Especially with Joe. You can't say anything to Joe without him finding a way to make race out of it. I mean think of it. Talking about government taking over one-sixth of our economy, Fn it all up, and that's a race issue to him. How anybody can draw a line between those two points takes some imagination.

It does become a race issue WHEN- and here's the important thing - WHEN we use your plan, but you hate your own plan when the black guy proposes it.

Because if Mitt Romney had won in 2008, and proposed the EXACT SAME PLAN, Republicans would have been all for it.

Yep, he is that stupid. Racists like him feel guilty for their racism and project it onto others to make themselves feel better. What is funny is he claims he isn't racist because he has a black friend! Lol! Mighty white of him!

No, man, I don't feel guilty about my racism. I feel guilty that I live in a country that has just committed cultural suicide because half of you freaked out when we elected a black guy.

Trump appealed the loudest to you racists, and he won your nomination. Isn't that an awful commentary. I mean you had a whole slew of guys who were qualified who were subtle in the racism, but you guys went balls out and nominated a racist.
It does become a race issue WHEN- and here's the important thing - WHEN we use your plan, but you hate your own plan when the black guy proposes it.

Because if Mitt Romney had won in 2008, and proposed the EXACT SAME PLAN, Republicans would have been all for it.

It was not our plan and never was. Because some right organization once wrote about it? Well if that was the case, why did they not try to pass such a plan during the Bush years when he had control of the Congress and Senate? It wasn't even mentioned.

Romney passed socialized care in an extremely liberal state. A leader is supposed to give their voters what they want. He gave it to them. From what I understand, it's not working out all that well, but he gave the liberals what they wanted.

If any other Democrat had the White House and introduced the same exact plan, it would have been met with the same exact resistance by Republicans. It had nothing to do with DumBama's race even though he's half white--an inconvenient truth Democrats fail to acknowledge.
It was not our plan and never was. Because some right organization once wrote about it? Well if that was the case, why did they not try to pass such a plan during the Bush years when he had control of the Congress and Senate? It wasn't even mentioned.

Well, Bush was busy starting wars with countries over weapons that didn't exist, trying to let Wall Street loot Social Security, taking away our basic freedoms... so much to fuck up, so little time.

Romney passed socialized care in an extremely liberal state. A leader is supposed to give their voters what they want. He gave it to them. From what I understand, it's not working out all that well, but he gave the liberals what they wanted.

Actually, what they wanted was Single Payer. Romney decided to give his Insurance Company buddies a chance to loot the state. He wanted them to do that for the whole country. YOu know, without actually getting rid of things like "Pre-existing conditions".

If any other Democrat had the White House and introduced the same exact plan, it would have been met with the same exact resistance by Republicans. It had nothing to do with DumBama's race even though he's half white--an inconvenient truth Democrats fail to acknowledge.

Again, I remember the last time we had a Democratic president, we had compromises on things like welfare reform... so um, no, I think racism was part of it..
It does become a race issue WHEN- and here's the important thing - WHEN we use your plan, but you hate your own plan when the black guy proposes it.

Because if Mitt Romney had won in 2008, and proposed the EXACT SAME PLAN, Republicans would have been all for it.

It was not our plan and never was. Because some right organization once wrote about it? Well if that was the case, why did they not try to pass such a plan during the Bush years when he had control of the Congress and Senate? It wasn't even mentioned.

Romney passed socialized care in an extremely liberal state. A leader is supposed to give their voters what they want. He gave it to them. From what I understand, it's not working out all that well, but he gave the liberals what they wanted.

If any other Democrat had the White House and introduced the same exact plan, it would have been met with the same exact resistance by Republicans. It had nothing to do with DumBama's race even though he's half white--an inconvenient truth Democrats fail to acknowledge.

Yep, I wasn't against for healthcare unless it would stop frivolous lawsuits, allowed crossing state lines to buy insurance and had cost controls in place.

Healthcare in Mass was a disaster, caused deficits and just a bad idea.

A bad bill is a bad bill, it doesn't matter who wants it, Democrat or Republican.

When Clinton was the possible nominee in 2008, the right was against her plan as well as Obamas. Race had nothing to do with it. Romney wasn't nominated until AFTER Obama signed his miserable into law. So I have no idea why losers keep bringing it up. It had nothing to do with The Democrats idiotic bill. I think of all the idiots back then, Pelosi was the worst. "You got to pass it to see what's in it!" WTF? What a stupid career politician.
It does become a race issue WHEN- and here's the important thing - WHEN we use your plan, but you hate your own plan when the black guy proposes it.

Because if Mitt Romney had won in 2008, and proposed the EXACT SAME PLAN, Republicans would have been all for it.

It was not our plan and never was. Because some right organization once wrote about it? Well if that was the case, why did they not try to pass such a plan during the Bush years when he had control of the Congress and Senate? It wasn't even mentioned.

