How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.

Those of us on the right are constitutionalists. Not everybody in our party is to the right. We are torn between the conservatives and the establishment. The establishment is losing ground because of fear we may leave the party and start our own. That would give Democrats total control for many years to come, even though establishment Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Lite. The establishment believes in big government, just their kind of big government.

You have your own. The John Birch Society. Or are you ashamed to don the real name.

I would say conservatism is about 80% of that, but we don't live in the past, we live to preserve the future.

As for blaming the left for most of our problems, I fully admit that. I do believe they are responsible for many of our problems today.

You aren't a conservative. You are a nationalist. When you say that you don't live in the past, most conservatives want the good parts of the past back but they want to work on not bringing back the bad parts. That is why the two terms progressive and conservative go so well together. You just want it where only your group is in charge of everyone else. Sorry, ain't going to happen in anyone's lifetime.

For the last 2 years, on the national level, your bunch has controlled everything and look at the mess. For every good thing, there has been at least 2 disasters to make up for the good. Not bad things, disasters. And you use PR to cover up that fact very well. Yes, comrade, Putin has taught you well.

So go ahead and blame someone else. But you own it. Grow up, stick out your chin and take it right on the chin like a real man and then, and only then can you call your self a Conservative. Conservatives are real MEN and WOMEN.
You aren’t a conservative, you are a globalist.
But we still did well overall. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly a half-decade, consumer and business confidence at an 18 year high, small business confidence at a record 41 year level, less government dependents on food stamps, North Korea not firing one missile since Dong and Trump talked although still much more work needing to be done, and we got rid of phony agreements that were bad for the country like Iran and the Paris Accord.

Okay, none of the economic things had anything to do with TRump, and American is less respected on the world stage today than it was two years ago.

Whoops. Trump just surrendered in Syria. You guys would be going batshit insane if Obama did that.

So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.
When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.

Those of us on the right are constitutionalists. Not everybody in our party is to the right. We are torn between the conservatives and the establishment. The establishment is losing ground because of fear we may leave the party and start our own. That would give Democrats total control for many years to come, even though establishment Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Lite. The establishment believes in big government, just their kind of big government.

You have your own. The John Birch Society. Or are you ashamed to don the real name.

I would say conservatism is about 80% of that, but we don't live in the past, we live to preserve the future.

As for blaming the left for most of our problems, I fully admit that. I do believe they are responsible for many of our problems today.

You aren't a conservative. You are a nationalist. When you say that you don't live in the past, most conservatives want the good parts of the past back but they want to work on not bringing back the bad parts. That is why the two terms progressive and conservative go so well together. You just want it where only your group is in charge of everyone else. Sorry, ain't going to happen in anyone's lifetime.

For the last 2 years, on the national level, your bunch has controlled everything and look at the mess. For every good thing, there has been at least 2 disasters to make up for the good. Not bad things, disasters. And you use PR to cover up that fact very well. Yes, comrade, Putin has taught you well.

So go ahead and blame someone else. But you own it. Grow up, stick out your chin and take it right on the chin like a real man and then, and only then can you call your self a Conservative. Conservatives are real MEN and WOMEN.
You aren’t a conservative, you are a globalist.

Ah, spoken like a true Nationalist. You know for a fact I am a globalist? Care to use what I have posted as an example of that. Sorry, you only get use what I have posted, not what you think I think. Stick with the facts.
But we still did well overall. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly a half-decade, consumer and business confidence at an 18 year high, small business confidence at a record 41 year level, less government dependents on food stamps, North Korea not firing one missile since Dong and Trump talked although still much more work needing to be done, and we got rid of phony agreements that were bad for the country like Iran and the Paris Accord.

Okay, none of the economic things had anything to do with TRump, and American is less respected on the world stage today than it was two years ago.

Whoops. Trump just surrendered in Syria. You guys would be going batshit insane if Obama did that.

