Stunned: The left is coming out against.....the FBI in Portland?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.
Great work by the Obama Department of Justice
I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

You shouldn't let the left disappoint you...It will only take a matter of days or weeks before your family finds you swinging from a shower rod or toking on an exhaust pipe.
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

The folks in Portland are re-thinking their position on the war on terror, and looking for a face-saving venue...

"In 2005, leaders in Portland, Oregon, angry at the Bush administration's conduct of the war on terror, voted not to allow city law enforcement officers to participate in a key anti-terror initiative, the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. On Friday, that task force helped prevent what could have been a horrific terrorist attack in Portland. Now city officials say they might re-think their participation in the task force -- because Barack Obama is in the White House. "

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Byron York | Washington Examiner

Case in point: see wingy's post.

Really telling is the statement by the perp, telling what fools the lefties are:

"According to the FBI affidavit, the undercover agents asked whether he worried that law enforcement would stop him. "In Portland?" Mohamud replied. "Not really. They don't see it as a place where anything will happen. People say, you know, why, anybody want to do something in Portland, you know, it's on the west coast, it's in Oregon, and Oregon's, like you know, nobody ever thinks about it."

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Politically correct Portland rejected feds who saved city from terrorist attack | Washington Examiner
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

Do you guys actually read the posts here?

Apparently not.
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

I'm mildly amused that the right seems to have flip flopped on their longheld rant that terrorism should not be treated as a law enforcement/criminal problem.

Hahahaha and the real story goes back to 2005.

Got a link to the mythical "Left" that is coming out against the FBI.
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

I'm mildly amused that the right seems to have flip flopped on their longheld rant that terrorism should not be treated as a law enforcement/criminal problem.


I'm sure shiny red balls also amuse you... mildly.

We on the right have long held the position that terrorism is not merely a law enforcement problem. It is a multi-faceted issue. When it hatches domestically, of course the FBI will get involved... why wouldn't they?

And ok, for the record.. Good Job FBI!
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!! That somehow the Muslim got an unfair deal or something.

Do you lefties know about gathering evidence? Lets say they arrested him earlier. When he was simply "conspiring" to do this, which is a weak charge that probably wouldn't have stuck.

What then? They have little evidence that the 1st amendment wouldn't protect. AND, his lawyer would get him off easy by saying "My client was led astray, BUT he never truly intended to go through with this plan."

NOW they have his attempt to follow through with it. A potential life sentence. And BARGAINING chips to get him to rat on any friends with similar intents.

Brilliant police work by the FBI.

I'm disappointed that the left is for some reason coming out against the FBI.

I'm mildly amused that the right seems to have flip flopped on their longheld rant that terrorism should not be treated as a law enforcement/criminal problem.


I'm sure shiny red balls also amuse you... mildly.

We on the right have long held the position that terrorism is not merely a law enforcement problem. It is a multi-faceted issue. When it hatches domestically, of course the FBI will get involved... why wouldn't they?

And ok, for the record.. Good Job FBI!

Number 1, you cannot speak for 'we' on the right. Number 2, it is hilarious that you would try to rewrite history.
Unless there is some evidence that there was any substantive anti-FBI sentiment from the left on this matter,

shouldn't this thread be tossed in the troll bin where it belongs?
I'm shocked. Throughout this site, and others, I've seen repeated posts from dedicated lefties whose only overriding opinion on the Portland incident is that the FBI was wrong somehow!!!
....But, you forgot to post any proof o' that.

"A very similar thing happened last month when the FBI announced that it had arrested someone who was planning to bomb the DC Metro system when, in reality, "the only plotting he did was in response to instructions from federal agents he thought were accomplices." That concocted FBI plot then led to the Metro Police announcing a new policy of random searches of passengers' bags.

Meanwhile, in Oregon, the mosque sometimes attended by Mohamud was victimized today by arson. So the FBI did not stop any actual Terrorist plots, but they may have helped inspire one."

Oregon is a commie state. I live here, believe me. We have a very active criminal underground because the left is sympathetic to them, and the left runs Oregon.
Oregon is a commie state. I live here, believe me. We have a very active criminal underground because the left is sympathetic to them, and the left runs Oregon.

Then why is Oregon's violent crime rate lower than a majority of states? In 2006 they were ranked 38th when it came to violent crimes. I think someone should check their facts before they speak out of their ass.

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