Hillary surrogates go negative on Bernie Sanders


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
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Hillary Clinton lackey David Brock refused to apologize to Bernie Sanders on Tuesday for an email his super PAC sent out comparing the Vermont senator to radical British Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn and deceased Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2015/09/16/clinton-minion-wont-apologize-for-dirty-opposition-research-attack-on-bernie-sanders-video/#ixzz3mOWxJaH4

and this is just the beginning
Bernie Sanders has refused to attack Hillary Clinton even when given ample opportunity to do so...instead simply campaigning on his view of the issues. While I don't agree with much of what Bernie says...I give him credit for that. Hillary on the other hand would throw her own mother under a bus if she thought it would win her an election. She couldn't attack Barack Obama last time because she didn't want to come off as a "racist" and she'll piss off some of the far left if she goes after Sanders but she'll do it anyways because this is it for Hillary. If she loses this race she's all done as far as running for President goes.
You HRC haters have been negative for a decade.

Hypocrisy much?
You know when I started to really hate Hillary? Do you remember when she made a killing in cattle futures and denied that she had insider trading information? I've thought that she was a bald faced liar ever since, Jake.
I agree with you. She is a bad person who does not need to be President. But the OP is hypocritical as it comes, accusing others of doing what the OP has been doing for a long time.

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