So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?
But we still did well overall. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly a half-decade, consumer and business confidence at an 18 year high, small business confidence at a record 41 year level, less government dependents on food stamps, North Korea not firing one missile since Dong and Trump talked although still much more work needing to be done, and we got rid of phony agreements that were bad for the country like Iran and the Paris Accord.

Okay, none of the economic things had anything to do with TRump, and American is less respected on the world stage today than it was two years ago.

Whoops. Trump just surrendered in Syria. You guys would be going batshit insane if Obama did that.

So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?

If you can't understand that then why are you even in this conversation. You seem to not be listening to the news lately of the 5 GM factory shutdowns. And the GM Chinese Factory Openings. So much for an increase in Manufacturing Jobs. Get out more, read a newspaper, listen to a radio, TURN OFF PAWXSNEWS for a change.
There is no blame in what I wrote unless you can point that out to me. But I reread my own post several times, and I don't know where you're getting that from.

Yes, I do know what they're thinking because not only do they say it, their actions support it. You don't see Republicans doing that, especially conservatives. And if we can be totally honest here, many of our wealthiest people in this country are leftists: Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zukerburg, Martha Stewart, Jack Dorsey, the late Steve Jobs.

Since you aren't speaking about plumbing you really shouldn't be commenting on how a leftee or a rightee thinks. You just keep going on and one telling me how someone else thinks. If you were truly honest, you would only tell me what YOU think and not what others are supposed to think. Or do you want me to go into how wrong the Rightees think? I can, you know. I can just as easily do that for the leftees as well. I would rather not be as presumptuous though as chances are, I would be wrong on many issues.

Now, back to plumbing......rightee-tightee......leftee-loosee.

I don't know what your obsession with plumbing is, so I won't comment on that. You brought it up--I didn't.

Does somebody have to smack you in the face to make you understand how they feel? Turn on CNN, MSNBC, NPR. Read the comments by the left here on USMB. If you can't figure out what they think with all of that input, then you probably shouldn't be crossing the street by yourself.

I do tell people how I feel. I support politicians, entertainers, and news outlets that support how I feel. You don't have to assume when it's right in front of your face (no pun intended).

When somebody supports gun rights, lower taxation, freedom, constitutionality, you don't have to guess how they think. Same holds true of open border people, anti-gun people, anti-business people, high taxation for the wealthy.

You still don't get it. How do you know you won't call me a leftee or a Liberal? Well you have and you have been very, very wrong on almost everything you have commented on concerning me. In fact, most of us "Commistic, Liberal, Leftees" that your type goes off on are actually real live old style Progressive Conservatives from the Eisenhower days when a Republican was a real live human being instead of a fruitcake that calls themselves Republican today. When you go into your tirade about "Progressives" in the 50s and 60s, the Progressives were all Republicans. We were and still are Progressive Conservatives as well as Fiscal Conservatives. You support the nightmare Trump who is none of those things. And we just get deeper in the hole.

Build a wall that won't work by itself all at once that we can't afford...... build a 30 foot wall and watch the 31 foot ladder sales skyrocket and the picks and shovels to dig under it sell out. Meanwhile, short the security people and other methods because we can't afford them as well.

Bring on the 45% tariffs that crashes the stock market and raises the cost of buying stuff way high when a tariff of 15% would have driven China to the tables fast. That's what China just did and Trump calls it a win for him. Looks like China is the winner on that one.

Punish our Allies with Tariffs instead of talking with them. Now, this is really stupid. While you are at it, insult our allies, demean our allies. And then wonder why they won't even shake Trumps hand at the meetings. Ivanka gets the handshakes and smiles though.

Threaten a Government Shutdown if he doesn't get his way like a spoiled child. He really needs to be spanked but Congress is too scared to actually do their friggin job and put the skids to his bad behavior. Yes, Shirley, that 2 week shutdown will cost hundreds of millions of dollars of income to people other than government workers. And, unlike the Government worker, they won't get that back, it's just lost.

I don't know what party you are part of but it is definately Rino but not the Rino you keep harping about. Your John Birch Society Dues need to be kept up.

