House passes bill overturning Obamacare

33 votes x 30 million dollars = 999 million dollars.

That $30 million/day figure is rather extraordinary, and requires extraordinary evidence.

Pretty sure they sourced it in the graphic, no?

ETA: Ah, they didn't source it. I'll snoop around and see if I can source the data. The nice part is that even if it's only about $50 million, it still proves that Conservatives are all about not wasting tax payer money until they do it themselves.

Edit: So it looks like the number's right. According to this link, which sources back to legislative budget office figures.
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33 votes x 30 million dollars = 999 million dollars.

That $30 million/day figure is rather extraordinary, and requires extraordinary evidence.

Pretty sure they sourced it in the graphic, no?

ETA: Ah, they didn't source it. I'll snoop around and see if I can source the data. The nice part is that even if it's only about $50 million, it still proves that Conservatives are all about not wasting tax payer money until they do it themselves.

Extraordinary evidence. A vague citation caption referencing an appropriation falls pretty well short.
House votes to repeal Obama healthcare law, again | Reuters

Good news for the public at large for this nation.

It does three things.

1. Puts everyone on record in an election year.
2. Makes this a massive wedge issue.
3. Puts pressure on Obama on making a decision to keep it against the popular will or get rid of it which will end a weapon that can be used against him and his supporters in congress.

It was a monumental waste of time. If there were no real issues that needed addressing, it wouldn't matter. But as things now stand, there's important work that needs to be done, and they're screwing around on MY dime.
What do you mean a waste of time?...It's not like they had anything important to vote on, like a budget.

Yeah, the housing crisis, the national debt, the economy. . .it's not like they had a full agenda or anything.
That $30 million/day figure is rather extraordinary, and requires extraordinary evidence.

Pretty sure they sourced it in the graphic, no?

ETA: Ah, they didn't source it. I'll snoop around and see if I can source the data. The nice part is that even if it's only about $50 million, it still proves that Conservatives are all about not wasting tax payer money until they do it themselves.

Extraordinary evidence. A vague citation caption referencing an appropriation falls pretty well short.

Hmm. I think it's probably pretty close to that when you take into account ALL the staff that has to be present, the security, etc. But I'll keep looking.
That $30 million/day figure is rather extraordinary, and requires extraordinary evidence.

Pretty sure they sourced it in the graphic, no?

ETA: Ah, they didn't source it. I'll snoop around and see if I can source the data. The nice part is that even if it's only about $50 million, it still proves that Conservatives are all about not wasting tax payer money until they do it themselves.

Extraordinary evidence. A vague citation caption referencing an appropriation falls pretty well short.

Ugh. I can't believe I'm linking to Fux News, but they cite pretty much that same 5 billion dollar a year number that the other projection was based on. And it's Jindal they're talking to, so you know he KNOWS the numbers; he's a numbers guy. They also break down why it costs so much per day, given their 128 work day schedule.

Jindal Says Congress Should Work Part-Time | Fox News
I don't have any faux-rage towards House Republicans. I just think they're a bunch of Obstructionist assholes. And I do think Reid should play fair and put the bills up to a vote. However, it's EXTREMELY misleading to call the bills he's sitting on Jobs Bills. They're not. They're dereg bills.

I think Reid should put the Repug bills up for a vote right after the Repugs drop all their filibusters on Dem bills that should come up for a vote first.

Agreed. Though that's sort of unfair. I'm actually all for everything going according to the Constitution which does not say you have to have a 60 vote majority to pass a law. But somehow, the twisted fucks in the GOP have turned the filibuster into exactly that.

It is a shame that the Republicans use the filibuster. I can't ever recall the Democrats filibustering anything. LOL

I know this is way to complex for you to understand, but I will post it for those with more than a double digit IQ.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has used his prerogative to behave as an autocrat, stifling free and open debate by determining which amendments will be allowed before a bill is on the floor. This makes it nearly impossible for the Republicans to offer amendments—unless they rely on the threat of filibuster.
33 votes x 30 million dollars = 999 million dollars.

That $30 million/day figure is rather extraordinary, and requires extraordinary evidence.

Pretty sure they sourced it in the graphic, no?

ETA: Ah, they didn't source it. I'll snoop around and see if I can source the data. The nice part is that even if it's only about $50 million, it still proves that Conservatives are all about not wasting tax payer money until they do it themselves.

Edit: So it looks like the number's right. According to this link, which sources back to legislative budget office figures.

How much does it cost to operate Congress? by soulcamp - Breaking Wind and Opinion on Go Team Internet

While you are doing the math, see how much 18 months of working on the ACA in the House cost.
The sad thing is that those new Republican congressmen are going to believe this is the way Congress and the government is supposed to work. Congressmen pass bills they know are going to end up on the floor of the Senate and then they pass it again and again and again. But not to worry the salary goes on each day along with a great health care program no matter that nothing is done. But perhaps the biggest perk is that corporations will continue to send money in by the millions for reelection.
aww, Obama wants everybody wonderful of's easy for him to do with OTHER PEOPLES MONIES

Really?? Tell us about it. What other people?? Do you have a link?? Love to read about it.
He's paying for it all out of his own pocket? Who knew? Last I heard he was doing it with the taxpayer's money. BUt since we don't have enough of that to go around, he's doing it on borrowed money from China and Europe.

Or has that plan changed?
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aww, Obama wants everybody wonderful of's easy for him to do with OTHER PEOPLES MONIES

Really, Republicans are pathetic! Republicans claim to be free marketers, then prefer to promote the socialist system we have today over the ACA's free market approach? -pewsh!-

Obamacare Protects the Free Market: Why Repealing It Would Mean a Return to Socialism

Socialists and liberals dislike the Affordable Care Act because there is no single payer government run option. The ACA cuts socialist programs and it's free market approach is too centrist for them.