Romney passed socialized care in an extremely liberal state. A leader is supposed to give their voters what they want. He gave it to them. From what I understand, it's not working out all that well, but he gave the liberals what they wanted.

If any other Democrat had the White House and introduced the same exact plan, it would have been met with the same exact resistance by Republicans. It had nothing to do with DumBama's race even though he's half white--an inconvenient truth Democrats fail to acknowledge.

Hillarycare never even got out of a committee, the opposition was intense and had nothing to do with race, it had everything to do with crap legislation.
It does become a race issue WHEN- and here's the important thing - WHEN we use your plan, but you hate your own plan when the black guy proposes it.

Because if Mitt Romney had won in 2008, and proposed the EXACT SAME PLAN, Republicans would have been all for it.

It was not our plan and never was. Because some right organization once wrote about it? Well if that was the case, why did they not try to pass such a plan during the Bush years when he had control of the Congress and Senate? It wasn't even mentioned.

Romney passed socialized care in an extremely liberal state. A leader is supposed to give their voters what they want. He gave it to them. From what I understand, it's not working out all that well, but he gave the liberals what they wanted.

If any other Democrat had the White House and introduced the same exact plan, it would have been met with the same exact resistance by Republicans. It had nothing to do with DumBama's race even though he's half white--an inconvenient truth Democrats fail to acknowledge.

Yep, I wasn't against for healthcare unless it would stop frivolous lawsuits, allowed crossing state lines to buy insurance and had cost controls in place.

Healthcare in Mass was a disaster, caused deficits and just a bad idea.

A bad bill is a bad bill, it doesn't matter who wants it, Democrat or Republican.

When Clinton was the possible nominee in 2008, the right was against her plan as well as Obamas. Race had nothing to do with it. Romney wasn't nominated until AFTER Obama signed his miserable into law. So I have no idea why losers keep bringing it up. It had nothing to do with The Democrats idiotic bill. I think of all the idiots back then, Pelosi was the worst. "You got to pass it to see what's in it!" WTF? What a stupid career politician.

If we ever ended up with government healthcare, it would be a political football, and that's the problem with it.

There are good doctors and bad, there are good facilities and bad. I'm a patient at the Cleveland Clinic which is one of the best places in the world. In fact I believe this year it only ranked second to they Mayo Clinic. I've been going to the clinic since a child.

So now government takes over healthcare. Well, then everybody would want the best doctors and facilities, but there are not enough great ones to go around. So who would decide who gets the good places and who gets the not so good places?

That would end up in the lap of the politicians. If run by Democrats, it could mean that the welfare queen would get my doctor and hospital, and they would ship me to her former facility which would probably mean Metro which is the lowest quality.

If you look at Commie Care, it was designed to take care of likely Democrat voters. Most of the money for Commie Care went to Democrat states. This was just a partial takeover mind you. What happens if they take over the entire thing?

So when people talk about government deciding on our healthcare, it scares the hell out of me. Because you would never be able to separate the politics from the care.
Well, Bush was busy starting wars with countries over weapons that didn't exist, trying to let Wall Street loot Social Security, taking away our basic freedoms... so much to fuck up, so little time.

No, because he passed Medicare Part D which nobody on the right wanted. If he had time for that, he certainly had time to create a socialized medical care system. But the truth is (which you refuse to accept) is that Republicans don't want government in our healthcare, so no national government plan was even introduced.

Actually, what they wanted was Single Payer. Romney decided to give his Insurance Company buddies a chance to loot the state. He wanted them to do that for the whole country. YOu know, without actually getting rid of things like "Pre-existing conditions".

How would they be able to afford single-payer? What Romney did is allow people to have a choice unlike Commie Care. Single payer is an entire takeover of the system.

Again, I remember the last time we had a Democratic president, we had compromises on things like welfare reform... so um, no, I think racism was part of it..

No, DumBama had no intention to work with Republicans. He even admitted that himself towards the end of his second term. Let me quote DumBama and you tell me if this was somebody that wanted to work together"

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
"Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat while we drive."

And BTW, Clinton vetoed Welfare Reform twice. When he started his campaign for reelection, the Republicans shoved the bill in front of his face and said "Veto it now MF!" Clinton had no choice but to sign it. By not signing it, he risked losing a second term.
Yep, I wasn't against for healthcare unless it would stop frivolous lawsuits, allowed crossing state lines to buy insurance and had cost controls in place.

None of which would fix the problems, it would just make it easier for big corporations to rip off consumers.

When Clinton was the possible nominee in 2008, the right was against her plan as well as Obamas. Race had nothing to do with it. Romney wasn't nominated until AFTER Obama signed his miserable into law. So I have no idea why losers keep bringing it up. It had nothing to do with The Democrats idiotic bill.

