How dumb is Israel?

I look forward to the day you get banned Sobieski.

I don't think you have to worry much more.

Everything I've fought for, has been lost anyways.

I'm about done here, I can only do so much as one person, and I can't fix the stupid Western European idiotic masses, nor the predatory establishment Jews.

I'm just going to buy a video game console, and spend time time in bars socializing without politics like I already do, and when it gets nicer spend my time gardening, and hiking in the woods.

I'm going to pretend there's no political World at all.

I've fought for years against Israel, over 63% of Americans support Israel.

I've fought for years for gun rights, now 70% of the U.S.A is for gun control.

I've fought for years for Polish people, now Poland's being demonized even worse than ever by the press predators as the Nazi problem.

I've fought for years against Illegal immigrants, now about 80% of Americans support DACA kids, with a majority for Amnesty.

I can't do anything, I'm powerless, the Jews have won, they've successfully destroyed America, have successfully propped up Israel, and the Jews have successfully ruined Polish people's reputations.
Like you left USMB 3 weeks ago?
You're completely useless in the real'll never leave until you're banned.

Well, I didn't have video games to fall back on 3 weeks ago.

I've met quite a bit of new cool friendly people in the bars in Pawling NY, since I moved here over the summer.

I'm actually pretty well liked here by the people I've met, especially for a newbie, but of course I don't say what I would here.

But, it's not a good habit to go to bars all the time.

Not that it's a good habit to be here, anymore, either. Just mostly anger inducing. Nothing to gain what so ever.

When I first started to be a far-Right Polish activist just over 10 years ago on the internet it was like there was some hope.

Now, there's clearly no hope.

Not that I ever thought I could change too much, but give some support.

But, it's clearly that the predators (Jews) have manipulated the idiots (Western Europeans)

As a result all is lost, there's really no hope to even really see ourselves have a future culture, society, or much of anything.

Everything's been ruined, and Jewish evil, and Western European stupidity are to blame.
NotSober lives at home.
At least one of his parents, as I recall, works in academia.
His parents house, where he lives, is overflowing with books...NotSober described it as hoarding.
His parents associate with successful Jews and that drives him insane.

Both my parents were teachers, my father by being a very good teacher, and a teacher in prison made over 100 K a year, well above the average teacher's salary.

Keep in mind, my father also doesn't really like Jews, a fact I didn't know until I discussed Jews with him in my early 20's.

He said Jews aren't his kind of people, they just care about the size of their pile, and also thinks Israel stole Palestine.

As for me, I could, but don't think I'd even want to be a teacher, I couldn't teach such bull crap that they teach in school with a straight face.

A pollack going from being unemployed to a teacher? Lol. At least we know where you got your Hate, bigotry and racism from. HEIL HITLER !!!!

I chose to be unemployed for the moment.

You can't stop having desperate, OCD Chimp fits about it.

Jews are the most disgusting of the most disgusting.

The Pollack claims he CHOSE to be unemployed yet he blames Jews and Italians for this? Only a mentally unstable deranged person would choose to be unemployed :auiqs.jpg:
Maybe you have to chose to be unemployed when you grew up in the US but never prioritised grammar, especially if your parents were both teachers :badgrin:
So, you're saying Jews are successful because they lock onto something, all narrow minded?

Can't say I disagree.

It's called focus, I think.

The problem starts with the word "all".
But then even if You have so many narrow specialists on a range of subject...then You've got a rainbow of top specialist...on top of the well rounded..just like in any country.

The question again is focus, what Your society and govt chose to motivate.

I don't know, it sounds kind of like a mental illness, like Autism / OCD spectrum, to be so hyper-focused on one singular thing.
Like the way you're focused on Jews?
You're such a moron!

Explain what Jews haven't ruined in this World, exactly?
Explain what they have ruined.
Yeah, I know, they didn't react to the czars like the Polish pussies did.

Jews manipulated generations of Americans to be Liberal, the whole of America's about to collapse because of Jews manipulations in media, Hollywood, academia, Wall street, all which support multi-culturalism heavily.
I look forward to the day you get banned Sobieski.

I don't think you have to worry much more.

Everything I've fought for, has been lost anyways.

I'm about done here, I can only do so much as one person, and I can't fix the stupid Western European idiotic masses, nor the predatory establishment Jews.

I'm just going to buy a video game console, and spend time time in bars socializing without politics like I already do, and when it gets nicer spend my time gardening, and hiking in the woods.

I'm going to pretend there's no political World at all.

I've fought for years against Israel, over 63% of Americans support Israel.

I've fought for years for gun rights, now 70% of the U.S.A is for gun control.

I've fought for years for Polish people, now Poland's being demonized even worse than ever by the press predators as the Nazi problem.

I've fought for years against Illegal immigrants, now about 80% of Americans support DACA kids, with a majority for Amnesty.

I can't do anything, I'm powerless, the Jews have won, they've successfully destroyed America, have successfully propped up Israel, and the Jews have successfully ruined Polish people's reputations.
Like you left USMB 3 weeks ago?
You're completely useless in the real'll never leave until you're banned.

