Hillary: 'I Made A Mistake' In Voting For The Iraq War

Flip Flopper.
At least she will admit when she is wrong.
No. She says she's wrong when she knows her earlier decision was unpopular. Did she admit she was wrong when she claimed to be under sniper attack? Did she admit she was wrong when she said she couldnt run 2 email accounts from 2 devices (and she had two devices)?
She isnt admitting to being wrong. She is admitting she made an unpopuilar decision and now wants to erase it by apologizing so rubes like you will think highly of her. Smart people know better.
I said that she admitted that she was wrong, I did not say I thought highly of her, or that I would even vote for her.
Speaking of voting, what loser do you think you will back this time?
And yet she made the same mistake again in Libya and tried to do so again in Syria. When it comes to issues of war, Hillary will always come down on the side of making a "mistake."
We should have never got involved in regime change, and instead learned from the mistakes of supporting the Taliban, and the mistakes of invading Iraq.

But it is done, and instead of Ghaddafi, Assad, and Saddam in control, we have ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups out of control in the region.

ISIS wouldn't exist if we hadn't funded so called 'moderate rebels' to overthrow Assad, but the Obama administration and Congress fell into a trap all over again.
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”
“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”
In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.
Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO
Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?
None of the Bushes voted for the Iraq war.
Still doesn't stop the fact that Hillary is a mistake.
and you think you are what "ambrosia" you are a nobody ...you are a life loser...
You support and stick up for people that constantly lie directly in your face. Then you call me a loser, how ironic. Lol

I only call you a loser because I am using you as a foil and you think you are prevailing LOL...
we know where the WMD are in Tikrit North and South ...we do not want the smoking gun to be a nuclear cloud...
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.

Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO

Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?
A mistake? She deserves as much wrath as bush.
Flip Flopper.
At least she will admit when she is wrong.
No. She says she's wrong when she knows her earlier decision was unpopular. Did she admit she was wrong when she claimed to be under sniper attack? Did she admit she was wrong when she said she couldnt run 2 email accounts from 2 devices (and she had two devices)?
She isnt admitting to being wrong. She is admitting she made an unpopuilar decision and now wants to erase it by apologizing so rubes like you will think highly of her. Smart people know better.
I said that she admitted that she was wrong, I did not say I thought highly of her, or that I would even vote for her.
Speaking of voting, what loser do you think you will back this time?

Do you mail in your vote?
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.

Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO

Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?

They have. got anything else?
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.

Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO

Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?
A mistake? She deserves as much wrath as bush.

No, she doesn't - because she didn't intentionally lie. Bush lied and pulled the trigger on Iraq.
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”
“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”
In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.
Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO
Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?
A mistake? She deserves as much wrath as bush.
No, she doesn't - because she didn't intentionally lie. Bush lied and pulled the trigger on Iraq.
You STILL think Bush lied?
What a good little useful idiot!

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