The Truth About the Left...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
1. The Left believes that the Right is both stupid and evil. (The Right believes that the Left is wrong - about everything).

2. The Left has NO IDEA that the Right hates O'Bama just as much as the Left hates Trump. Maybe more.

3. The Left honors the idea of a Constitution, but abhors most of it, especially the Tenth Amendment.

4. For the Left, the Narrative is more important than the Truth. A Leftist will lie to your face rather than acknowledge even the most simple and basic fact (e.g., that gender is immutable).

5. The Left has no clue how actual working people think (Their parents thought "Archie Bunker" was amazingly true to life).

6. The overwhelming goal of the Left is to maximize the number of voters who are significantly dependent on Government, whether for a paycheck, benefit check, foodstamps, health services, or citizenship itself.

7. Utopia, to an American Leftist, is the reproduction in the U.S. of an idealized misconception of the social welfare states of Europe and Canada.

8. "Science," to a Leftist, is nothing more than the repetition of a politically desirable Narrative.

9. To an American Leftist, Trump's tweeting is "embarrassing" to the United States, but O'Bama illegal and unconstitutional usurpations (now being destroyed by Trump and the courts) were "heroic."

10. American Leftists still think HRC would have been a great President...which is why Trump will have 8 years.
Simplistic generalizations are one thing but reality is that democrats lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and more than 3,000 state and local elections in the last eight years including the four special elections that they counted on. The democrat party is dying and the only hope seems to be a crazy assassination agenda. The left has become so radicalized that a mid-west middle class middle aged democrat white guy decided to become an assassin and murder conservative congresspeople last month. This goes beyond hatred and craziness and drifts into anarchy. .
I have been on boards like this for years. I see time after time where some self styled intellectual conservative thinks they have liberals all figured out, none of them have ever been close. The one thing they can never comprehend is empathy for people they do not personally know and do not readily identify with or with altruism in general.
Good point, "occupied." But consider the following: Government has no empathy. When speaking of government benefit programs, Government is nothing more than an agency that transfers resources from payer to recipient. The actual individuals in the agencies are doing a job. Period. The politicians who sponsor it are whores and thieves.

And there is nothing altruistic about voting for candidates who promise to confiscate money from productive people and dispense it to non-productive people, no matter how "deserving" they might be. Altruism is when YOU get off your ass to help someone, or open your own wallet to help. There is no vicarious "love," and to suppose that supporting social welfare programs (essentially all of which are unconstitutional) is "doing something good," is a nauseating conceit - particularly for the half of the population that pays essential no federal income taxes.
Good point, "occupied." But consider the following: Government has no empathy. When speaking of government benefit programs, Government is nothing more than an agency that transfers resources from payer to recipient. The actual individuals in the agencies are doing a job. Period. The politicians who sponsor it are whores and thieves.

And there is nothing altruistic about voting for candidates who promise to confiscate money from productive people and dispense it to non-productive people, no matter how "deserving" they might be. Altruism is when YOU get off your ass to help someone, or open your own wallet to help. There is no vicarious "love," and to suppose that supporting social welfare programs (essentially all of which are unconstitutional) is "doing something good," is a nauseating conceit - particularly for the half of the population that pays essential no federal income taxes.
Bullshit, a government that does nothing to promote social stability and keep the misery level low will simply not last long unless it is brutal and tyrannical. Freedom is indeed not free, there is a cost to keeping the poor from dragging the rich out of their ivory towers and lynching their asses.
1. The Left believes that the Right is both stupid and evil. (The Right believes that the Left is wrong - about everything).

2. The Left has NO IDEA that the Right hates O'Bama just as much as the Left hates Trump. Maybe more.

3. The Left honors the idea of a Constitution, but abhors most of it, especially the Tenth Amendment.

4. For the Left, the Narrative is more important than the Truth. A Leftist will lie to your face rather than acknowledge even the most simple and basic fact (e.g., that gender is immutable).

5. The Left has no clue how actual working people think (Their parents thought "Archie Bunker" was amazingly true to life).

6. The overwhelming goal of the Left is to maximize the number of voters who are significantly dependent on Government, whether for a paycheck, benefit check, foodstamps, health services, or citizenship itself.

7. Utopia, to an American Leftist, is the reproduction in the U.S. of an idealized misconception of the social welfare states of Europe and Canada.

8. "Science," to a Leftist, is nothing more than the repetition of a politically desirable Narrative.

9. To an American Leftist, Trump's tweeting is "embarrassing" to the United States, but O'Bama illegal and unconstitutional usurpations (now being destroyed by Trump and the courts) were "heroic."

10. American Leftists still think HRC would have been a great President...which is why Trump will have 8 years.
1. I don't know if they are evil and stupid, but they sure come up with some stupid evil shit.
2. Please. We've just been through 8 years of unrelenting Obama hatred. We have a long way to go before we ever catch up with that.
3.The right cares mostly about the 2nd Amendment, but doesn't give a shit about the rest of it. Like President "W" Bush said "It's just a goddamned piece of paper."
4. Try to get a right winger to admit simple truths like the War on Drugs is a failure. Or there weren't any WMD's in Iraq.
5. The left is made up of working people.
6. BS
7. There is no utopia, but we have the means to take care of our own people more equitably than we do now.
8. Politically desireable narrative like Climate Change isn't real? Coal is clean? Pollution doesn't matter?
9. Trump's tweets and attention seeking is embarrassing. What did Obama do that was illegal or unconstitutional? Why would the Republican house, Senate, and Supreme Court let him get away with it? Smells like BS to me.
10. I would have been happier with just about any other Dem besides Hillary. I didn't vote for her, but she would have been a vast improvement over Tweety.
The Federal Government is prohibited by the Constitution from "helping" people. Look at Article I, Section 8, which lists ALL the powers of Congress. Do you see anything that benefits an individual? (Hint: No.) Do you see anything that takes money out of one person's pocket and puts it into another person's pocket? (Hint: No.)

People who need charity have historically gotten it from: Family, friends, the Church, neighbors, and charitable organizations.

By placing "charity" under government control, and culturally removing the "stigma" that was rightly attached to irresponsible behavior, Government (and those who support such programs) have unwittingly incentivized the very behavior that destroys the society.

Then you blame those who oppose it for the deterioration? Talk about twisted logic.

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