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Aug 27, 2010
Looks like Socialism is taking the World lead, and Capitalism is headed into the shitter. I will be curious to see how the cons will play this bad news as Socialism kicks their ass, and countries like Russia & China just said FU to the USD as a trade dollar. All the kings capitalist men are setting on their money & preparing to depart America, no right winged loyalty huh? Interesting how a little country like Germany is exporting more Socialist products to the world than the big bad American capitalists are. Being so much smaller, they must have those factories humming, while American continues to shut down and lay off. What do you make of that? And the Socialists are doing it working under 40 hour weeks, taking mandatory 45 day paid vacations, and twice as many paid holidays, full medical and retirement, than poor capitalist Americans experience. So our factories must be barely turning over.


1 World $
2 European Union $1.952.000.000.000
3 Germany $1.530.000.000.000
4 China $1.465.000.000.000
5 United States $1.377.000.000.000
6 Japan $776.800.000.000

Exports 2009 country ranks


1. European Union 16,414,697
2. United States 14,119,050
3. Japan 5,068,894
4. PRC 4,984,731
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All this means is that the U.S. is becoming less of a manufacturing society and more of a service oriented society, which isn't news to anyone who has paid attention the last ten years.

I would actually take more time to get into detail, but I've read enough of your crap to know that you are an intellectual dipshit and my time would pretty much be wasted.
And Europe is a beacon of prosperity under socialism?! Last I checked, they're all spiraling down the shitter.

They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Minor details....

Im not sure why Shintao is such a cheerleader for commies..... maybe he shoud try living in one of those shitholes before opening his trap. Last time I checked folks were'nt busting down the gates to get there.
All this means is that the U.S. is becoming less of a manufacturing society and more of a service oriented society, which isn't news to anyone who has paid attention the last ten years.

I would actually take more time to get into detail, but I've read enough of your crap to know that you are an intellectual dipshit and my time would pretty much be wasted.

Oh, so who are we servicing? Afghanistan? No one is thinking service is going to cut it, so who you listening to??

The U.S. Service Economy Cannot Keep Our Country Afloat Indefinitely

Many feel that the transition to a service-based economy heralds a new and prosperous future for the U.S. As far as services vs. goods industries, there are many differences that are clearly obvious. Regardless of these differences, however, it should be noted that our services surplus with the rest of the world only accounts for less than 10 percent of our goods deficit. In other words our goods deficit is 10 times larger than our services surplus which should indicate our ability to sustain global trade on the basis of a service economy.

* Services don’t export as well as goods – retail, hospitality, health care, government, and education are all local businesses. These make up much of the services industry.

* Services are labor intensive and not capital intensive therefore easy to relocate and outsource computer and electrical engineering, R&D and science, law, advertising and accounting are all being outsourced. This has been seen as our jobs have been outsourced to India.

* Services require tremendous training and expertise – to be an expert in a field of service it requires expensive training for a long period of time and requires a high level of intelligence – not everyone will be capable of being an "expert."

* Services do not provide as much valued added – compare retail workers in Wal-Mart to factory workers at GM – one is ringing up a finished product at a check-out counter and the other is helping to turn raw materials into a finished product that can be sold anywhere in the world.

* Services cannot leverage capital – the amount of machines and technology used in goods production is much greater than in services these machines have the benefit of hundreds of thousands of hours of refinement and efficiency and can be run night and day whereas services businesses are limited by the productivity, efficiency and skill of single-generation humans.
America's Trade Cannot Rely on Services | Economy In Crisis
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And Europe is a beacon of prosperity under socialism?! Last I checked, they're all spiraling down the shitter.

They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Yeah, they are starting to move away from socialism. They are finally realizing how much of a failure it really is.
And Europe is a beacon of prosperity under socialism?! Last I checked, they're all spiraling down the shitter.

They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Yeah, they are starting to move away from socialism. They are finally realizing how much of a failure it really is.

You halfwits do realize that even the "Right-wing" parties in Europe are analogous to moderate Democrats (eg, Obama), don't you?
And Europe is a beacon of prosperity under socialism?! Last I checked, they're all spiraling down the shitter.

They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Minor details....

Im not sure why Shintao is such a cheerleader for commies..... maybe he shoud try living in one of those shitholes before opening his trap. Last time I checked folks were'nt busting down the gates to get there.

Yeah, that is because Germans kicked their asses and told them to stay the fuck out. Too bad Bush didn't have the guts to do that to Mexicans in 8 years, and this Twinkie `O` boy is emulating him.

