Zone1 Why is there fear of Black people?

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The blacks doing those murders don't even account for 1% of the population. It's all just a pretext for anti black racism.
Most whites are not only not racist, but want to be allies, the problem is the level of crime in the black community makes us naturally apprehensive about black people we don't know. It's called human nature.
Most whites are not only not racist, but want to be allies, the problem is the level of crime in the black community makes us naturally apprehensive about black people we don't know. It's called human nature.
The level of crime in white communities is higher. Most whites who are racist deny their racism and the overall racism of whites in general.

In 2017, an IPSOS poll showed that 31 percent of the whites in rthat poll supported white supremacist ideas. There are 330 million Americans, if we extrapolatethat to the entire population given that 60 percent of the population now is white 61 milion whites would be racists. That is approximately 1 in 5 Americans. This shows that there are potentially 13 million more whites who are racists than the entire back population and you sit on your butt talking about why whites shoud fear us. Given these potential numbers, we should fear whites far more.

And the numbers could actually be higher because there are whites who no doubt answered no but support white supremacy.
That is so highly subjective as to not be worth arguing. What on earth is considered "supporting white supremacist ideas"?

I'm talking cold, hard science, that is not open to interpretation.
That is so highly subjective as to not be worth arguing. What on earth is considered "supporting white supremacist ideas"?

I'm talking cold, hard science, that is not open to interpretation.
I'm talking cold hard reality.

Whites commit far more crime and far more violent crime. So whatever science you're taking about must be imaginary.
I'm talking cold hard reality.

Whites commit far more crime and far more violent crime. So whatever science you're taking about must be imaginary.
No, they don't xxxxxxx. whites make up 60 percent of the population, yet no stat is over that in the crimes committed by whites. Blacks make up 13 percent of the population and commit 50 percent of all murders 37 percent of all violent crimes and the list goes on.

***Mod Edit: Read the rules for Zone 1.
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Jesse Jackson told a story a few decades ago about walking alone at night with footsteps coming up behind him.

When he saw they were white, he said he felt relieved.

My rule is to avoid proximity to young black men, unless they are obviously dressed for work or church.
The blacks doing those murders don't even account for 1% of the population. It's all just a pretext for anti black racism.
Anti black racism is a rational response to sky high black crime rates, jaw dropping rates of black illegitimacy, and sagging black IQ averages.

A white person with extensive experience with Negroes and who is not an anti black racist is either forgiving or delusional.
Most whites are not only not racist, but want to be allies, the problem is the level of crime in the black community makes us naturally apprehensive about black people we don't know. It's called human nature.
This is it.

I once was alone in a bad neighborhood, around 11 p.m., waiting at a bus stop. I shuddered when I saw a group of five black youth walking toward me, because I knew that the odds of them assaulting me, raping me, robbing me, were greater than if it had been a group of five white youths.

As it turned out, my fears were justified. A cop turned the corner just as they surrounded me, closing in, and halted it. (Gd was on my side.)
This is it.

I once was alone in a bad neighborhood, around 11 p.m., waiting at a bus stop. I shuddered when I saw a group of five black youth walking toward me, because I knew that the odds of them assaulting me, raping me, robbing me, were greater than if it had been a group of five white youths.

As it turned out, my fears were justified. A cop turned the corner just as they surrounded me, closing in, and halted it. (Gd was on my side.)
When I am in or near a black neighborhood I carry pepper spray. I have used it to thwart three mugging attempts by Negroes.
This is it.

I once was alone in a bad neighborhood, around 11 p.m., waiting at a bus stop. I shuddered when I saw a group of five black youth walking toward me, because I knew that the odds of them assaulting me, raping me, robbing me, were greater than if it had been a group of five white youths.

As it turned out, my fears were justified. A cop turned the corner just as they surrounded me, closing in, and halted it. (Gd was on my side.)
Black criminals hunt in packs.

A bad neighborhood is always a black neighborhood. I feel perfectly safe in neighborhoods inhabited by poor Vietnamese war refugees.
Whites are not afraid that Negroes will score better than us on mental aptitude tests, or that they will perform better than us on a job.
What are "white supremacist ideas
According to IM2, a “white supremacist idea” is to object to reparations to people who were never slaves, paid by people who never owned slaves.

Blacks have enjoyed Affirmative Action admissions favoritism since the 1970s. That was reparations enough: Our neighbors in the 1970s was a black couple - a dentist and a teacher - whose daughter was in high school with me. That means SHE got favored for admissions in the 1970s, and then her daughter would have gotten favored again in the late 90s. Then her GRANDDAUGHTER would have gotten favored around 2020.

Why should a black kid whose great-grandparents, then grandparents, and then parents were college graduates get reparations?

IM2 considers that “a white supremacist idea.”
Most whites are not only not racist, but want to be allies, the problem is the level of crime in the black community makes us naturally apprehensive about black people we don't know. It's called human nature.
If only you were apprehensive about double negatives.

If you could somehow prove that less than .01% of whites were racist, you'd have a field day with that percent, and cite the statistic over and over as a win in the culture war. Yet, somehow, I'm supposed to have black guilt over 0.01% of the blacks who do the murders? I don't think so. And like 90% of these murders are black gang members killing other gang members, not you or even myself.

Most whites are racist and it has nothing to do with crime. I don't care what you think or do-that's yo bidnezz. If you can do it then you can do it lol. It's no different than the Europeans yoinking the Americas from the Natives, or Hong Kong from the Chinese. My focus is not about white validation, but bettering the race so that we can punish you when you do exhibit racist behavior, in the same way that Israel can retaliate after a terrorist attack from the Palestinians. You misunderstand: I don't want to assimilate; I want to dominate. That's the core issue I have with contemporary wokeness in black spaces. All of their solutions revolve around non blacks choosing to treat us fairly. You'll be waiting a long time, if not, for eternity. I'd much rather force them. I posit Woke Conservatism as the only real paradigm for Black people today. It is equal parts Racial realism as it is Personal responsibility.

Those are the kinds of black people you actually fear. You may not even know it, but it's true. You seriously want millions of high IQ black men and women in the employment line in front of you and your children? I don't think so. That goes against nature.
Most whites are racist and it has nothing to do with crime.
I believe that whites tend to be more intelligent than Negroes, and that we have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I guess that makes me a racist. Now prove me mistaken.
My focus is not about white validation, but bettering the race so that we can punish you when you do exhibit racist behavior,
How do you intend to punish me for taking safeguards with young black men I do not know that I do not take with young white, Oriental, and even Hispanic men?
You misunderstand: I don't want to assimilate; I want to dominate. That's the core issue I have with contemporary wokeness in black spaces. All of their solutions revolve around non blacks choosing to treat us fairly. You'll be waiting a long time, if not, for eternity. I'd much rather force them...

You seriously want millions of high IQ black men and women in the employment line in front of you and your children? I don't think so. That goes against nature.

How do you intend to dominate whites when we tend to be more intelligent, successful, and powerful than blacks? Do you really think you could win a race war?

I do not mind when high IQ black men and high IQ black women are ahead of me in the employment line. I doubt there are millions of them. What I resent is when affirmative action places millions of low IQ blacks in the employment line ahead of me.
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