I am not a Rino like you claim. I am a real live Progressive Fiscal Conservative Republican that has watch your bunch hijack the Grand Old Party and turn it into a circus that we can no longer afford. And I won't tell you what you are thinking as I can't think those insane thoughts without a lot of booze in my system and I all but gave up drinking.

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.
But we still did well overall. We have the lowest unemployment in nearly a half-decade, consumer and business confidence at an 18 year high, small business confidence at a record 41 year level, less government dependents on food stamps, North Korea not firing one missile since Dong and Trump talked although still much more work needing to be done, and we got rid of phony agreements that were bad for the country like Iran and the Paris Accord.

Okay, none of the economic things had anything to do with TRump, and American is less respected on the world stage today than it was two years ago.

Whoops. Trump just surrendered in Syria. You guys would be going batshit insane if Obama did that.

So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?

If you can't understand that then why are you even in this conversation. You seem to not be listening to the news lately of the 5 GM factory shutdowns. And the GM Chinese Factory Openings. So much for an increase in Manufacturing Jobs. Get out more, read a newspaper, listen to a radio, TURN OFF PAWXSNEWS for a change.

I don't pickup well on things that come out of left field out of the blue. But since you "think" you are so in tune with news........

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months
Those of us on the right are constitutionalists. Not everybody in our party is to the right. We are torn between the conservatives and the establishment. The establishment is losing ground because of fear we may leave the party and start our own. That would give Democrats total control for many years to come, even though establishment Republicans are nothing more than Democrat Lite. The establishment believes in big government, just their kind of big government.

You have your own. The John Birch Society. Or are you ashamed to don the real name.

I would say conservatism is about 80% of that, but we don't live in the past, we live to preserve the future.

As for blaming the left for most of our problems, I fully admit that. I do believe they are responsible for many of our problems today.

You aren't a conservative. You are a nationalist. When you say that you don't live in the past, most conservatives want the good parts of the past back but they want to work on not bringing back the bad parts. That is why the two terms progressive and conservative go so well together. You just want it where only your group is in charge of everyone else. Sorry, ain't going to happen in anyone's lifetime.

For the last 2 years, on the national level, your bunch has controlled everything and look at the mess. For every good thing, there has been at least 2 disasters to make up for the good. Not bad things, disasters. And you use PR to cover up that fact very well. Yes, comrade, Putin has taught you well.

So go ahead and blame someone else. But you own it. Grow up, stick out your chin and take it right on the chin like a real man and then, and only then can you call your self a Conservative. Conservatives are real MEN and WOMEN.
You aren’t a conservative, you are a globalist.

Ah, spoken like a true Nationalist. You know for a fact I am a globalist? Care to use what I have posted as an example of that. Sorry, you only get use what I have posted, not what you think I think. Stick with the facts.
If you are not a nationalist you are a globalist.

There is no in-between.
Since you aren't speaking about plumbing you really shouldn't be commenting on how a leftee or a rightee thinks. You just keep going on and one telling me how someone else thinks. If you were truly honest, you would only tell me what YOU think and not what others are supposed to think. Or do you want me to go into how wrong the Rightees think? I can, you know. I can just as easily do that for the leftees as well. I would rather not be as presumptuous though as chances are, I would be wrong on many issues.

Now, back to plumbing......rightee-tightee......leftee-loosee.

I don't know what your obsession with plumbing is, so I won't comment on that. You brought it up--I didn't.

Does somebody have to smack you in the face to make you understand how they feel? Turn on CNN, MSNBC, NPR. Read the comments by the left here on USMB. If you can't figure out what they think with all of that input, then you probably shouldn't be crossing the street by yourself.

I do tell people how I feel. I support politicians, entertainers, and news outlets that support how I feel. You don't have to assume when it's right in front of your face (no pun intended).

When somebody supports gun rights, lower taxation, freedom, constitutionality, you don't have to guess how they think. Same holds true of open border people, anti-gun people, anti-business people, high taxation for the wealthy.

