HIV Positive Restaurant

For transmission to occur, the HIV in these fluids must get into the bloodstream of an HIV-negative person through a mucous membrane (found in the rectum, vagina, mouth, or tip of the penis), through open cuts or sores, or by direct injection (from a needle or syringe).

Does that say cheese burger anywhere? You would be hundreds or thousands of times more likely to get hepatitis than HIV. HIV does not survive out of the bloodstream long enough to study it. God, people with a little bit of knowledge are the most dangerous.
I know a dentist who died from AIDS when a patient with AIDS had a broken tooth and the tooth cut through his latex glove and cut his finger. This was early in the AIDS epidemic.
I know a dentist who died from AIDS when a patient with AIDS had a broken tooth and the tooth cut through his latex glove and cut his finger. This was early in the AIDS epidemic.
Blood to blood. Very good. Needle sticks were a major concern of my profession. If I got a needle stick with a known HIV patient my odds were still much better of contracting hepatitis.
And Viet Nam vets guys just hate gays and this is another hate point. Actually it just sunk in why you guys were so stupid about HIV transmission, just another hate opportunity.
Would you have a statistic that proof's HIV infected persons nowadays are in majority homos? from what I know it's prostitutes - infect heterosexual men - who in turn infect their wives and female partners - right down to new born baby's and unchecked blood transfusions. That foremost homos started to carry and promote the initial spread of that disease is known to you?
Would you have a statistic that proof's HIV infected persons nowadays are in majority homos? from what I know it's prostitutes - infect heterosexual men - who in turn infect their wives and partners - right down to new born baby's and unchecked blood transfusions. That foremost homos started to carry and promote the initial spread of that disease is known to you?
I do not have a statistic but there are many studies, I do not know what proof's mean, but HIV started out in the homosexual community. Even with HIV+ males, I cannot quite follow your point, if there is one, but there is the possibility of the virus crossing the placenta...what the hell is a foremost homo?
Like seriously, who would want to eat here? This world just keeps getting more and more ridiculous by the moment. You just can't make this stuff up. :rolleyes:

You'd be surprised and shocked at the amount of diseased people working in the fast food industry.

Here in DFW, they used to make you get tested for diseases, pass a city health exam, and get a health card so you could work in retail food. They stopped doing that in the early 80's.

Anybody can get a job handling food, babies, the elderly, or your pets........without ever being tested for diseases, or even ASKED about them.

I've seen fast food workers spit on peoples food, sneeze on it, drop hair on it, or use filthy equipment/tools.

I've worked in enough fast food and food production places in my life, I can walk into any place that deals with food, and tell you if its clean or not. And by "clean", I mean sanitary enough for ME to eat there.

If anything, this restaurant should be applauded for being HONEST and UPFRONT with their potential customers. This way, the customers KNOW what to look for, in terms of their food being handled properly.

Seriously..........most illegals work in fast food, house cleaning, and street labor. You really think THEY have been checked for diseases or even given a health checkup????? :auiqs.jpg:
You guys know how you catch HIV? Right. Your chef ain't gonna give it to you unless you are really close. What is wrong with you people?
HIV can be transmitted from person to person via blood, semen, rectal or vaginal secretions, or breast milk.

I don't believe anyone wants to risk catching a debilitating disease protected only by this sign...

Would you have a statistic that proof's HIV infected persons nowadays are in majority homos? from what I know it's prostitutes - infect heterosexual men - who in turn infect their wives and female partners - right down to new born baby's and unchecked blood transfusions. That foremost homos started to carry and promote the initial spread of that disease is known to you?
Amanda Blake, who played Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke, died from AIDs and it was attributed to her last husband who had contracted HIV.

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Unless you are an infant and the chef chews your food for you, you will not get aids from your chef.

Read this and quit sounding so stupid on the internet.
Amanda Blake, who played Miss Kitty on Gunsmoke, died from AIDs and it was attributed to her last husband who had contracted HIV.

OMG, I LOOOOOOOVED "Miss Kitty"!!!!!! I watched Gunsmoke JUST for her!!!!!
I was very much shocked when she passed away. She was the reason I like strong women who don't fuck around and play headgames!!!!
AIDS is preventable, managable, treatable, and even curable.

But the MSM and the Pedocrats don't want you to know this. They want you to continue to live in fear of the lies they tell.

Not all people get AIDS from sex either. Bad blood, infected cuts, cleaning blood, handling blood in a hospital, or just giving care to someone who has HIV. But if they are on their meds and taking them when they are supposed to, and wearing all the correct protective gear.........rubber gloves, mask, and keeping all work areas constantly sanitized.........then there shouldn't be any problems. I hope anybody that gets a cut is immediately sent home to properly deal with it, while all surfaces and kitchen tools are sanitzed and cleaned.

If any customer aquires HIV or AIDS, that restaurant will be shut down, because the insurance payout will pretty much kill the business.
Chefs use knives, and have a high possibility of accidentally cutting themselves. A person can get HIV after being exposed to or ingesting infected blood, so an HIV-infected chef is a hard pass.

And before you say "But cooking the food would kill the virus", I'll mention the fact that you don't cook salads.

If someone working in any restaurant kitchen cuts themself, and bleeds on the food, the food has to be thrown out. That is basic food safety protocol.

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