Well, I didn't have video games to fall back on 3 weeks ago.

I've met quite a bit of new cool friendly people in the bars in Pawling NY, since I moved here over the summer.

I'm actually pretty well liked here by the people I've met, especially for a newbie, but of course I don't say what I would here.

But, it's not a good habit to go to bars all the time.

Not that it's a good habit to be here, anymore, either. Just mostly anger inducing. Nothing to gain what so ever.

When I first started to be a far-Right Polish activist just over 10 years ago on the internet it was like there was some hope.

Now, there's clearly no hope.

Not that I ever thought I could change too much, but give some support.

But, it's clearly that the predators (Jews) have manipulated the idiots (Western Europeans)

As a result all is lost, there's really no hope to even really see ourselves have a future culture, society, or much of anything.

Everything's been ruined, and Jewish evil, and Western European stupidity are to blame.
NotSober lives at home.
At least one of his parents, as I recall, works in academia.
His parents house, where he lives, is overflowing with books...NotSober described it as hoarding.
His parents associate with successful Jews and that drives him insane.

Both my parents were teachers, my father by being a very good teacher, and a teacher in prison made over 100 K a year, well above the average teacher's salary.

Keep in mind, my father also doesn't really like Jews, a fact I didn't know until I discussed Jews with him in my early 20's.

He said Jews aren't his kind of people, they just care about the size of their pile, and also thinks Israel stole Palestine.

As for me, I could, but don't think I'd even want to be a teacher, I couldn't teach such bull crap that they teach in school with a straight face.

A pollack going from being unemployed to a teacher? Lol. At least we know where you got your Hate, bigotry and racism from. HEIL HITLER !!!!

I chose to be unemployed for the moment.

You can't stop having desperate, OCD Chimp fits about it.

Jews are the most disgusting of the most disgusting.

The Pollack claims he CHOSE to be unemployed yet he blames Jews and Italians for this? Only a mentally unstable deranged person would choose to be unemployed :auiqs.jpg:

You clearly are too stupid to even discuss the issues here.

You behave like unemployment is somehow a reflection of intelligence.

You come off as very dumb, very primitive, and also very desperate.

A typical Jew, might I add.
I don't know what Jews are really trying to accomplish, anyways by being so dominant in pushing Liberalism in the U.S.A for the past several decade?

I mean Jewish Americans marry non-Jews just short of 60% of the time.

Clearly the Jews will decline at these numbers, if it wasn't for Hasidim high birth-rates the Jews would be in steep decline in the U.S.A.

But, that's besides the point, why do Jews think they're immune to the Hispanic takeover in the U.S.A, or the Muslim takeover in Europe?

Even if they do scurry off to Israel, Africa's projected to balloon up to 4 billion, Iran will have over 300 million, and Egypt just short of 300 million., and Israel just 15 million According to the UN projections.

Clearly Jews are even more vulnerable than us.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
I don't know what Jews are really trying to accomplish, anyways by being so dominant in pushing Liberalism in the U.S.A for the past several decade?

I mean Jewish Americans marry non-Jews just short of 60% of the time.

Clearly the Jews will decline at these numbers, if it wasn't for Hasidim high birth-rates the Jews would be in steep decline in the U.S.A.

But, that's besides the point, why do Jews think they're immune to the Hispanic takeover in the U.S.A, or the Muslim takeover in Europe?

Even if they do scurry off to Israel, Africa's projected to balloon up to 4 billion, Iran will have over 300 million, and Egypt just short of 300 million., and Israel just 15 million According to the UN projections.

Clearly Jews are even more vulnerable than us.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
I regret to inform you that Jews never discuss other religious or ethnic group at get togethers.
We discuss have to move society forward, we don’t bitch about how everybody’s trying to destroy us.

Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Now you may resume your Jew hating.
I don't know what Jews are really trying to accomplish, anyways by being so dominant in pushing Liberalism in the U.S.A for the past several decade?

I mean Jewish Americans marry non-Jews just short of 60% of the time.

Clearly the Jews will decline at these numbers, if it wasn't for Hasidim high birth-rates the Jews would be in steep decline in the U.S.A.

But, that's besides the point, why do Jews think they're immune to the Hispanic takeover in the U.S.A, or the Muslim takeover in Europe?

Even if they do scurry off to Israel, Africa's projected to balloon up to 4 billion, Iran will have over 300 million, and Egypt just short of 300 million., and Israel just 15 million According to the UN projections.

Clearly Jews are even more vulnerable than us.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
I don't know what Jews are really trying to accomplish, anyways by being so dominant in pushing Liberalism in the U.S.A for the past several decade?

I mean Jewish Americans marry non-Jews just short of 60% of the time.

Clearly the Jews will decline at these numbers, if it wasn't for Hasidim high birth-rates the Jews would be in steep decline in the U.S.A.

