horrible visit to the Dentist. My teeth are bad shape

Tijuana is the place to go for affordable dental care, it's a top medical tourist destination for many Americans. You're not that far away from there.

I spent around $6000 of my own money over two years to replace all my fillings and get a crown and a bridge put in (with insurance helping). My teeth are all good to go. Regular checkups are the best prevention, other than brushing and flossing daily.
Man, you are just a ray of sunshine, aren't you?:eek:

Sorry man, but when someone neglects their health and I know it can lead to death, I feel like I gotta say something. Chances are, if he just gets his dental work done, there ain't no problem.
I've been trying to find a dentist for DECADES, to replace all my teeth with fake ones.
Only ever found one dentist to do it. My insurance wouldn't pay for any of it, and she wanted 3K cash to do it.
That was back in 2008.

Dentists MAKE you keep coming back for more fillings and crowns and all sorts of other bullfuckingshit, because thats how they fucking scam us. They make it so we HAVE to keep coming back again and again and again, and again.....................

If they gave us all false teeth when we want them, their business would pretty much dry up.

Even now, my teeth keep falling apart, and all the fuckers want to do is refill them! Can't find any dentist that will give me false teeth.
AS you may know I have been super duper depressed since my crippling injuries

The last several months I have not taken care of myself.
I was eating a lot of candy bars and Jewish Candies ( HALVAH)

now I have several cavaties and F up teeth.

Very sad . I had a dental app on Monday afternoon in Henderson and I was given the bad news

Besides brushing, try using a water pic. I put several drops of Grapefruit seed extract in mine... it was recommended by my dental hygenist. The extract kills bacteria colonies under the gums, also if you have painful teeth at the gum line TRY getting some pure coconut oil... keep it in the fridge, then break off some chunks and hold against your teeth and gums. Coconut oil also kills bacteria under the gums and has protective properties... helps to seal out the bad stuff and encourage helpful enzimes and such.that was also recommended to me by my dentist. I tried that once and the pain went away the next day.

I also stopped eating Jewish candies and replaced them with Arab ones. Good luck!
Stop eating candy, stop drinking sodas.

If you are like me and love the fizz.......get flavored fizzy water that does NOT contain sugar.
It takes some getting used to, but its much better for you.

Start taking vitamins. Based on your past posts, I would suggest Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Fish Oil, and a multi-vitamin.
If you have a CVS near you, get their brand. Their brand is rated the best, and they usually have Buy One Get One Free going on.

Vitamin D will help with feeling sluggish.
Vitamin C will help with bulking up your blood a bit.
Magnesium helps with a multitude of things.
Fish Oil is good for your skin and organs. (unless you are alergic, then I would suggest seaweed)
And get the multi vitamin for men over 50. They are better adapted for men with vitamin issues.

Take one every day when you get up in the morning.
It might be 2 or 3 months before they start taking effect, as they have to build up in your system.
Vitamin D can be burned off daily, so you can take that twice a day if you want.

Take them daily for at least 3 months. See if you don't feel a bit better.

Stop drinking alcohol for a few months.
Start drinking teas.....the teas can have some sugar in them, but it's better for your teeth if you get used to unsweet tea, or slightly sweet tea, or artificially sweetened tea. Tea will help bolster your immune system a bit.
Make your own tea if you can, instead of buying the bottled ones. Home brewed tea is much better.

Start eating veggies for snacks. You can buy small, ready made veggie snack bowls a the grocery store if you don't want to make up your own. Once you get used to eating them for snacks, you wont really miss the candy. Plus, they will make you feel better.

There are several different Vitamin D's. You can ask the pharmacy clerk which one might be best for what ails you.
But D3 is the "popular" one right now. But it really doesn't matter which D you take, they pretty much all do the same thing.



If you need sweet in something, use raw honey. You can get it at Whole Foods, or you can get it at a vitamin shop.
Don't get that stuff in the grocery stores, it's mixed with corn syrup, which won't help you. You need pure, raw honey.
AS you may know I have been super duper depressed since my crippling injuries

The last several months I have not taken care of myself.
I was eating a lot of candy bars and Jewish Candies ( HALVAH)

now I have several cavaties and F up teeth.

Very sad . I had a dental app on Monday afternoon in Henderson and I was given the bad news

Here you go again....
Whine,whine,whine.... You claim to have money so get your fucking teeth fixed!!!
I fell off a roof when I was 16 and shattered all of my molars. I had bridgework until they no longer worked.
I then went to an oral surgeon and had all the teeth I had left yanked out of my mouth.
I followed that up with a complete set of implants.
If you have money as you claim go get your fucking teeth fixed or shut the fuck up!!!
Here you go again....
Whine,whine,whine.... You claim to have money so get your fucking teeth fixed!!!
I fell off a roof when I was 16 and shattered all of my molars. I had bridgework until they no longer worked.
I then went to an oral surgeon and had all the teeth I had left yanked out of my mouth.
I followed that up with a complete set of implants.
If you have money as you claim go get your fucking teeth fixed or shut the fuck up!!!
I come from a wealthy family

It’s about the hassle and inconvenience
Soda pop has done it

Please avoid sugar drinks or you will be like me

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