Holy Smokes! Matt Drudge is Gay???

I think you're being disengenous.

There are currently many of your leaders in office today that adamantly and fervently express anti-gay sentiments in the public arena almost daily. Namely Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Billy Graham's radical RWer son, et. al.

These are the CURRENT leaders of your party sir, many of which we'll soon see asking for Americans to consider and vote for them as the next President.

Until these leaders are shunned, which I don' see happening, the anti-gay sentiment will continue to be a staple of the Republican Party.

Cut the charade.

I'm a Democrat Sir. I am merely pointing out the silliness that guano et al are putting themselves through trying to open a rift between Drudge and the cons. They wonder why cons aren't upset that Drudge is gay. The cons aren't following the progressive meme that all cons are homophobes. The progtards are falling all over themselves trying to figure out why. It seems the progtards are the ones who never evolve.
A Democrat using a term such as "progtards?!?!?" I'm guessing that's supposed to mean something like progressive retards.

Who are you trying to fool here, me or you?

There's a huge difference between a liberal Democrat, which I am, and a progressive. Liberals are for maximum amount of freedom for the individual and control of governmental intrusion into the individuals private life. Progressives are for the maximum amount of governmental control. Do you see a difference there?
yes, you would be an establishment-type hence your "Democrat" label. Correct?

Nope. Remember back in the 1960's and '70s when the mantra was

I still do....you spread wide and wait for them to tell you what to think.
Nice backpedal. :thup: You said you were a liberal democrat which is STILL a democrat hence- an establishment-type. You rock the boat but not too much. You establishment-types are the problem.

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