You still don't get it. How do you know you won't call me a leftee or a Liberal? Well you have and you have been very, very wrong on almost everything you have commented on concerning me. In fact, most of us "Commistic, Liberal, Leftees" that your type goes off on are actually real live old style Progressive Conservatives from the Eisenhower days when a Republican was a real live human being instead of a fruitcake that calls themselves Republican today. When you go into your tirade about "Progressives" in the 50s and 60s, the Progressives were all Republicans. We were and still are Progressive Conservatives as well as Fiscal Conservatives. You support the nightmare Trump who is none of those things. And we just get deeper in the hole.

Build a wall that won't work by itself all at once that we can't afford...... build a 30 foot wall and watch the 31 foot ladder sales skyrocket and the picks and shovels to dig under it sell out. Meanwhile, short the security people and other methods because we can't afford them as well.

Bring on the 45% tariffs that crashes the stock market and raises the cost of buying stuff way high when a tariff of 15% would have driven China to the tables fast. That's what China just did and Trump calls it a win for him. Looks like China is the winner on that one.

Punish our Allies with Tariffs instead of talking with them. Now, this is really stupid. While you are at it, insult our allies, demean our allies. And then wonder why they won't even shake Trumps hand at the meetings. Ivanka gets the handshakes and smiles though.

Threaten a Government Shutdown if he doesn't get his way like a spoiled child. He really needs to be spanked but Congress is too scared to actually do their friggin job and put the skids to his bad behavior. Yes, Shirley, that 2 week shutdown will cost hundreds of millions of dollars of income to people other than government workers. And, unlike the Government worker, they won't get that back, it's just lost.

I don't know what party you are part of but it is definately Rino but not the Rino you keep harping about. Your John Birch Society Dues need to be kept up.

I am not a Rino like you claim. I am a real live Progressive Fiscal Conservative Republican that has watch your bunch hijack the Grand Old Party and turn it into a circus that we can no longer afford. And I won't tell you what you are thinking as I can't think those insane thoughts without a lot of booze in my system and I all but gave up drinking.

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?
Okay, none of the economic things had anything to do with TRump, and American is less respected on the world stage today than it was two years ago.

Whoops. Trump just surrendered in Syria. You guys would be going batshit insane if Obama did that.

So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?

If you can't understand that then why are you even in this conversation. You seem to not be listening to the news lately of the 5 GM factory shutdowns. And the GM Chinese Factory Openings. So much for an increase in Manufacturing Jobs. Get out more, read a newspaper, listen to a radio, TURN OFF PAWXSNEWS for a change.

I don't pickup well on things that come out of left field out of the blue. But since you "think" you are so in tune with news........

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Part time jobs have far outstripped full time jobs in growth. Yes, even in manufacturing jobs. You can't t change that fact just by generating a chart that doesn't show the difference in the two figures. So keep going but WE are losing the battle out here. Even with the increase in wages, we are getting fewer hours per job and having to work more jobs to try and make ends meet. The Cost of Living is rising faster than the wages. And please don't insult us with "Cite, Cite" that's been covered over and over already.

Your Hero Deity really has nothing to do with this unless you figure he is as greedy as the other Uber Rich taking advantage of the situation.
You have your own. The John Birch Society. Or are you ashamed to don the real name.

I would say conservatism is about 80% of that, but we don't live in the past, we live to preserve the future.

As for blaming the left for most of our problems, I fully admit that. I do believe they are responsible for many of our problems today.

You aren't a conservative. You are a nationalist. When you say that you don't live in the past, most conservatives want the good parts of the past back but they want to work on not bringing back the bad parts. That is why the two terms progressive and conservative go so well together. You just want it where only your group is in charge of everyone else. Sorry, ain't going to happen in anyone's lifetime.