Because, and I know you are a little slow, StalkerGeorgio, is that what Romney implemented in MA is EXACTLY the same thing that was passed nationally as ObamaCare. And in 2008, Romney held that up as a model for the nation, and everyone on the right oooohhed and aaahhed. The only reason why Romney wasn't the nominee in 2008 was because the Evangelicals wouldn't get behind him because he was a Mormon, and the Wall Street Republicans shit themselves when Huckabee became a contender because he though Jesus was actually serious about that stuff about feeding the poor.

So they compromised on McCain, before the bottom fell out of the economy and the Republicans couldn't have won if they HAD nominated Jesus himself.

Now, initially, the Democrats wanted things like a Public Option and a Medicare buy-in for those over 55, which WOULD have solved a lot more problems than denying people their rights to sue doctors who cut off the wrong leg. (The other go-to Republican Solution. Most Republican solutions involve letting the rich fuck over the rest of us for some reason). But Republicans, along with some democrats like Joe Leiberman (D-Israel) blocked that stuff. So we ended up with national Romneycare.

So by 2012, Romney pretended he never heard of RomneyCare, wouldn't even be caught having a hot cocoa with it, and Evangelicals pretended they didn't care Romney was a Mormon because HOLY SHIT THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!

The good thing about Trump is that you guys aren't even pretending not to be racist anymore.
No, DumBama had no intention to work with Republicans. He even admitted that himself towards the end of his second term. Let me quote DumBama and you tell me if this was somebody that wanted to work together"

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
"Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat while we drive."

And BTW, Clinton vetoed Welfare Reform twice. When he started his campaign for reelection, the Republicans shoved the bill in front of his face and said "Veto it now MF!" Clinton had no choice but to sign it. By not signing it, he risked losing a second term.

There was no chance of Clinton losign a second term. The economy was awesome and the Republicans nominated a guy they had already rejected three times. But do dream on.

What he did do is veto crappy, unnecessarily cruel versions of the law until the Republicans stopped sending shit to his desk.
No, because he passed Medicare Part D which nobody on the right wanted. If he had time for that, he certainly had time to create a socialized medical care system. But the truth is (which you refuse to accept) is that Republicans don't want government in our healthcare, so no national government plan was even introduced.

If Republicans don't want Government in our health care, why did they pass Medicare Part D? I think you just contradicted yourself.

Of course, Bush didn't want to pass a "socialized" system, he would have loved to have passed something like RomneyCare, that would have allowed big insurance to suck up at the public trough. Kind of like Medicare Part D was a big sop to the Pharmacuetical companies, preventing the government from buying in bulk.

But again, he was too busy letting his corporate buddies loot the rest of the country... so there's that!!

But you'll keep blaming poor people of color for your misery because they left the stereo on too loud.
No, because he passed Medicare Part D which nobody on the right wanted. If he had time for that, he certainly had time to create a socialized medical care system. But the truth is (which you refuse to accept) is that Republicans don't want government in our healthcare, so no national government plan was even introduced.

If Republicans don't want Government in our health care, why did they pass Medicare Part D? I think you just contradicted yourself.

Of course, Bush didn't want to pass a "socialized" system, he would have loved to have passed something like RomneyCare, that would have allowed big insurance to suck up at the public trough. Kind of like Medicare Part D was a big sop to the Pharmacuetical companies, preventing the government from buying in bulk.

But again, he was too busy letting his corporate buddies loot the rest of the country... so there's that!!

But you'll keep blaming poor people of color for your misery because they left the stereo on too loud.

They are quiet as a mouse now after the last police visit.

Republicans went along with Part D because Bush wanted it. That's besides the fact the Republicans during that time were starting to act like Democrats anyway; that's how they lost leadership. However their constituents were still against it. Every rightwing talk show host bashed Bush for Part D.
No, DumBama had no intention to work with Republicans. He even admitted that himself towards the end of his second term. Let me quote DumBama and you tell me if this was somebody that wanted to work together"

"I have a pen and I have a cell phone."
"Republicans can come along for the ride, but they will have to sit in the back seat while we drive."

And BTW, Clinton vetoed Welfare Reform twice. When he started his campaign for reelection, the Republicans shoved the bill in front of his face and said "Veto it now MF!" Clinton had no choice but to sign it. By not signing it, he risked losing a second term.

There was no chance of Clinton losign a second term. The economy was awesome and the Republicans nominated a guy they had already rejected three times. But do dream on.

What he did do is veto crappy, unnecessarily cruel versions of the law until the Republicans stopped sending shit to his desk.

Nope. The third time was the same bill as they gave him the second time. Republicans realized the game Clinton was playing, that's why they sat on Welfare Reform until he started his campaign for reelection.
They are quiet as a mouse now after the last police visit.

