Hitler.hitler,hitler and quess what ... More Hitler


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Is what Sirius XM Patriot Breitbart Talk Radio host Andrew
Wilcow is *banking on.That is how deserately " juvenile " these
political propagandist are.They are going to insist and plea as many
times as a clock strikes the hour ... that Trump is virtually Hitler.
Another Hitler.They { these Unamerican propagandist firstrate assklowns }
are going to simply { like grade school priviledged brats } Define Trump
by not making the case that he's Hitler,but somehow is a Hitler.
See how that works.Just easy breezie ... lemon squeezie crapola.
That is how a nutter Leftists { Andy Beshear } beat a decent pol
{ Daniel Cameron } in Kentucky last week.For Governor.
By repeated use of commericals " defining " Cameron.
Because politics is now a Circus.A mean,ornery,unamerican circus
with no true trapeze artists or even a Jumbo.Just some big mouth
fully grown hooligan who skipped 8th grade to learn some circus
act.As Ringmaster.
Think robot headed,beady-eyed Big lout mouth Joe Scarborough.
Out making the case that James Comer is all smoke and no fire.
Not evidence at all that Potus Joe Biden is and has been on the
take for years.I get it ... like all the 3 years of making the case that
Potus Trump " Colluded with Russia " and then Impeached him for
making use of a " Quid Pro Quo " - His congratulatory phone
call to newly elected Ukrainian President Zelensky.
I mean,we are now virtually Living an Orwellian nightmare.
Not merely every day ... but every hour.
Now remember to use thine Hitler.
Hitler... Hitler ... hitler.Trump is another Hitler.

" A savage is a man who has not had enough
news from the human race. "
" Be selfish.Nothing else makes the human
race predictable. "
" Poetry lies it's way to the Truth ".
-- John Ciardi

* Often loud but more often than not,usually
spot-on when it comes to explaining the Mainstream
Media and what they might pull.
Last edited:
too hitler, didn´t read
This is not likened to explaining or repeating Poetry.
Or even gutter poetry like from Charles Bukowski.
Or Beat poetry.
Just dagburn simple hate { spilling out } from the babes of
hellborn Leftist with nothing other than sheer attempts
to Lie repeatedly in order to make their foul case.
I mean,even Hitler's dog Blondi would have to politely
beg to leave the room when such gutter politics is
bandied about.
By Louts ... of course.Who else.
Is what Sirius XM Patriot Breitbart Talk Radio host Andrew
Wilcow is *banking on.That is how deserately " juvenile " these
political propagandist are.They are going to insist and plea as many
times as a clock strikes the hour ... that Trump is virtually Hitler.
Another Hitler.They { these Unamerican propagandist firstrate assklowns }
are going to simply { like grade school priviledged brats } Define Trump
by not making the case that he's Hitler,but somehow is a Hitler.
See how that works.Just easy breezie ... lemon squeezie crapola.
That is how a nutter Leftists { Andy Beshear } beat a decent pol
{ Daniel Cameron } in Kentucky last week.For Governor.
By repeated use of commericals " defining " Cameron.
Because politics is now a Circus.A mean,ornery,unamerican circus
with no true trapeze artists or even a Jumbo.Just some big mouth
fully grown hooligan who skipped 8th grade to learn some circus
act.As Ringmaster.
Think robot headed,beady-eyed Big lout mouth Joe Scarborough.
Out making the case that James Comer is all smoke and no fire.
Not evidence at all that Potus Joe Biden is and has been on the
take for years.I get it ... like all the 3 years of making the case that
Potus Trump " Colluded with Russia " and then Impeached him for
making use of a " Quid Pro Quo " - His congratulatory phone
call to newly elected Ukrainian President Zelensky.
I mean,we are now virtually Living an Orwellian nightmare.
Not merely every day ... but every hour.
Now remember to use thine Hitler.
Hitler... Hitler ... hitler.Trump is another Hitler.

" A savage is a man who has not had enough
news from the human race. "
" Be selfish.Nothing else makes the human
race predictable. "
" Poetry lies it's way to the Truth ".
-- John Ciardi

* Often loud but more often than not,usually
spot-on when it comes to explaining the Mainstream
Media and what they might pull.
Did you think this when over the weekend Hillary compared to Trump as Hitler?
I could say { or immodestly plead } that whatever works ...
Works.Have at it.But that is almost the textbook example of
Hitlerian.The farthest thing from Americanism.
But then F.D.R. is still lauded as some Great American.
Even though he managed to set up internment camps for
Japanese americans.Let Alger Hiss work under his Presidency.
Did little to help americans understand how Hitler personally
persecuted The Jews.Where the N.Y.Times { The Newspaper of
Record } purposedly ignored writing and explaining about the
Holocaust under Hitler.While F.D.R. was Potus.
Now there's a new fact to deal with.That Today's Democrat is
no different from your Father's or Grandfathers Democrat.
The Party of Jim Crow and going after Martin Luther King and
under Woodrow Wilson helped the KKK become a force.
The First Film { movie } to be screened at the White House was
under skinny prick Woodrow Wilson ... It was ... :
- The Birth of a Nation - { 1915 }
Originally called ... :
The Clansman -
Hitlerian as viewed in the lens of many movies made where
security goons { Nazis } carried around a natural hatred & disdain
for freedom of expression and thereby were almost superhuman in
their frenzied efforts to quash.
Like todays Mainstream medias bum rush efforts to extinquish
any likeability for Donald Trump.
No matter what anti-human device{s} are employed.
Like Kathy Griffith's gory 2017 Trump beheaded photo.
Now we're back to Barbara Streisand pleading she'll
move out of the United States if Trump wins in 2024.
I wonder how many times she'll call Trump :
Do not worry OP .
Uncle Adolf had some fine points even if he made a couple of unforced errors .
The Donald is probably related to him through common ancestry and both were at least in part Jewish .
I am hoping that Donald will grow a moustache for next year's title bout because that could swing the decision his way ,.
Particularly if he could introduce that fine swinging arm movement that Uncle used with such obvious enjoyment .
Crowd response to that would be great .

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