Hillary: 'I Made A Mistake' In Voting For The Iraq War


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.

Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO

Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?
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Oh that makes it OK then.

Or do we consider that if you think the war was wrong then Hillary's judgement is bad and she is disqualified from being president.
Or if you consider the war was right then Hillary has bad judgement now disclaiming her vote. And therefore disqualified from being president.
Or she is lying about all of it, first supporting the war because it was popular, now disclaiming her vote because the war is unpopular. All of which should disqualify her from being president.
Which is it?

With Obama you always have to ask, Is he that stupid or merely lying?
With Hillary you know she's lying.
Did she make a mistake in abandoning Iraq to Isis? Was reset with Russia successful? How are we doing with China? Did Iran sanctions work? Did we do the right thing in Libya ? Should we have backed the Brothehood in Egypt? How we doin in Syria?
Isn't funny how no Democrats thought they got it wrong when the people were strongly in support of the war and tens of thousands of Iraqis were cheering and celebrating in the streets as they pulled down statues of Sadam? Changing your views for the sake of political convenience is nothing to be impressed by I have more respect for the person who simply says I made what I believed to be the right decision at the time based on the intelligence available.
Anger, fear and patriotism were running high after 9/11 - which gave Bush a very gullible American audience to feed his lies to. Most Americans rallied behind the president - not yet knowing that he was an evil bastard - a psycho.

Anger, fear and patriotism were running high after 9/11 - which gave Bush a very gullible American audience to feed his lies to. Most Americans rallied behind the president - not yet knowing that he was an evil bastard - a psycho.


Blame others, that is the Hillary way.
After days of Republican presidential candidates wrestling with questions on the Iraq war, Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday, telling reporters that her vote in favor of the war in 2002 was a “mistake.”

“I made it very clear that I made a mistake, plain and simple. And I have written about it in my book, I have talked about it in the past,” Clinton told reporters at an event in Cedar Falls, Iowa, adding that “what we now see is a very different and very dangerous situation.”

In her comments Tuesday she made clear that she viewed her past vote as a mistake, with no qualifications.

Read more: Hillary Clinton says her Iraq vote was a mistake - POLITICO

Now, when will the Bushes admit the same mistake?

I'll never forget Democratic Party leadership and their desperate followers turning their backs on our soldiers fighting in Iraq, changing their minds in mid battle to undermining their sacrifices to perversely win elections. A total disgrace in my opinion.

She made the decision to vote for the war in Iraq and inspired others to also do so.

History doesn't have a re-set button unless your a liberal I guess.

That fact is she's suck-holing for votes, that is all.

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