Republicans went along with Part D because Bush wanted it. That's besides the fact the Republicans during that time were starting to act like Democrats anyway; that's how they lost leadership. However their constituents were still against it. Every rightwing talk show host bashed Bush for Part D.

No, they lost leadership because they got us into a pointless war and wrecked the economy. Sadly, the racists put them back into power.

Funny, now that your more pure Republicans are in power, no one is talking about dismantling Medicare Part D... or the ACA for that matter.

Nope. The third time was the same bill as they gave him the second time. Republicans realized the game Clinton was playing, that's why they sat on Welfare Reform until he started his campaign for reelection.

Uh, it really wasn't. But you tell yourself it was, if that makes you feel better.
No, they lost leadership because they got us into a pointless war and wrecked the economy. Sadly, the racists put them back into power.

Funny, now that your more pure Republicans are in power, no one is talking about dismantling Medicare Part D... or the ACA for that matter.

Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention to the news. Getting rid of Commie Care has been an issue for the last couple of months now. The last attempt was stopped by liberal Republicans in the Senate namely McCain because he put his personal vendetta ahead of the country. He's an evil old man with a chip on his shoulders.
Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention to the news. Getting rid of Commie Care has been an issue for the last couple of months now. The last attempt was stopped by liberal Republicans in the Senate namely McCain because he put his personal vendetta ahead of the country. He's an evil old man with a chip on his shoulders.

Or they realized that they'd pay a pretty hefty price. If you don't think these Senators sat down and said, 'Shit, I don't want to repeal it, but I don't want to get primaried! John's going to bite the bullet on this one. Thank God!"

Republicans have realized that ObamaCare, for all it's flaws, is better than the alternative.
Maybe that's because you aren't paying attention to the news. Getting rid of Commie Care has been an issue for the last couple of months now. The last attempt was stopped by liberal Republicans in the Senate namely McCain because he put his personal vendetta ahead of the country. He's an evil old man with a chip on his shoulders.

Or they realized that they'd pay a pretty hefty price. If you don't think these Senators sat down and said, 'Shit, I don't want to repeal it, but I don't want to get primaried! John's going to bite the bullet on this one. Thank God!"

Republicans have realized that ObamaCare, for all it's flaws, is better than the alternative.

Only for lower income people that vote Democrat. For those of us who don't sweep floors for a living, we were much better off before the big eared freak invaded the White Houston.

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Only for lower income people that vote Democrat. For those of us who don't sweep floors for a living, we were much better off before the big eared freak invaded the White Houston.

Not sure what a "White Houston" is, or how winning the largest electoral victory in American history is an "invasion"...

But here's the thing. My insurance was affected at all by the ACA. You are obviously kind of a bottom feeder that your boss doesn't consider worth insuring, and you are too lazy to send out resumes in a 4.4% unemployment economy to find an employer who will.

But you really think you are 'better' than a person who sweeps floors. My guess is a week of sweeping floors, you'd be exhausted.
Only for lower income people that vote Democrat. For those of us who don't sweep floors for a living, we were much better off before the big eared freak invaded the White Houston.

Not sure what a "White Houston" is, or how winning the largest electoral victory in American history is an "invasion"...

But here's the thing. My insurance was affected at all by the ACA. You are obviously kind of a bottom feeder that your boss doesn't consider worth insuring, and you are too lazy to send out resumes in a 4.4% unemployment economy to find an employer who will.

But you really think you are 'better' than a person who sweeps floors. My guess is a week of sweeping floors, you'd be exhausted.

Oh please. I've done work in the past you'd never consider doing. You don't know what hard work is until you were born as a son of a bricklayer.

So you're going to attack me for my cell phone spell checker and then make a statement like "My insurance was affected at all by the ACA?"

As for the rest of your rant, I'm not going to keep repeating myself over and over again about finding another job. If you're too dense to remember, I have better things to do than to keep going over and over with you again.
Oh please. I've done work in the past you'd never consider doing. You don't know what hard work is until you were born as a son of a bricklayer.

As for the rest of your rant, I'm not going to keep repeating myself over and over again about finding another job. If you're too dense to remember, I have better things to do than to keep going over and over with you again.

Yes, it's always an excuse with you... but it's mostly laziness and looking for others to blame.

So someone got you a good union job once, and you didn't like hard work. Explains why you hate working people so much.
Oh please. I've done work in the past you'd never consider doing. You don't know what hard work is until you were born as a son of a bricklayer.

As for the rest of your rant, I'm not going to keep repeating myself over and over again about finding another job. If you're too dense to remember, I have better things to do than to keep going over and over with you again.

Yes, it's always an excuse with you... but it's mostly laziness and looking for others to blame.

So someone got you a good union job once, and you didn't like hard work. Explains why you hate working people so much.

I'm all for working people, I'm against forcing employers to pay workers more than they are worth.

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