Horseshoe theory fixed


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.
The myth of the centrist persists because the political definition of centrist is someone who doesn't take much of a stand on issues either because of ignorance or laziness. Centrists generally hope that things turn out O.K. while they sit on their asses and reserve the option to complain.
and i had always thought the horseshoe

theory went like this

close only counts with hand grenades

and horseshoes


Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.

Only it's bullshit. Authoritarian anything is leftwing. Anarchy is rightwing. The best governments for the majority of a country's population is central left.
It's interesting that the formerly authoritarian left decided to portray themselves as centrist after they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections including four crucial special elections since President Trump was inaugurated. The centrist claim is B.S.

Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.

Linear 2 dimensional political scales suck. You can horseshoe them or Moebius strip them and NEVER see the difference between tolerance and authoriatian.

Better solution? Use TWO or dimensions for a political spectrum. You won't bend yourself into pretzels trying to graph Authoritarians. THere's an ACTUAL DIMENSION for Authoritarians.

Like in these..


I don't lose any sleep trying to contort a left-right scale anymore. When IN FACT -- there might be THREE OR MORE DIMENSIONS that allow you see where different politicians and groups fit...

Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.

Only it's bullshit. Authoritarian anything is leftwing. Anarchy is rightwing. The best governments for the majority of a country's population is central left.
Not even close. Been plent of right wing dictatorships and left wing ones as well.

A cute little bit of nonsense promulgated by the fabian socialists to confuse the natives. There is no real difference between left wing authoritarianism and right wing. They are both the same house, just a different color. The lie helps them though because they simply want socialists in power, thus no matter if it is "left" or "right" they still win. Ignorant, unthinking people are easily fooled.

Here, let me make it simple for you. There are two extremes of government. Collectivist/authoritarian, and individualist/anarchical. That's it. Those are the two extremes. Politics is not a horseshoe, it is a teeter/totter. The secret is to find the balance point where the individual citizens do the best overall.

Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.

Only it's bullshit. Authoritarian anything is leftwing. Anarchy is rightwing. The best governments for the majority of a country's population is central left.
Not even close. Been plent of right wing dictatorships and left wing ones as well.

A cute little bit of nonsense promulgated by the fabian socialists to confuse the natives. There is no real difference between left wing authoritarianism and right wing. They are both the same house, just a different color. The lie helps them though because they simply want socialists in power, thus no matter if it is "left" or "right" they still win. Ignorant, unthinking people are easily fooled.

Here, let me make it simple for you. There are two extremes of government. Collectivist/authoritarian, and individualist/anarchical. That's it. Those are the two extremes. Politics is not a horseshoe, it is a teeter/totter. The secret is to find the balance point where the individual citizens do the best overall.

The best balance is usually closer to economic and personal freedom than it is any form of centralized command and control.. Ask Venezuela.

Correct! That's how it is. We got all 3 here.

Only it's bullshit. Authoritarian anything is leftwing. Anarchy is rightwing. The best governments for the majority of a country's population is central left.
Not even close. Been plent of right wing dictatorships and left wing ones as well.

A cute little bit of nonsense promulgated by the fabian socialists to confuse the natives. There is no real difference between left wing authoritarianism and right wing. They are both the same house, just a different color. The lie helps them though because they simply want socialists in power, thus no matter if it is "left" or "right" they still win. Ignorant, unthinking people are easily fooled.

Here, let me make it simple for you. There are two extremes of government. Collectivist/authoritarian, and individualist/anarchical. That's it. Those are the two extremes. Politics is not a horseshoe, it is a teeter/totter. The secret is to find the balance point where the individual citizens do the best overall.

The best balance is usually closer to economic and personal freedom than it is any form of centralized command and control.. Ask Venezuela.


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