But commies? Germany is socialist, not communist. You need to move to the other side of the other pond to find you commie loven friends who loan you trillions & denounce your usd. But hey, even the commies are whipping your ass. How do you explain that with your good ol capitalism running the show at home?:eusa_angel:
And Europe is a beacon of prosperity under socialism?! Last I checked, they're all spiraling down the shitter.

They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Yeah, they are starting to move away from socialism. They are finally realizing how much of a failure it really is.

Move away you say? Would that be like cutting military spending and taxing the shit out of corporations, while maintaining social programs, and increasing spending to raise production?? Ah, who knows, maybe your cartoons have some mumbo jumbo in them.
They're beginning to reverse that trend by going back to conservatism. They're cutting spending instead of spending like they've been doing.

Minor details....

Im not sure why Shintao is such a cheerleader for commies..... maybe he shoud try living in one of those shitholes before opening his trap. Last time I checked folks were'nt busting down the gates to get there.

Yeah, that is because Germans kicked their asses and told them to stay the fuck out. Too bad Bush didn't have the guts to do that to Mexicans in 8 years, and this Twinkie `O` boy is emulating him.

But commies? Germany is socialist, not communist. You need to move to the other side of the other pond to find you commie loven friends who loan you trillions & denounce your usd. But hey, even the commies are whipping your ass. How do you explain that with your good ol capitalism running the show at home?:eusa_angel:

Get back to me when ya are'nt drinkin' :booze:
The election results really got to some people..............:fu::boobies::fu::boobies::fu::boobies:

Yo Sintao..........dont do any excursions into the mountains in the near future..........lots of broken hearted lefties have taken to cliff diving in recent weeks. We need you around here so conservatives can publically humiliate your shit..........

Hey.............just a public service announcement.
But commies? Germany is socialist, not communist. You need to move to the other side of the other pond to find you commie loven friends who loan you trillions & denounce your usd. But hey, even the commies are whipping your ass. How do you explain that with your good ol capitalism running the show at home?:eusa_angel:

Germany, from it's absorption of it's eastern block half acquired a huge population of ambitious lessers to supercharge its economy. After the initial crash of re-unification Germany's economy has had a strong rebound, with a return to it's traditional position as a manufacturer/exporter, and privatization has been the trend in Germany since re-unification, not the opposite.

In addition to all that Germans have a strong saving impulse, and particularly the new members of the society from its eastern lands, are especially hardworking, and strongly seeking a better life as a result of that hard work. Hard work in their former eastern block state proved to be without much of a reward as compared to their new economic situation in re-unified Germany.
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All this means is that the U.S. is becoming less of a manufacturing society and more of a service oriented society, which isn't news to anyone who has paid attention the last ten years.

I would actually take more time to get into detail, but I've read enough of your crap to know that you are an intellectual dipshit and my time would pretty much be wasted.


What he said!
All this means is that the U.S. is becoming less of a manufacturing society and more of a service oriented society, which isn't news to anyone who has paid attention the last ten years.

I would actually take more time to get into detail, but I've read enough of your crap to know that you are an intellectual dipshit and my time would pretty much be wasted.

Oh, so who are we servicing? Afghanistan? No one is thinking service is going to cut it, so who you listening to??

The U.S. Service Economy Cannot Keep Our Country Afloat Indefinitely

Many feel that the transition to a service-based economy heralds a new and prosperous future for the U.S. As far as services vs. goods industries, there are many differences that are clearly obvious. Regardless of these differences, however, it should be noted that our services surplus with the rest of the world only accounts for less than 10 percent of our goods deficit. In other words our goods deficit is 10 times larger than our services surplus which should indicate our ability to sustain global trade on the basis of a service economy.

* Services don’t export as well as goods – retail, hospitality, health care, government, and education are all local businesses. These make up much of the services industry.

* Services are labor intensive and not capital intensive therefore easy to relocate and outsource computer and electrical engineering, R&D and science, law, advertising and accounting are all being outsourced. This has been seen as our jobs have been outsourced to India.

* Services require tremendous training and expertise – to be an expert in a field of service it requires expensive training for a long period of time and requires a high level of intelligence – not everyone will be capable of being an "expert."

* Services do not provide as much valued added – compare retail workers in Wal-Mart to factory workers at GM – one is ringing up a finished product at a check-out counter and the other is helping to turn raw materials into a finished product that can be sold anywhere in the world.