Conservatives believe the ACA is the most liberal, socialist creation in mankind's history and that Obama has sown the seeds for American apocalypse.

Polls show high approval of most individual parts of the law. When asked about the entire law together people hate it. Political misinformation campaigns have convinced people that socialism is taking over America.
I will address the socialism argument first and then address some of the other critics concerns.

Where did we come from before the ACA? And where are we now?

Prior to the Affordable Care Act the costs of uninsured free riders skipping their medical bills were socialized. Rather than going bankrupt, hospitals increase the prices for the insured. Hospitals split the losses with the government. The government then taxes you higher to socialize the losses.

For example, uninsured diabetes patients were showing up in costly hospital emergency rooms for insulin when health crises arose rather than going to cheaper primary care doctors. Many couldn't pay those bills.

Before the Affordable Care Act, the system was socialistic, and losses were distributed throughout America.

Repeal of the Affordable Care Act is a call for a return to that socialist system.

Socialism is - a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, or capital, land., in the community as a whole. []

The ACA ends the spreading of costs for unpaid bills through the community (socialism) to you that led to higher health insurance payments and higher taxes. It does this by using a method that Mitt Romney pioneered as governor of Massachusetts, which now has 98% of its residents insured. Romney even ran his first presidential campaign on his method for fixing the free rider problem.

Yes, Romney created the individual mandate that the Supreme Court just upheld as constitutional and then promoted it nationally as the "Republican solution to the Democrat's free rider problem in the health care system."
View a medley of videos of Romney, including during the Republican debates promoting the individual mandate on this youtube video.

Romney is not called an Etch A Sketch for nothing. He now attacks the mandate daily.

How does the ACA's reduction of socialism benefit you?

The costs of free riders nails your wallet in more than one way. Your insurance premiums are higher because the costs are embedded in the services you use that your insurance company covers. Your taxes are higher because the government pays for a portion of these unpaid bills and you and all tax payers are the only source of government money. The ACA removes this socialization of costs and will save you money.

How much?

Annually, you, or your employer pays about $1000 more in insurance premiums to pay for losses that free riders brought to the system. You pay about $1000 more in taxes today. So, in total around $2000 a year comes out of your wallet because of the socialist system of the past that the Affordable Care Act replaces.

What will your costs be without free riders sucking money out of your wallet?

How will employers benefit if they pay thousands and thousands less for their hundreds of employees because they aren't paying free riders who don't work for them?
This could leave employers with more money in the bank to raise your pay, or hire more workers.

Repealing Obamacare returns to a system where you and your employer foot the bill for the uninsured.

Repealing Obamacare costs you at least $2000 a year.




Republicans will whine about anything---anything to avoid addressing how screwed up their extremist
ideology is, even-----even going so far as to whine about the color of the font in a post that kicks their ideological asses-------pafuckingthetic!

Republicans support the more expensive socialistic approach to health care that we have now, hate the free market approach of Obamacare then-----then whine about how much they love the free market.

Too funny, Republicans just can't seem to come to terms with the fact that their messiah raised taxes eleven times in eight years and-----and created the most expensive per patient socialized Emergency Medical Treatment system in American history. Republicans are pafuckingthetic!
Democrats Mock GOP For Protecting Own Health Care In Repeal Vote

By Michael McAuliff


Republicans like Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) are the target of a push by Democrats to show that in voting to repeal the health care law, GOP members also voted to keep their enhanced medical care.

WASHINGTON -- Democrats are mocking Republicans in the House of Representatives for voting to repeal the health care reform law and keep their own enhanced medical care.

When Congress passed the health care law, it required members of Congress to get their insurance on exchanges with the rest of the public. But in voting to repeal that law, Republicans and a handful of Democrats were also voting to go back to the old system where the lawmakers get a sweeter deal than most of the rest of the country.

They also voted against a Democratic motion that said members of Congress who support repealing the health care law must also repeal the good stuff they get, such as lifetime care and insurance regardless of pre-existing conditions.

More: Democrats Mock GOP For Protecting Own Health Care In Repeal Vote
Looks like a lot of democratics in districts that aren't blood-shooting-out-the-eyes liberoidal are in save-my-ass mode.

The vote Wednesday was 244-185. By the Republican count, it was the 33rd time in 18 months that the tea party-infused GOP majority has tried to scrap, defund or scale back the law since grabbing the majority.

The Associated Press: GOP-controlled House votes to repeal health law

from your link.
Polls show public reaction to the law has been consistently negative. Republicans say voters in November will have the final say.

democrats just ignore that one little fact.

Roberts was so clever in doing what he did, but more so in what he said...

If you don't like what your elected officials do, Through them out.. and true Americans will do just that. Those who won't need to get the fuck outta here.
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Republicans will whine about anything---anything to avoid addressing how screwed up their extremist ideology is, even going so far as to whine about the color of the font in a post that kicks their ideological asses-------pafuckingthetic!

You're one of those assholes who is just trying to get a reaction out of everyone (in other words, you're the very immature Swallow under a different screen name). Not even you believe that Obamacare is "free market". It's Socialized medicine and if not repealed, it will collapse the nation as Communism/Marxism/Socialism always does.

By the way, the Republican "ideology" is government abiding by the LAW (ie Constitutional government). It's simply supporting what our founders created.

So by your own definition, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben Franklin were "extremists". Thanks for showing everyone what a fucking asshole Communist you are.

You're not getting a rise out of anyone - wonder how much that bothers you sitting all alone in your parents basement... :lol:

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