I'm all for working people, I'm against forcing employers to pay workers more than they are worth.

Well, when your employer won't pay for your health insurance, and you can't get a job anywhere else, what does that say about your "worth"?

Glass houses, buddy. Glass houses.

My worth would be much more if not for government stopping me. Glass houses buddy. And I have no idea WTF that has to do with my comment.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition

Do you spend your entire day scouring the internet for obscure and insignificant items like this? Out of 320,000,000 people in this country less than 5,000 could give a fuck about this. Why do you? The Obama years must have been berry, berry good for you to have so much time on your hands.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition

Do you spend your entire day scouring the internet for obscure and insignificant items like this? Out of 320,000,000 people in this country less than 5,000 could give a fuck about this. Why do you? The Obama years must have been berry, berry good for you to have so much time on your hands.
If this is sooooooo "insignificant" - why did you just take out of your day to comment on it? :dunno:

I don't blame you for being humiliated over the realization that you were duped by a bunch of lying, uninformed, uneducated hypocrites. I would be too had I allowed myself to be duped.
Well, when your employer won't pay for your health insurance, and you can't get a job anywhere else, what does that say about your "worth"?
It says that JoeB whines like a little bitch 24x7, but is too lazy, too stupid, and too inept to start his own company and pay the type of wages he demands of other people.

It's easy to sit on the sidelines and cry Joe. How about getting in the game? Lead by example. Start a company and pay the $60 minimum wage you whine for while providing the cadillac healthcare and pension plans you demand.

Joey...your posts make you look like the ultimate fool. Nobody takes you seriously because a person who demands of others what they themselves refuse to do is someone that nobody will ever respect.
The Obama years must have been berry, berry good for you to have so much time on your hands.
The only thing the Obama years were good for was getting Republicans elected. Over 1,000 seats nationwide switched hands from the Dumbocrats to the Republicans under Obama's reign of terror. :eusa_dance:
My worth would be much more if not for government stopping me. Glass houses buddy. And I have no idea WTF that has to do with my comment.

Of course you don't. YOu see, your employer was okay with paying for shit insurance that didn't cover anything, but once they had to pay for real insurance, they said, "Meh, I could always replace him. It's not like he can send out resumes and get a better job."

You see, that's the problem when you let the rich fuck over those of us who do the work. They never stop.

It says that JoeB whines like a little bitch 24x7, but is too lazy, too stupid, and too inept to start his own company and pay the type of wages he demands of other people.

Again, I have my own company. About to post another record year...

t's easy to sit on the sidelines and cry Joe. How about getting in the game? Lead by example. Start a company and pay the $60 minimum wage you whine for while providing the cadillac healthcare and pension plans you demand.

Except I never insisted on either. Now a living wage and basic health insurance, I'm fine with. I more in favor of just having single payer, and rich people have to go to the same clinics working folks have to
My worth would be much more if not for government stopping me. Glass houses buddy. And I have no idea WTF that has to do with my comment.

Of course you don't. YOu see, your employer was okay with paying for shit insurance that didn't cover anything, but once they had to pay for real insurance, they said, "Meh, I could always replace him. It's not like he can send out resumes and get a better job."

You see, that's the problem when you let the rich fuck over those of us who do the work. They never stop.

It says that JoeB whines like a little bitch 24x7, but is too lazy, too stupid, and too inept to start his own company and pay the type of wages he demands of other people.

Again, I have my own company. About to post another record year...

t's easy to sit on the sidelines and cry Joe. How about getting in the game? Lead by example. Start a company and pay the $60 minimum wage you whine for while providing the cadillac healthcare and pension plans you demand.

Except I never insisted on either. Now a living wage and basic health insurance, I'm fine with. I more in favor of just having single payer, and rich people have to go to the same clinics working folks have to

You write resumes on the side, not really a company sparky.BFD! Of course as many times as you have been fired I suppose you'd be great at lying on resumes. You are a paper pusher, that's it.
Senator Byrd renounced his racist past and deeply regretted his involvement in the KKK. He spoke about this very eloquently many times and explained that he was formed by the society in which he was raised but through the love for his grandson he came to understand how terribly wrong racism and segregation were. And yes, for many years he championed causes that benefited the poor and people of color - and he stood firmly against the illegal invasion of Iraq, speaking prophetically about the foolhardiness of that course of action. He was a great example of redemption.
He was a great example of a racist politician who did what he had to do to get elected. Didn't mean a damn word of it.

This was what...1952?

That's all you have?
/----/ Robert E Lee - This was what... 1865? Is that all you have?
You write resumes on the side, not really a company sparky.BFD! Of course as many times as you have been fired I suppose you'd be great at lying on resumes. You are a paper pusher, that's it.

I think you need to talk to the IRS. Because they tax my business like it's a real business and make me pay social security and medicare taxes and fill out a bunch of paperwork.

But nice to see I still occupy space in your head.
You write resumes on the side, not really a company sparky.BFD! Of course as many times as you have been fired I suppose you'd be great at lying on resumes. You are a paper pusher, that's it.

I think you need to talk to the IRS. Because they tax my business like it's a real business and make me pay social security and medicare taxes and fill out a bunch of paperwork.

But nice to see I still occupy space in your head.

