what happened to the rednecks that got liquored up and drag james bryd to death...

Two got the death penalty and one got life in prison. What happened to the 50 ******* that jumped on an innocent white family watching fireworks in my town ? Oh yeah, nothing.

What the black protesters are actually mad about is that the 2 white guys weren't responsible. I suppose all the libs and protesters would be much happier if there had actually been a white on black crime committed, eh?

Exactly, what's funny is that the article doesn't really mention that the New Black Panther party are just as racist as the Neo Nazis there. But don't'cha know ? Black racism and black hate crimes are ok. That's why they're rarely in the news.

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