For the last 2 years, on the national level, your bunch has controlled everything and look at the mess. For every good thing, there has been at least 2 disasters to make up for the good. Not bad things, disasters. And you use PR to cover up that fact very well. Yes, comrade, Putin has taught you well.

So go ahead and blame someone else. But you own it. Grow up, stick out your chin and take it right on the chin like a real man and then, and only then can you call your self a Conservative. Conservatives are real MEN and WOMEN.
You aren’t a conservative, you are a globalist.

Ah, spoken like a true Nationalist. You know for a fact I am a globalist? Care to use what I have posted as an example of that. Sorry, you only get use what I have posted, not what you think I think. Stick with the facts.
If you are not a nationalist you are a globalist.

There is no in-between.

Again, you only get to debate what I post, not what you think I mean or what you think I think I mean. Wow, that's confusing.
I don't know what your obsession with plumbing is, so I won't comment on that. You brought it up--I didn't.

Does somebody have to smack you in the face to make you understand how they feel? Turn on CNN, MSNBC, NPR. Read the comments by the left here on USMB. If you can't figure out what they think with all of that input, then you probably shouldn't be crossing the street by yourself.

I do tell people how I feel. I support politicians, entertainers, and news outlets that support how I feel. You don't have to assume when it's right in front of your face (no pun intended).

When somebody supports gun rights, lower taxation, freedom, constitutionality, you don't have to guess how they think. Same holds true of open border people, anti-gun people, anti-business people, high taxation for the wealthy.

You still don't get it. How do you know you won't call me a leftee or a Liberal? Well you have and you have been very, very wrong on almost everything you have commented on concerning me. In fact, most of us "Commistic, Liberal, Leftees" that your type goes off on are actually real live old style Progressive Conservatives from the Eisenhower days when a Republican was a real live human being instead of a fruitcake that calls themselves Republican today. When you go into your tirade about "Progressives" in the 50s and 60s, the Progressives were all Republicans. We were and still are Progressive Conservatives as well as Fiscal Conservatives. You support the nightmare Trump who is none of those things. And we just get deeper in the hole.

Build a wall that won't work by itself all at once that we can't afford...... build a 30 foot wall and watch the 31 foot ladder sales skyrocket and the picks and shovels to dig under it sell out. Meanwhile, short the security people and other methods because we can't afford them as well.

Bring on the 45% tariffs that crashes the stock market and raises the cost of buying stuff way high when a tariff of 15% would have driven China to the tables fast. That's what China just did and Trump calls it a win for him. Looks like China is the winner on that one.

Punish our Allies with Tariffs instead of talking with them. Now, this is really stupid. While you are at it, insult our allies, demean our allies. And then wonder why they won't even shake Trumps hand at the meetings. Ivanka gets the handshakes and smiles though.

Threaten a Government Shutdown if he doesn't get his way like a spoiled child. He really needs to be spanked but Congress is too scared to actually do their friggin job and put the skids to his bad behavior. Yes, Shirley, that 2 week shutdown will cost hundreds of millions of dollars of income to people other than government workers. And, unlike the Government worker, they won't get that back, it's just lost.

I don't know what party you are part of but it is definately Rino but not the Rino you keep harping about. Your John Birch Society Dues need to be kept up.

I am not a Rino like you claim. I am a real live Progressive Fiscal Conservative Republican that has watch your bunch hijack the Grand Old Party and turn it into a circus that we can no longer afford. And I won't tell you what you are thinking as I can't think those insane thoughts without a lot of booze in my system and I all but gave up drinking.

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.
You still don't get it. How do you know you won't call me a leftee or a Liberal? Well you have and you have been very, very wrong on almost everything you have commented on concerning me. In fact, most of us "Commistic, Liberal, Leftees" that your type goes off on are actually real live old style Progressive Conservatives from the Eisenhower days when a Republican was a real live human being instead of a fruitcake that calls themselves Republican today. When you go into your tirade about "Progressives" in the 50s and 60s, the Progressives were all Republicans. We were and still are Progressive Conservatives as well as Fiscal Conservatives. You support the nightmare Trump who is none of those things. And we just get deeper in the hole.