* Services cannot leverage capital – the amount of machines and technology used in goods production is much greater than in services these machines have the benefit of hundreds of thousands of hours of refinement and efficiency and can be run night and day whereas services businesses are limited by the productivity, efficiency and skill of single-generation humans.
America's Trade Cannot Rely on Services | Economy In Crisis
The movement to a more service based economy is not just due to the movement of manufacturing overseas but is also due to the redefinition of the products themselves.

Take for example a computer application being sold to a large business. The actual computer hardware is often the least expensive part of the application and the least profitable for the seller. It is auxiliary services such as software design and implementation, customer support, training, upgrades and maintenance of the system that accounts for most of the profits. Many car dealerships have been making more money selling services, parts, and financing than the actual vehicles. If you buy a security system for a home or business, the profits are not in the hardware, but rather the installation, maintenance, and monitoring. Services can exported if they are integrated with the product.

Manufacturing, agriculture, and services form the basis for all economies. We need manufacturing but possibly not as much as you might think.

Service economy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Germany is a major powerhouse now and it's been conservative under Merkel.

Andrea basically told Obama to stick it where the sun don't shine at the last two G20 over exports and deficits.

The Idiot in Chief actually wanted everybody to reign in their exports to make economies more "balanced".

Needless to say, Merkel did not mince words.

Here's the quote I was looking for. You go girl!!!!!

“To set political limits on trade surpluses and deficits is neither economically justified nor politically appropriate,” the German leader told a G-20 business summit.

France is conservative now and so is Britain.
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Only in Shintao's world would export numbers be considered proof that socialism better.

If you like it so much Shintao, go move there. Do us all a favor.
Germany is a major powerhouse now and it's been conservative under Merkel.

Andrea basically told Obama to stick it where the sun don't shine at the last two G20 over exports and deficits.

The Idiot in Chief actually wanted everybody to reign in their exports to make economies more "balanced".

Needless to say, Merkel did not mince words.

France is conservative now and so is Britain.

You would have to show why you think Germany or France is conservative. Just because Obama is whatever the hell he is, that doesn't make America anything other than a capitalist society.
Looks like Socialism is taking the World lead, and Capitalism is headed into the shitter. I will be curious to see how the cons will play this bad news as Socialism kicks their ass, and countries like Russia & China just said FU to the USD as a trade dollar. All the kings capitalist men are setting on their money & preparing to depart America, no right winged loyalty huh? Interesting how a little country like Germany is exporting more Socialist products to the world than the big bad American capitalists are. Being so much smaller, they must have those factories humming, while American continues to shut down and lay off. What do you make of that? And the Socialists are doing it working under 40 hour weeks, taking mandatory 45 day paid vacations, and twice as many paid holidays, full medical and retirement, than poor capitalist Americans experience. So our factories must be barely turning over.


1 World $
2 European Union $1.952.000.000.000
3 Germany $1.530.000.000.000
4 China $1.465.000.000.000
5 United States $1.377.000.000.000
6 Japan $776.800.000.000

Exports 2009 country ranks


1. European Union 16,414,697
2. United States 14,119,050
3. Japan 5,068,894
4. PRC 4,984,731

speaking of spiraling down the shitter....

Your on a stoopid role today. 2, at least 2 dumb a dirt posts.

Are you aware that in 3 EU countries there are riots where the government slaves, like you, are setting fire to peoples property b/c their government is out of money?

yeah, yeah you are, and you are dumb enough to still want this crap.

And you use Russia and china as great examples? Damn that is fucked up! Do you know how many millions, tens of millions were murdered to put dictators in control of those countries?

Do you want that here?
Germany is a major powerhouse now and it's been conservative under Merkel.

Andrea basically told Obama to stick it where the sun don't shine at the last two G20 over exports and deficits.

The Idiot in Chief actually wanted everybody to reign in their exports to make economies more "balanced".

Needless to say, Merkel did not mince words.

France is conservative now and so is Britain.

You would have to show why you think Germany or France is conservative. Just because Obama is whatever the hell he is, that doesn't make America anything other than a capitalist society.

Merkel is head of the conservative Angela Merkel, German Chancellor and leader of the conservative party Christian Democratic Union (CDU).

There's your first hint.

Conservative Government Takes Over in FranceMonday, November 15th, 2010 at 5:05 pm UTC Posted 1 week ago
French President Nicolas Sarkozy’s new staunchly conservative government began work Monday, cleared of political centrists and left-wing converts known for their more liberal leanings.

The newly reshuffled government is seen as boosting Mr. Sarkozy’s drooping popularity ahead of presidential elections in 2012.

I believe that would be the second hint I could give to you.

As far as Europe goes, there is no doubt that their parties are conservative.

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