Hollywoood Jews writers love to put down RC especially but Christians in general


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.
I could go on but you get the drift.

No, I really don't?

Just because there are some unbelieving Jews smearing and denigrating the Catholic faith or followers does not mean Jewish people in general think that way or wish ill upon anyone.

Just because there are some Jewish moguls and big shots in Hollywood who could not care less about God does not mean that the gentile moguls and big shots in Hollywood are any less malevolent and filthy in their ideas and decisions.

Just because Catholics and protestants treated Jewish people horribly in Europe for centuries does not mean they actually understood just how sinful they were being. Nor does it imply in any way at all how Christians feel about Jews in modern times. Many brutal acts and barbaric ways were the norm back in medieval times and dark ages when mankind was not about entertaining themselves but only about survival.

I believe you have a serious unforgiving intolerance towards Jews in general and Israel in specific. I believe it seriously tarnishes your other forms of good will and your godly beliefs. Especially when you try so hard to find quotes, etc. that some Israeli said about Arabs, and yet, ignore the facts of the last 100 hundred years how horribly and unfairly the Jews have been treated by their Arab brother. I am no fan of that Rosie person either, but you and her really carry on far too much, IMO. If you are a Christian, you really need to rethink your animosity towards our Jewish brother. Their history of continuous persecutions by nations and people of all stripes is no coincidence. It is God's chosen people being persecuted for their own horrible sins, but more so, because the Savior of mankind has come from that people and Satan is incensed by it all.
Yep it's a conspiracy to kick satanists out of heaven (our future).
You found us out, now what are you gonna do start another sadistic crusade or Holocaust?
Yep it's a conspiracy to kick satanists out of heaven (our future).
You found us out, now what are you gonna do start another sadistic crusade or Holocaust?View attachment 48975

Thank You!
(Save your holocaust story , not interested in your version)

I can only imagine what the Germans went through with the Zionist propaganda, and everyone else, the Romans,
they loved the Greek though, except for some Maccabee zealots. "Judea declares war on Germany" Sun Times 1933
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Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.
There will always be hateful evil individuals, (not entire groups of people). What you have to decide is if you want to continue to be one or if you want to change.
Penelope, I have already shared my thoughts on Catholicism with you so that is not necessary to do again. What I will say is that there is a very small percentage of Jews who openly work to destroy the faith of people who would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and salvation. They were on the earth when Jesus walked ( Pharisees and Saducees) and there are some on the earth today but not all by any stretch of the imagination. On this board I've never seen any Jews openly slander the name of the Messiah until HaShev and his friend showed up doing it and most people here ignore them because none of what they claim can be found in the Bible. It could be they do not want to see more Jewish people coming to Christ but I must tell you - it's too late - there have been over 1 million Jewish people who have already given their hearts to Jesus Christ and received Yeshua as their Messiah. OVER 1 MILLION JEWS HAVE BECOME BORN AGAIN BELIEVERS! That is very wonderful news!

I believe many more will come. I received an email the other day from David Brickner, he is the executive Director for Jews for Jesus and he told me that just the other day another Jewish woman gave her life to Jesus Christ and received Him as her Messiah! What exciting news! It truly is happening. The Jews around the world are receiving Christ as their Messiah. Will all receive Him? No. Neither will all Gentiles receive Him but we rejoice over all who will come no matter their ethnicity. We are all the same in God's eyes. Still - the Gospel is to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.
There will always be hateful evil individuals, (not entire groups of people). What you have to decide is if you want to continue to be one or if you want to change.

Your right, I have no choice but to put up with the assholes in power, aka Jews in charge of Hollywood and Media.
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.

Indeed,its becoming more and more well known that hollywood is run and controlled by the zionists.
Yep it's a conspiracy to kick satanists out of heaven (our future).
You found us out, now what are you gonna do start another sadistic crusade or Holocaust?View attachment 48975

Thank You!
(Say your holocaust story , not interested in your version)

I can only imagine what the Germans went through with the Zionist propaganda, and everyone else, the Romans,
they loved the Greek though, except for some Maccabee zealots. "Judea declares war on Germany" Sun Times 1933

I am intrigued-----what do you "imagine...the germans went through with the Zionist propaganda....". It is certainly true
that some jews did read the book written by the catholic leader----adolf hitler-----in 1928 ----the same guy elected chancellor of Germany in 1933 by catholic/Lutheran Germany. It is important to listen to what people say and
read what they write and accept that what they say and write----they BELIEVE and will act upon that which they believe. It is also important to understand that people who support them-----share those beliefs and support their future actions. Penelope----have you read "Zionist propaganda" which you
believe would have impacted on Germans? I am very interested in knowing what the "Zionist propaganda" was at that time. Can you cite some examples???
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.
There will always be hateful evil individuals, (not entire groups of people). What you have to decide is if you want to continue to be one or if you want to change.