Build a wall that won't work by itself all at once that we can't afford...... build a 30 foot wall and watch the 31 foot ladder sales skyrocket and the picks and shovels to dig under it sell out. Meanwhile, short the security people and other methods because we can't afford them as well.

Bring on the 45% tariffs that crashes the stock market and raises the cost of buying stuff way high when a tariff of 15% would have driven China to the tables fast. That's what China just did and Trump calls it a win for him. Looks like China is the winner on that one.

Punish our Allies with Tariffs instead of talking with them. Now, this is really stupid. While you are at it, insult our allies, demean our allies. And then wonder why they won't even shake Trumps hand at the meetings. Ivanka gets the handshakes and smiles though.

Threaten a Government Shutdown if he doesn't get his way like a spoiled child. He really needs to be spanked but Congress is too scared to actually do their friggin job and put the skids to his bad behavior. Yes, Shirley, that 2 week shutdown will cost hundreds of millions of dollars of income to people other than government workers. And, unlike the Government worker, they won't get that back, it's just lost.

I don't know what party you are part of but it is definately Rino but not the Rino you keep harping about. Your John Birch Society Dues need to be kept up.

I am not a Rino like you claim. I am a real live Progressive Fiscal Conservative Republican that has watch your bunch hijack the Grand Old Party and turn it into a circus that we can no longer afford. And I won't tell you what you are thinking as I can't think those insane thoughts without a lot of booze in my system and I all but gave up drinking.

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

Actually they are conditioning the public. Now they are Democrat Socialists, whatever the F that means. This was an admission by their most popular leaders such as Sanders and Cortez. But in short time, they will just use the term Socialist. Kind of like their conversion from liberals to progressives.
I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

Actually they are conditioning the public. Now they are Democrat Socialists, whatever the F that means. This was an admission by their most popular leaders such as Sanders and Cortez. But in short time, they will just use the term Socialist. Kind of like their conversion from liberals to progressives.
They are already full blown communists.

Democrats went all the way to the left after Bush won re-election. They are not becoming more radical, they are just becoming more stupid and brazen.
When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

Actually they are conditioning the public. Now they are Democrat Socialists, whatever the F that means. This was an admission by their most popular leaders such as Sanders and Cortez. But in short time, they will just use the term Socialist. Kind of like their conversion from liberals to progressives.
They are already full blown communists.

Democrats went all the way to the left after Bush won re-election. They are not becoming more radical, they are just becoming more stupid and brazen.

Which is why their last three presidential candidates (and Sanders) were supported by the US Communist Party.
So removing job killing regulations had nothing to do with our economy. Decreasing taxes had nothing go do with the economy. Workers receiving raises and bonuses had nothing to do with Trump either, huh?

Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?

If you can't understand that then why are you even in this conversation. You seem to not be listening to the news lately of the 5 GM factory shutdowns. And the GM Chinese Factory Openings. So much for an increase in Manufacturing Jobs. Get out more, read a newspaper, listen to a radio, TURN OFF PAWXSNEWS for a change.

I don't pickup well on things that come out of left field out of the blue. But since you "think" you are so in tune with news........

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Part time jobs have far outstripped full time jobs in growth. Yes, even in manufacturing jobs. You can't t change that fact just by generating a chart that doesn't show the difference in the two figures. So keep going but WE are losing the battle out here. Even with the increase in wages, we are getting fewer hours per job and having to work more jobs to try and make ends meet. The Cost of Living is rising faster than the wages. And please don't insult us with "Cite, Cite" that's been covered over and over already.

Your Hero Deity really has nothing to do with this unless you figure he is as greedy as the other Uber Rich taking advantage of the situation.

You are so dense. The economy doesn't grow the way ours has with people having part-time jobs. Part-time jobs are not in the manufacturing industry, they are in the service industry which also grew.