Lol! Whatever dude, the IRS makes everyone pay social security and Medicare taxes. Your real employer pays half of your social security and medicare taxes. Also the IRS make you pay social security and Medicare on your job.

Amway distributors are treated like a real business to. You are a joke! A business? Lol! You own a job, without you there is nothing, no income unless you work it. That is a job, not a business. Amway distributors have it better than you, once they sign people under them they can make money without doing a damn thing, you aren't even afforded that.
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The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
Jesus Fucking Christ. Not another "Byrd" idiot.

Byrd left the KKK & denounced it decades ago. He went on to do any good things.

You people are dumber than fucking shit. Byrd did not leads an army against this country so the South could keep their slaves.
Democrats betray everything in sight what are you talking about specifically?

that's so funny from rightwingnut trash defending treason by people fighting to own other people.

you pretty much don't get any morality points for that, cookie.
The slave owners were all Democrats, you moron.
No thety were not. Slavery was a regional thing. Not a political one.

Once again you people prove that you don't know shit.

My God.
Lol! Whatever dude, the IRS makes everyone pay social security and Medicare taxes. Your real employer pays half of your social security and medicare taxes.

so you admit my business is a business. Thanks.

Lol! You own a job, without you there is nothing, no income unless you work it. That is a job, not a business. Amway distributors have it better than you, once they sign people under them they can make money without doing a damn thing, you aren't even afforded that.

Well, no, actually it's a business because I have to do the work of attracting customers, doing follow up, maintaining a web presense, and all of that.

and if you think there is anything admirable about a pyramid scheme like Amway, it kind of explains a lot about you.
Lol! Whatever dude, the IRS makes everyone pay social security and Medicare taxes. Your real employer pays half of your social security and medicare taxes.

so you admit my business is a business. Thanks.

Lol! You own a job, without you there is nothing, no income unless you work it. That is a job, not a business. Amway distributors have it better than you, once they sign people under them they can make money without doing a damn thing, you aren't even afforded that.

Well, no, actually it's a business because I have to do the work of attracting customers, doing follow up, maintaining a web presense, and all of that.

and if you think there is anything admirable about a pyramid scheme like Amway, it kind of explains a lot about you.

Yeah, you made yourself a job. I have owned real businesses with real employees and paid real wages, had a web presence. The fact was I had it so I could leave it for a month if I needed to and it would still operate and bring in money. You own a job, without you working it, you got nothing, that is a job. I have side things I do to make money and I pay taxes and all that fun stuff, however it isn't a business, because unless I work it, it produces nothing, that is a job.

I said nothing about Amway being admirable, you did. I said they are considered a business by the IRS, just like you are. You are no different than Amway in the eyes of the IRS. You are a special stupid to some how get that I thought Amway was admirable. Of course your poor reading comprehension has been your trademark.
Democrats betray everything in sight what are you talking about specifically?

that's so funny from rightwingnut trash defending treason by people fighting to own other people.

you pretty much don't get any morality points for that, cookie.
The slave owners were all Democrats, you moron.
No thety were not. Slavery was a regional thing. Not a political one.

Once again you people prove that you don't know shit.

My God.
Really? Then why was the Klan's objective to intimidate Republicans to keep them from voting or running for office? Learn some history, idiot.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Democrats betray everything in sight what are you talking about specifically?

that's so funny from rightwingnut trash defending treason by people fighting to own other people.

you pretty much don't get any morality points for that, cookie.
The slave owners were all Democrats, you moron.

no, imbecile, SOUTHERNERS owned slaves. it wasn't political.

You don't need to sign your posts, we know who you are.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
Jesus Fucking Christ. Not another "Byrd" idiot.

Byrd left the KKK & denounced it decades ago. He went on to do any good things.

You people are dumber than fucking shit. Byrd did not leads an army against this country so the South could keep their slaves.
/----/ "Byrd left the KKK & denounced it decades ago. He went on to do any good things." Robert E. Lee left the Confederacy 152 years ago and went on to do many good things but you Libtards are tearing his statutes down anyway.
The left is "furious" about slavery. They want statues of Robert E. Lee torn down. They want his name removed from buildings. They are "outraged"!

But.....uh.....there are schools, roads, and bridges bearing the name of former Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - a high ranking member of the KKK.

So....uh....where is the "outrage" by the fascists? Why aren't they rioting down in West Virginia? Why haven't they blown up the Robert C. Byrd bridge? Why haven't they torn down Byrd street signs and Byrd schools?

Oops.... Turns out the left could care less if you are a fierc racist, so long as you are a devout socialist. Not surprising in the least, considering they are the party of racism. They fought for slavery, founded the KKK, and fought against the Civil Rights movement.

Sign the Petition
Jesus Fucking Christ. Not another "Byrd" idiot.

Byrd left the KKK & denounced it decades ago. He went on to do any good things.

You people are dumber than fucking shit. Byrd did not leads an army against this country so the South could keep their slaves.
/----/ "Byrd left the KKK & denounced it decades ago. He went on to do any good things." Robert E. Lee left the Confederacy 152 years ago and went on to do many good things but you Libtards are tearing his statutes down anyway.

What many good things?

Lee waged war against the United States slaughtering thousands of US citizens. No wonder you like him so much.

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