Your right, I have no choice but to put up with the assholes in power, aka Jews in charge of Hollywood and Media.

why? is someone forcing you to view Hollywood productions or forcing you to read writings by jews?.
Is there NO ONE among your own who can write?
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew woman is about a screwed up Irish Catholic family, and the RC Priest sexual abuse scandal in it . His partner is a Israelite ex mossed agent and sevreral actors are Jews including the main one Ray (Is there any mention about how the Orthodox Jewish society in Ny, sends their pedophiles to Israel no, or about the sucking circumcism they still do. Takes a Jew to write about Hollywood, since most of them are Jews.

Then we have the Big Bang Theory, goes out of its way to smear RC and Christians In general, but it was also wrote by Jews and well Howard, his wife (the little one who plays the RC girl) , Amy, Stuart , and Leonard's mother are all Jews in real life. Of course we have Sheldon and Leonard named after Sheldon Leonard,

I could go on but you get the drift.
There will always be hateful evil individuals, (not entire groups of people). What you have to decide is if you want to continue to be one or if you want to change.

Your right, I have no choice but to put up with the assholes in power, aka Jews in charge of Hollywood and Media.
Missed it, didn'tcha...... Not surprising........
I have to admit------I never heard of RAY DONOVAN-----so I googled-----It seems to me to be an idiotic SOAP OPERA----
there are people who post here who feel it so IMPORTANT
in their worthless lives to watch soap operas and even FEEL
offended by their contents---------so why watch the stupid things?-------you people must be DESPERATE. sheeesh----now I have to googe "big bang"
Ray Donovan wrote by a Jew womant.

A 'jew woman'?

LOL- anti-semites on parade.

more like a parade of illiterate persons ----members of
what some people term "white trash". It cannot learn.
People on this messageboard, including me, have tried
to jam a bit of "grammar" down her unwilling throat.
Knowing how to write---might IMPROVE it's mind.
I love these posts, because it proves the fallen star did indeed make them like wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Then people can see the difference between Jewish humor and intellectual debate and this Christian venom spewing personal attacks & cuss words.
Truth needs not darkness, only sadism finds this acceptable behavior.
Let the children throw the chess board to the ground in fits of rage, it just proves human ego is their god.
I love these posts, because it proves the fallen star did indeed make them like wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Then people can see the difference between Jewish humor and intellectual debate and this Christian venom spewing personal attacks & cuss words.
Truth needs not darkness, only sadism finds this acceptable behavior.
Let the children throw the chess board to the ground in fits of rage, it just proves human ego is their god.

hashev------tell me something----just a little----about the idiot soap operas that came under discussion "Donovan" and
"big bang"---------it is the kind of programing to which I never
GO-------soaps-------therefore I had no idea that they are
"anti Christian".....are they? or do the characters just happen to be Christian and act like idiots----kinda like all soaps. I can do sit coms if they are HUMOROUS-------but "serious" soaps?-------I have never been that desperate
When intellectuals in the science community go head to head with people in the Bible belt like Sheldons mom then there is a clash of science vs irrational zealousy and shows like big bang merely capture that natural real clash using humor. Penelope does not find humor, because she is taught to hate & be miserable. They despise intellect for they fear being inadequate in relations to those who are studied.
Basically this exposes a very important issue, the OP is now telling us the writers should lie and whitewash
reality which is what the NT did and now we see why these people find lying and whitewashing reality as acceptable behavior. We also see from this, that the OP wants us to give her Lord Satan a fair chance and lay off him.
When intellectuals in the science community go head to head with people in the Bible belt like Sheldons mom then there is a clash of science vs irrational zealousy and shows like big bang merely capture that natural real coash using humor. Penelope does not find humor because she is taught to hate & be miserable.
Basically this exposes a very important issue, the OP is now telling us the writers should lie and whitewash
reality which is what the NT did and now we see why these people find lying and whitewashing reality as acceptable behavior. We also see from this, that the OP wants us to give her Lord Satan a fair chance and lay off him.

uhm "sheldons"?? I never watched that soap------I never watched "housewives of timbuctu" either Big bang is a
science vs bible belt thing?--in soap form ? Ok despite humor I will skip it. IMHO (you can leave out that H if you wish) the NT is a testament to roman ambition, not precisely a scriptural writing-------except in parts. It is very contrived in MOST PARTS. Revelations is like a scriptural writing--------but it kinda seems to want to
ape DANIEL a little as if the writers of the NT has an intention of just doing away with the tanach so for literary value they threw in "revelations"
I love these posts, because it proves the fallen star did indeed make them like wormwood (bitter & poisonous).
Then people can see the difference between Jewish humor and intellectual debate and this Christian venom spewing personal attacks & cuss words.
Truth needs not darkness, only sadism finds this acceptable behavior.
Let the children throw the chess board to the ground in fits of rage, it just proves human ego is their god.

Jewish humor at the expense of Christians and also Muslims are being attacked big time by Jew elites.

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