Part-time jobs produce lower income people, and you don't have increased GDP, household incomes, and less government dependents with part-time jobs. The feds don't raise the interest rates because people are not not making enough money or the economy lagging. They raise interest rates to slow the economy down so that inflation doesn't wipe out our advantages.

I produced a chart to support my claim. You produced nothing to support yours.
You still don't get it. How do you know you won't call me a leftee or a Liberal? Well you have and you have been very, very wrong on almost everything you have commented on concerning me. In fact, most of us "Commistic, Liberal, Leftees" that your type goes off on are actually real live old style Progressive Conservatives from the Eisenhower days when a Republican was a real live human being instead of a fruitcake that calls themselves Republican today. When you go into your tirade about "Progressives" in the 50s and 60s, the Progressives were all Republicans. We were and still are Progressive Conservatives as well as Fiscal Conservatives. You support the nightmare Trump who is none of those things. And we just get deeper in the hole.

Build a wall that won't work by itself all at once that we can't afford...... build a 30 foot wall and watch the 31 foot ladder sales skyrocket and the picks and shovels to dig under it sell out. Meanwhile, short the security people and other methods because we can't afford them as well.

Bring on the 45% tariffs that crashes the stock market and raises the cost of buying stuff way high when a tariff of 15% would have driven China to the tables fast. That's what China just did and Trump calls it a win for him. Looks like China is the winner on that one.

Punish our Allies with Tariffs instead of talking with them. Now, this is really stupid. While you are at it, insult our allies, demean our allies. And then wonder why they won't even shake Trumps hand at the meetings. Ivanka gets the handshakes and smiles though.

Threaten a Government Shutdown if he doesn't get his way like a spoiled child. He really needs to be spanked but Congress is too scared to actually do their friggin job and put the skids to his bad behavior. Yes, Shirley, that 2 week shutdown will cost hundreds of millions of dollars of income to people other than government workers. And, unlike the Government worker, they won't get that back, it's just lost.

I don't know what party you are part of but it is definately Rino but not the Rino you keep harping about. Your John Birch Society Dues need to be kept up.

I am not a Rino like you claim. I am a real live Progressive Fiscal Conservative Republican that has watch your bunch hijack the Grand Old Party and turn it into a circus that we can no longer afford. And I won't tell you what you are thinking as I can't think those insane thoughts without a lot of booze in my system and I all but gave up drinking.

I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

You just gave the definition of a JBC, you know that don't you. Thanks for confirming you are a JBC and not even close to a real GOP.
Funny, talk to the workers in GM about that. They would really like to know that they are doing so well.

I have no idea what GM has to do with my comment. Care to elaborate so I at least have a clue?

If you can't understand that then why are you even in this conversation. You seem to not be listening to the news lately of the 5 GM factory shutdowns. And the GM Chinese Factory Openings. So much for an increase in Manufacturing Jobs. Get out more, read a newspaper, listen to a radio, TURN OFF PAWXSNEWS for a change.

I don't pickup well on things that come out of left field out of the blue. But since you "think" you are so in tune with news........

The Trump Manufacturing Jobs Boom: 10 Times Obama's Over 21 Months

Part time jobs have far outstripped full time jobs in growth. Yes, even in manufacturing jobs. You can't t change that fact just by generating a chart that doesn't show the difference in the two figures. So keep going but WE are losing the battle out here. Even with the increase in wages, we are getting fewer hours per job and having to work more jobs to try and make ends meet. The Cost of Living is rising faster than the wages. And please don't insult us with "Cite, Cite" that's been covered over and over already.

Your Hero Deity really has nothing to do with this unless you figure he is as greedy as the other Uber Rich taking advantage of the situation.

You are so dense. The economy doesn't grow the way ours has with people having part-time jobs. Part-time jobs are not in the manufacturing industry, they are in the service industry which also grew.

Part-time jobs produce lower income people, and you don't have increased GDP, household incomes, and less government dependents with part-time jobs. The feds don't raise the interest rates because people are not not making enough money or the economy lagging. They raise interest rates to slow the economy down so that inflation doesn't wipe out our advantages.