But, that's besides the point, why do Jews think they're immune to the Hispanic takeover in the U.S.A, or the Muslim takeover in Europe?

Even if they do scurry off to Israel, Africa's projected to balloon up to 4 billion, Iran will have over 300 million, and Egypt just short of 300 million., and Israel just 15 million According to the UN projections.

Clearly Jews are even more vulnerable than us.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?
I don't know what Jews are really trying to accomplish, anyways by being so dominant in pushing Liberalism in the U.S.A for the past several decade?

I mean Jewish Americans marry non-Jews just short of 60% of the time.

Clearly the Jews will decline at these numbers, if it wasn't for Hasidim high birth-rates the Jews would be in steep decline in the U.S.A.

But, that's besides the point, why do Jews think they're immune to the Hispanic takeover in the U.S.A, or the Muslim takeover in Europe?

Even if they do scurry off to Israel, Africa's projected to balloon up to 4 billion, Iran will have over 300 million, and Egypt just short of 300 million., and Israel just 15 million According to the UN projections.

Clearly Jews are even more vulnerable than us.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
You're psychotic...
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they won't assimilate.
You continuously post that you hate Jews because they assimilate.
You're really fucked up.
And a complete loser.

Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.
Right, because you think that Jews are victims of a White Christian Liberal conspiracy, rather than vice, versa.

How do you figure that?

Jews make up 1/2 of Democrat money in the U.S.A.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.

I'm far less selfish, and far more moral than most people I encounter.

That's actually a problem, I expect people to hold up to my standards.

Not true, and it does heavily fracture by ethnicity.

I see serious flaws in the World, most people are clearly dumb, easily manipulated, manipulative, selfish.

We clearly could do better, that's where eugenics comes into play.
Your unemployment is due to a chip on your shoulder to which you have made yourself oblivious.

Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.

I'm far less selfish, and far more moral than most people I encounter.

That's actually a problem, I expect people to hold up to my standards.

Not true, and it does heavily fracture by ethnicity.

I see serious flaws in the World, most people are clearly dumb, easily manipulated, manipulative, selfish.

We clearly could do better, that's where eugenics comes into play.
Hates Jews.
Hates everyone else less than he hates Jews.
He and mom thinks he’s too honest.
Believes in genocide.

Yeah, your family isn’t all that fucked up.
Nonsense, I had legit reasons to leave my work, they the Italian bosses had a chip on their shoulders.

But, what does that have to do with the subject of Israel / Jews here?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.

I'm far less selfish, and far more moral than most people I encounter.

That's actually a problem, I expect people to hold up to my standards.

Not true, and it does heavily fracture by ethnicity.

I see serious flaws in the World, most people are clearly dumb, easily manipulated, manipulative, selfish.

We clearly could do better, that's where eugenics comes into play.
Hates Jews.
Hates everyone else less than he hates Jews.
He and mom thinks he’s too honest.
Believes in genocide.

Yeah, your family isn’t all that fucked up.

A.) What happened to the subject of Israel?

B.) Where did I say anything about genocide?
Yeah...everybody has a chip on their shoulder but you.
When's the wedding between you and your PC?

I'm actually pretty nice in person.

My goals online aren't to be mean, but to criticize the ideas of the Liberal Jewish establishment.

Unfortunately it causes a lot of friction, and frustration on both sides, because people aren't very bright, or willing to accept reality.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.

I'm far less selfish, and far more moral than most people I encounter.

That's actually a problem, I expect people to hold up to my standards.

Not true, and it does heavily fracture by ethnicity.

I see serious flaws in the World, most people are clearly dumb, easily manipulated, manipulative, selfish.

We clearly could do better, that's where eugenics comes into play.
Hates Jews.
Hates everyone else less than he hates Jews.
He and mom thinks he’s too honest.
Believes in genocide.

Yeah, your family isn’t all that fucked up.

A.) What happened to the subject of Israel?

B.) Where did I say anything about genocide?
Israel rejected said so.
You also rejected Jesus, but you come from good Polish Catholic stock.
If you use alternate words for genocide and don’t know it you’re not very smart.
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.
The Final Political Testament of Adolf Hitler

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.
The Final Political Testament of Adolf Hitler - History Learning Site
Hitler thought he was nice.
Many Nazis today say Hitler was too nice.
Take my advice, hire a PR firm.
The Final Political Testament of Adolf Hitler

It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted the war in 1939. It was desired and instigated exclusively by those international statesmen who were either of Jewish descent or worked for Jewish interests. I have made too many offers for the control and limitation of armaments, which posterity will not for all time be able to disregard for the responsibility for the outbreak of this war to be laid on me. I have further never wished that after the first fatal world war a second against England, or even against America, should break out. Centuries will pass away, but out of the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred against those finally responsible whom we have to thank for everything, international Jewry and its helpers, will grow.
The Final Political Testament of Adolf Hitler - History Learning Site
Hitler was so demented he believed the world wanted him to be king.
It’s nice to know you admire a man who murdered 60 million gentiles.
Feel stupid yet?

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