I produced a chart to support my claim. You produced nothing to support yours.

Your chart lumps in both full time and part time employment. You proved nothing except you are just trying to justify. We are slowly slipping into an abyss. Well, most of us are, anyway. You can buy into the PR but those of us out here in the Real World know better. Well, at least those of us that can still think and reason for ourselves.
I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

You just gave the definition of a JBC, you know that don't you. Thanks for confirming you are a JBC and not even close to a real GOP.
No, idiot. I am left of center. The JBC was just 100% correct in calling Democrats communists.

In 20 years the majority of Democrats will claim they are communists. Idiots like you already ignore the fact that the majority of them claim to be socialists, so they realize that they have nothing to lose by calling themselves communist.
I do find it amazing how many liberals here have leftist views, but are not a leftist. As for myself, when I see it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...............

When everyone just north of a closet axe murdering homicidal "String the Darky High" zionist hating, fringe anarchist is listed as a Leftist, that makes a lot of leftists. Fine, you can call me whatever you wish. And you can call yourself anything you wish as well. But push comes to shove, you really are just a John Birch Society that refuses to admit that publicly. We are getting ready to kick your sorry ass back to the stone age and take back your Grand Old Party and REALLY make American Great Again. Until you characters seized control, it was great. The last real great President we had was Eisenhower who lived the part.

You want to make everything where you blame it all on the left? Fine. You can also blame your demise on the left. To you, almost every one of us are to the left because you can't get anymore to the extreme Right (and I misuses that word) than you really are.
The John Birch Society was mainstream in Eisenhower’s time, you clueless twit.

You can’t go anymore to the extreme left than today’s Democrat party. You HAVE to be a leftist to a fairly significant degree to think Trump is a bigger threat than the Democrats.

By your standards, it would be mainstream. But by everyone else's it would be fringe and always has been. It doesn't look fringe now compared to what the Republican Party has become. The John Birch Society really hasn't changed but the Republican party has. The GOP ideals have long been abandoned.

Now, a bit of information. the JBC wasn't created until 1958 and it was founded on implicating as many of the leaders as possible as Communists as they could including Ike. For many years, they only had 11 members. It's been said that if Senator McCarthy had came long a bit later he would have been a card carrying JBC member in good standings. I don't see any real difference with the Original JBC than today's Republicans. Except the search for Communists have been largely replaced by the search for Socialists. But the Hate, Fire and Brimstone still is the same.

You may wish to read up it a bit. Danged, are facts getting in your way again?

You couldn’t have it more backwards if you tried. You are not a conservative in the slightest.

Republicans completely own the center because they are so moderate and Democrats are so extreme, even the new center that is mostly center-left.
The majority of Democrats now identify openly as socialists and embrace the most radical positions possible without blinking. I can literally point out socialists living in my neighborhood.

Actually they are conditioning the public. Now they are Democrat Socialists, whatever the F that means. This was an admission by their most popular leaders such as Sanders and Cortez. But in short time, they will just use the term Socialist. Kind of like their conversion from liberals to progressives.

Then there is the John Birchers having conditioned you to believe that they are Republicans. In 1980, we all knew better but GHW Bush let them in and the party hasn't been the same since. And Bush Sr was warned against it. It's torn the Republican Party to the ground. For instance, Ted Cruz is a Registered JBC member. He claims to be a Republican and also claims to be a Tea Partier but he was a JBC long before he made those claims. I was a Republican at one time. I dropped out when it started going south. I joined the Tea Party early on and watched it get taken over by the JBCers. Then that bunch took over the Republican Party. It became a friggin mess. No wonder a snake oil salesman like Trump could seize control of the party. It didn't have far to sink to that level. The GOPers are still around and I hope make a comeback and try to put the party back where it once was before 1980. While you are screaming and fiddling about how bad the Democratic Party is, your own city is burning to the ground. It used to be my city.

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